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[2000-02-12-OVW-TV] Nick Dinsmore vs B.J. Payne / Nick Dinsmore vs Damaja


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Some clips of Dinsmore vs. Conway where the action was good. Dinsmore also cuts a promo with Kenny Bolin being his lacky that was good. BJ Pain looks game for this match as he has some good offense when called upon and sells Dinsmore’s offense. Nick misses a diving headbutt. Damaja causes interference and BJ Pain picks up the upset with the frog splash. Good tv match. Dinsmore calls out Damaja and we get an impromptu match between them two. A little bit of back and forth here until the match breaks down. Dinsmore gets smashed with the case but Conway comes out and whacks Damaja and Dinsmore wins barely. Fun segment. **1/2

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We start with clips of Dinsmore vs Conway from a house show. Good action and Dinsmore still strikes me as the brightest prospect in OVW. He would have fit right in with the increased emphasis on in-ring that was happening at the time. Then we go to the Nick Dinsmore vs BJ Payne match back in the studio. Dinsmore is now using Orgy's "Blue Monday" as his entrance music. All of this -- the house show clip, the scheduled match with Payne and the impromptu match with Damaja -- really represents Dinsmore well, and the reason to watch this is to get a good showcase of the guy.


Side note: One thing I really hate about OVW is that nothing has time to breathe. After a ref bump, the run-ins commence in a nanosecond, the referee counts the fall the moment they are out of the ring and the show then immediately goes off the air. I swear there are times because he knows what's about to happen that Cornette gets a little ahead of himself and calls things a split second before he sees them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does every OVW match include a run in? It's just ridiculous. All 3 matches shown have some sort of ref bump and a run in. it's annoying and overkill. I'll agree Dinsmore looked good in this even with the bad booking. Better than he was in January. I still can't tell who is the babyface between Damaja and Conway. I'm guessing Damaja?

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  • 4 weeks later...

First up we get some clips from a house show match between Rob Conway and Nick Dinsmore at St. Theresa’s Gym. Huge backdrop on Conway and Dinsmore with a missile dropkick. Conway blocks the German suplex, Dinsmore with a dropkick, but Conway collides with the referee knocking him down. Double crossbody and both men go down. The Damaja is out and a chair shot to Conway, then one to Dinsmore, but Dinsmore collapses and falls on top of the ‘Iron Man’. The ref comes around, sees Dinsmore on top and counts the pin.


In the OVW Arena and Dinsmore says that he easily, singlehandedly beat Rob Conway at St. Theresa’s Gym and that still puts him in contention for the triple threat match with Conway and Damaja at the Louisville Gardens. That means that it will be he who will be the winner of that match, he who will be the number one contender, and he who is going to be the OVW Heavyweight champion because no-one in OVW can hold him down. Payne runs the ropes, Dinsmore with a leapfrog, he goes for a second but B.J. catches him with a sit out spinebuster for two. Nice float over into a double underhook suplex from Dinsmore. Payne with a sunset flip for two, then Dinsmore immediately nails him with a clothesline. Dinsmore’s clearly been watching his Steven Regal tapes as he does the spot where he is arguing with the official whilst driving his shin into his opponent’s throat. He misses a diving headbutt off the top and Payne starts to fire back. B.J. with a big slam, a bulldog, he climbs to the top turnbuckle but Dinsmore dropkicks the rope and he loses his balance. Dinsmore with a superplex, however the Damaja is out and holds on to B.J. who then shoves Dinsmore backwards to the canvas. Frog splash from Payne and he gets the win.


We return from an advert and Dinsmore is still in the ring and he challenges Damaja to get back out here now as he will not lose a match on ‘his’ TV show. Damaja’s music plays and he’s straight back out. Fast start from Damaja with a back elbow and a big dropkick. Damaja whips Dinsmore into the turnbuckles, charges at him but is met with an elbow and Dinsmore with a dropkick off the middle. Damaja reverses an Irish whip and a clothesline off the top for a near fall. Dinsmore with a snapmare, he then misses a leg drop off the middle. Dinsmore blocks the ‘Brain Damage’, goes for a German suplex but Damaja is able to block that. He grabs Dinsmore’s leg, however he kicks him in the backside and Damaja goes careering into the referee KO’ing him. Kenny Bolin is up and in the ring, Damaja sees him coming and snatches his briefcase off him. He hits Dinsmore over the head with it when out comes Rob Conway with an ‘iron fist’ to Damaja. Both are knocked out, however Dinsmore is able to get a hand over his opponent. The referee comes around to see this, counts the pin and it’s a victory for Mr Wrestling.


I will say that after the initial Rob Conway match I’ve been more and more impressed with Nick Dinsmore each time I’ve seen him. Payne is average at best, looks rigid and stiff in the ring, his offense isn’t great, but Dinsmore has a solid match with him (I think that’s becoming my phrase of choice when it comes to OVW TV matches!). I didn’t even mind the outside interference here. Really liked what we got off Dinsmore vs Damaja and I reckon they could have a heck of a match given 15 minutes or longer. Cornette telegraphs the Conway involvement saying how we haven’t seen him today, and the ending of the match is what you’ve come to expect from OVW with ref bumps, foreign objects and outside interference.

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  • 9 months later...

Jesus Christ, Cornette, take a breath. A very solid segment that works in getting Dinsmore over and showcases just about every facet of his game. He bumps well, has some good offense and even cuts a pair of decent enough promos. He comes across as the most polished developmental guy we've seen yet so it's pretty strange that it took them 4 years after this to call him up. The booking is just self-parody at this point; two back-to-back ref bumps while motor mouth Cornette screeches over the top of everything. You can't have every match end clean since you need to build heat but there's no invention or creativity with this stuff, just endless run-ins and ref bumps.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-12-OVW-TV] Nick Dinsmore vs B.J. Payne / Nick Dinsmore vs Damaja

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