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[1984-05-24-AJPW] Kerry Von Erich vs Ric Flair (2/3 falls)


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Pretty interesting to see this following KVE's match with Jumbo 2 days prior. Especially after thinking that match with Jumbo might be the best of KVE's career. This match starts very similar with a little amateur spot, but then sets its own pace. KVE takes the first fall with the claw, and Flair takes the second with the figure four. While this match is good, it just doesn't compare to the passion and emotion shown in the Jumbo match. KVE still has two impressive showings here close together. Flair pulls out the W in the third fall with a pretty anti-climactic roll up.

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  • 3 months later...

NWA World Heavyweight Champion Kerry Von Erich vs Ric Flair - AJPW 5/24/84 2 Out of 3 Falls


All good things must come to an end and this is the last Kerry/Flair match that I have never seen. This may be my all time favorite series; these two just match up so well. Classic Flair/Kerry beginning with Flair being thwarted at every pass whether it is on the mat, quickness or power. They do the spot in the corner where they both fire off chops and punches and this gets so much heat in America. It just gets nothing here. I think once they heard that, the decided to take it easy and go through the motions more. Still Flair and Kerry falling out of bed and having a match is better than just about anybody. All the usual spots Flair kneedrop, Kerry sleeper, Flair delayed vertical. Kerrys cut from the Jumbo match two days prior gets re-opened which gives Flair something to work on. Kerry's discus punch gets no reaction. This crowd does not give a fuck. It is so weird because the match is great with plenty of action and in America people would be going mad. Flair misses a kneedrop. CLAW~! Great struggle over that. I love the Flair Flip->Top Rope->CLAW~! Kerry gets the fall! I love that because it is 2 Out of 3 Falls that we actually get a fall! KVE 1-0.


Kerry starts off red hot and GETS THE CLAW! FLAIR SMOKES KERRY WITH A CHOP! GOES FLYING OVER THE TOP! Great fighting in the corner. Nice short knee by Flair to disrupt the momentum. Kerry sunset flip. Nice reverse elbow by Flair. Flair kneecrusher. Flair WINS by the figure-4! WOW! I love two out of three falls! Dramatic finishes with clean victories. Tied 1-1.


Great selling by Kerry Von Erich during the break. He was in such a zone from 82-85. One of the best babyfaces in the world. I love him trying to get feeling back in the leg and how he tries to protect the leg from the Nature Boy. Flair goes right after the leg in the corner. Flair BLOCKS THE CLAW! Back to the leg, yanks him out of the corner. Standing toehold, cant lean too far over or he will get CLAWED! That's exactly what happens! Flair is in pain. Kerry in total control with the Iron Claw on the head of the Nature Boy. Gets a two count before Flair gets his foot on ropes. Kerry pulls a Kevin and eats knees on the splash (I guess that is also a Steamboat spot). Really great selling by KVE. Blocks snapmare with backslide nice spot. They knock heads! Feels like a reset from all the great work in first two falls. Press slam from top, really nice kneedrop from Kerry which you don't see too often. Too injured from knee to cover right away. Flair keeps trying to create motion, but Kerry gets ab stretch and CLAW to the midsection. Kerry hits a suplex on Flair for two. Nice dropkick by Kerry. Kerry is pouring it on but cant keep Flair down. Kerry misses dropkick when Flair holds onto ropes, don't do same move twice! BIG TIME CHOP BY FLAIR! Crossbody by Kerry for two! Discus punch sends Flair crashing to outside. Kerry tries a crossbody when Flair is on apron but flies outside. Nice tease of countout since they are so common in AJPW, but crowd does not give a fuck. Kerry gets an O'Connor Roll, reversed and the Flair sits on top for victory.


I thought they started off really damn well. At first, they seemed a bit disappointed that crowd was not into it, but they still pulled off great first and second falls. I wished they stuck with the Claw vs Figure-4 in the third fall because it was going really well, but then they kinda did a reset with knocked heads. Kerry pours it on late, but cant get the job done. Flair gets a last minute reverse for win. They were building to something really special, but still ended up with a safely great match. Meaning I have never seen a bad Flair/Kerry match. ****1/4

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  • GSR changed the title to [1984-05-24-AJPW] Kerry Von Erich vs Ric Flair (2/3 falls)

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