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Match of the week?


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You're a good man, bravesfan.


I think monthly sounds like the way to go, because you could seriously do it for less than the price of a cup of coffee every day. [/sally Struthers]


Seriously, I've been wanting to figure out a way to get more footage out that could be watched and discussed for months now and every idea I've thought of has had roadblocks. This just may work.

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If we do it monthly, I suggest 2 DVD's/4 hours of footage.


We could do it like this in terms of breaking down matches:


Classic AJPW (1970's-1985)


Mid South

Classic Lucha

Current Lucha

Current US

Indy Japan


My suggestion for Volume 1 would be as follows:


DVD #1


Shoehi Baba vs. Billy Robinson (7/24/76 - AJPW)

El Hijo del Santo vs. Negro Casas (7/18/87 - WWA)

Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide (4/24/04 - ROH)

Yuki Ishikawa vs. Alexander Otsuka (9/11/05 - Big Mouth Loud)

Jerry Lawler vs. Bill Dundee (6/6/83 - Memphis)

Capos vs. Perros del Mal (10/15/05 - CMLL)

Eddy Guerrero vs. Big Show (4/15/04 - WWE)


Cutting non-relevant ring intros, this woud fit on 1 disc I believe.


I believe variety is the key. You have lots of everything on this disc. European mat work, lucha mat work, shoot style mat work, big vs. small, lucha brawl, memphis brawl, current indy.




If the DVD didn't work, I have another possible idea. Someone would have to walk us through the process.


DVD rippers are free and easy to download. If we wanted to streamline the process, we could rip the match off of the DVD on to the computer, shrink the file (that is the part I don't know how to do), and upload it for this group to watch and then talk about. This may be easier than sending out DVD's, especially to non-US people.


The disadvantage lies in having to watch on your computer and downloading.


I don't have this capability on my home computer (my brothers laptop does but he is at school) but the process of ripping is really easy.


Definetly want to be able to get people watching stuff they might not otherwise watch.



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Guest Famous Mortimer

Yea, really don't want to watch again after I spent 30 minutes already watching it once. It certainly wasn't bad but is not a match I would ever want to see again.


Let me propose something. How about a Bi-Weekly "Book Club" concept in that every two weeks, a DVD gets distributed with 2 hours of footage. Everyone who gets the DVD *MUST* talk about all of the matches on it. I think this would work better than a Match of the Week that everyone must own in order to decide which match to watch.


I could invision DVD #1 being: (just an example off of the top of my head to show the variety)


10/15/05 Perros del Mal vs. Los Capos - CMLL

12/30/85 Jerry Lawler vs. Bill Dundee - Memphis

11/05/05 Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong - ROH

07/24/76 Shoehi Baba vs. Billy Robinson - AJPW


And then if there was extra room, throw on fillers such as music videos (Lawler/Dundee music videos rule) or something like the recent Pacquio/Morales fight from HBO if we want to mix it up some times.


Just my thoughts...



This is a fine idea from Tim. The NMB DVD Club could be a reality.
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Well, goodhelmet may not be up to that right now since I know he's busy, so let's not expect him to do it unless he says he can and wants to. I'd be happy to take the responsibility, but for some reason, I'm cursed and every DVD I burn has some type of fatal flaw, so I have no idea what I'm doing basically. We'll figure it all out in time.

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DVD rippers are free and easy to download.  If we wanted to streamline the process, we could rip the match off of the DVD on to the computer, shrink the file (that is the part I don't know how to do), and upload it for this group to watch and then talk about.  This may be easier than sending out DVD's, especially to non-US people.

DVD Shrink is probably the best program to rip DVDs and make the files smaller. DVD Encrypter is pretty good too.


And I'm in this project if I can find another way to pay instead of PayPal.


EDIT: I might be able to copy DVDs. Depends if I have to time to do it, though.

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