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ThROH The Years: A ROH retrospective podcast


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On 7/19/2020 at 5:19 PM, Hobbes said:

ThROH The Years and ROH both turn 50 in an episode where we cover ROH Gold, a B-Show with a lot of little interesting stories and a Homicide/CM Punk match that both bangs and slaps. We also cover Problematic Chad Collyer, Woke Gabe, and threatening to tell Ricky Steamboat about what you did. Thanks for all the support for fifty episodes!


I am surprised that you did not mention the camera angle of the CM Punk interview during intermission: Traci Brooks boobs were let's say very prominently featured. Punk's head was somewhere in the left or bottom-left half of the screen while Traci's boobs were right in the center (and most of the time you could not see a face connected to the boobs). New Japan camera crews (who did very creepy shots when Maria Kanellis was over there, for example) would have been proud of that angles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey! ThROH The Years now has it's own podcast feed all over the place, although we're still also on the PWO podcast network. Oh, and a new four hour episode:

This is one of the biggest episodes in ThROH The Years history. All Star Extravaganza 2. That means Joe vs. Punk, a match that makes Trevor feel human emotion. That means Jim Cornette vs. Bobby Heenan. Matt and Trevor also finally break down and rant about Dave Meltzer quotes like every other wrestling podcast ever. Plus Splash Cannonball, Jerk Jackson and so so so much more.

https://redcircle.com/shows/throh-the-years/ Or iTunes or a bunch of places!

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  • 2 weeks later...

ThROH The Years follows up a supersized episode with an even larger one, because not only do we cover Final Battle 2004, we do our third annual ROH end of year rundown. That means we put a bow on Samoa Joe's amazing title reign, as well as Steamboat's year with the company. We give awards, we give overall thoughts, we lose our voices, we lose our minds. Thanks to everyone for supporting us through three years of ROH. Here's to three more!


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  • 4 weeks later...

ThROH The Years kicks off it's coverage of 2005 and it all begins with a show called, well, It All Begins. Samoa Joe and Mick Foley have a physical confrontation. Austin Aries' title reign begins. Danielson and Homicide start their best of five series. Everyone is injured. All this and more as Joe Gagne is in our Thunderdome.


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  • 4 weeks later...

ThROH The Years is back with a supersized episode covering a supersized event. Matt and Trevor review ROH's Third Anniversary Celebration Part One. It's a show with a lot of stuff. The Foley/Joe saga ends. A great cage match. The mystery of Vordell Walker. Ebestus Jack. Tonight is the night you've been waiting for!


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  • 2 weeks later...

ThROH The Years welcomes first time guest Steven Graham (Shimmer HERstory, Pro Wrestling Supershow) on to talk about ROH's Third Anniversary Celebration 2. Possibly greatest Jack Evans performance ever. The return of AJ Styles. Ted Danson. Gay Marriage. It's all mentioned on this episode, and by all I mean at least those four things.


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  • 2 weeks later...

ThROH The Years closes out 2021 with an old friend in guest Dr.Keith Lipinski! We cover the third and final stop on ROH's Third Year Anniversary celebration, including the big Aries/Joe rematch, the start of the Punk/Joe feud, the second Heenan/Cornette battle and a lot more. Dare we say this is the only podcast episode that has both the inside scoop on CM Punk's tights and knows what portable gaming system he bought Jimmy Rave!


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  • 3 weeks later...

ThROH The Years kicks out 2021 with Trios Tournament 2005. It's a strangely noteworthy show, with the ROH commentary debut of Dave Prazak, the main card debuts of Steen and Generico, and a title change. It's also just a strange show. The ring breaks, Trent Acid shows up. Matt and Trevor talk about it all, but also about getting the runs and threesomes. A weird and wonderful show about a weird show.


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  • 4 weeks later...

This time on ThROH The Years, Matt and Trevor go Back to Basics, covering the show of the same name! One of the weirder shows in terms of news stories surrounding it, we talk about Steve Corino no showing, Stevie Richards's random appearance, the literal death of the Special K gimmick and the metaphorical death of a member of the roster. Oh, and some wrestling matches happened too! Come see why ThROH The Years is Denmark's 14th most popular wrestling podcast!


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  • 2 weeks later...

ThROH The Years has brought Joe Gagne back to cover Best of American Super Juniors. An ROH show that is infamous, but is it also underrated? We talk Dragon Soldier B, Dragon Soldier A, CM Punk winning a shoot fight, one (or possibly two) great matches and a ton more on this loaded show.


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  • 3 weeks later...

ThROH The Years is coming hot out of the oven with a fresh show about ROH Stalemate, a fun B+ card with lots to talk about. Kevin Steen is t-shirt shamed! Bobby Heenan quits cause of cussing. James Gibson swears up a storm of his own! Lumberjacks that are afraid of their job! Signing bloody tissues! Do something cool and listen to this episode.


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  • 2 weeks later...

