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[2000-03-06-WWF-Raw] The Rock vs Chris Benoit (Cage)


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This cage looks really flimsy as Benoit gives Rock a dropkick and it almost pops open. I really enjoyed Benoit in this again working as an enforcer worker for HHH and Big Show. I didn’t think this was a downgrade at all because he is in there with Rock in a main event role. Benoit did a really good job of cutting off Rock at every angle leading to the climax of Rock hitting the Rock Bottom that felt well earned. The finish is spectacular as Rock hits a powerbomb on Benoit! And then has a big fist battle with HHH. Rock sends HHH into Big Show and is able to gain the win. After the match the heels team up on Rock and get him in the cage. HHH goes for a big chair shot and hits Show. HHH get slung into the cage and Shane flees by climbing over the top. Big night for Rock looking like the huge star he is. ***1/4

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  • 4 weeks later...

Very good match that benefitted both guys, both from a booking and wrestling standpoint. Benoit amped up the aggression even more than usual, which, combined with HHH and Show being at ringside, really gave Rock lots of odds to overcome. I also liked how Rock made his own save in the post-match. Good night for him. Rock doing the powerbomb on Benoit was pretty awesome as something unconventional for him, even if it was made easier by Benoit's cage positioning. Hard fought win against a worthy opponent paired with good booking. This is the ideal way to present a top babyface. ***1/2

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  • 1 year later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2000-03-06-WWF-Raw] The Rock vs Chris Benoit (Cage)

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