A big ThROH The Years is here, as first-time quest Aaron Taube (Everything Evolves) joins us to cover Manhattan Mayhem, quite possibly the greatest ROH show of all time. CM Punk bleeds buckets, Low Ki returns, Jay-Z isn't actually there and Matt makes Trevor laugh hard, all before we all complain about 16 year old PW Torch reviews.


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  • 3 weeks later...

On this episode of ThROH The Years, Matt and Trevor review The Final Showdown, a quality offering that features Homicide and Bryan Danielson in a feud ending cage match, Austin Aries and James Gibson in a big world title rematch, and one of the most beloved ROH comedy matches of all time. All of this and Danielson finally allows himself to use a fork.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

On the new ThROH The Years Matt and Trevor cover ROH's Buffalo debut, New Frontiers. Lots of tangents and Matt musical recommendations, but we find time to talk about the almost end of Punk and Cabana, Spanky vs. Aries, and two matches where one of us loved it but one of us only liked it! Plus, more than you ever needed to know about CM Punk signing with WWE.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On the new ThROH The Years, Justin Shapiro returns for the most tangent-filled episode in show history. Topics include: Gregory Hines, macaroni salad, Trevor's teenage sex life, wedding registries and also we talk about The Future is Now. That's an ROH show with good matches and one of the most uncomfortable promos in company history! The show ends with a ThROH The Years first, as Matt and Trevor review the original Samoa Joe vs. Necro match from IWA-MS. This show is all the stuff.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Summer of the Summer of Punk has begun! ThROH The Years kicks off their coverage of one of the most legendary ROH storylines of all time with their review of Death Before Dishonor 3. Matt and Trevor cover a legendary angle and everything else that took place and this show. More importantly, Matt fills the show with A++ Dad jokes just in time for Father's Day.


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So lately I've been watching ROH from 17 years ago in 'real time'. So I just watch 2004 shows as the dates pass in 2021. I've been doing that for a while now, as I started watching ROH from the first show. This last weekend I watched World Title Classic. Your podcast has made such a great companion piece, I absolutely love it. (I also had tweeted you guys a couple times under a different name, I was the one who complained about spoilers). Until this point I had never seen ROH besides a couple of the HD net shows and a few PPVs in the 2010s so i'm watching through from the beginning and having a great time, in all the good or bad, and your podcast always brings out both.

I am going to be so sad when Gabe stops doing commentary. He makes me laugh with his bad commentary almost every show...the commentary over the Homicide freakout at the end of Generation Next was so funny. I love that you guys call him out for all that too. Honestly laughing at Gabe's blunt commentary is one of the highlights of ROH to me, I can't imagine it with somebody else. He says ridiculous things every single show. He's often horrible but I've grown to love it.

Some additional context to World Title Classic that didn't get mentioned. You guys brought up Alex Shelley saying a line about how somebody "didn't see it coming, like Ray Charles". What didn't get mentioned, that makes this line even harsher is that Ray Charles had died two days before this show. Ouch...

I loved the discussion about the context of Joe/Punk. First time ever seeing that match and loved it. I have to disagree on the fan interaction I thought that was great and a highlight of the match, but I guess I just love seeing the personalities of Joe and Punk. 

I'm really loving the Generation Next stuff. It's interesting seeing Alex Shelley in ROH, as I was always a TNA fan. I've actually been watching TNA alongside ROH, also from the beginning, but unlike ROH, I had watched TNA starting in 2004. I think Chris Sabin had the problem that he was great in TNA, then he came to ROH and seemed not up to par because his style didn't mesh so well and he was trying to work the ROH style. Alex Shelley I think had the OPPOSITE problem. In ROH he had the chance to truly shine with his creative submissions but without the methodical ROH pace in TNA I think it took him some time to really hit his stride (Though we'll see how I feel on rewatch, because I haven't got to Shelley in TNA yet. That's just how I remember it) 

I can't believe they didn't main event with Joe/Punk. I had trouble getting into the ultimate endurance match at all, and I can't believe Gabe keeps calling the Prophecy/Second City Saints feud "one of the hottest feuds in wrestling". To me its not even the hottest feud in ROH.

Hope that discussing the shows here is fine I wasn't sure the best place to do that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Summer of the Summer of Punk continues as Matt and Trevor review Sign of Dishonor. Quite possibly one of the greatest one night performances in CM Punk's career. There is much to talk about, including Chris Daniels' return, a stacked four way, and women screaming for crotch chains. Stay hydrated, this is a hot one!


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On 6/23/2021 at 8:39 AM, hhhisthegame said:

So lately I've been watching ROH from 17 years ago in 'real time'. So I just watch 2004 shows as the dates pass in 2021. I've been doing that for a while now, as I started watching ROH from the first show. This last weekend I watched World Title Classic. Your podcast has made such a great companion piece, I absolutely love it. (I also had tweeted you guys a couple times under a different name, I was the one who complained about spoilers). Until this point I had never seen ROH besides a couple of the HD net shows and a few PPVs in the 2010s so i'm watching through from the beginning and having a great time, in all the good or bad, and your podcast always brings out both.

I am going to be so sad when Gabe stops doing commentary. He makes me laugh with his bad commentary almost every show...the commentary over the Homicide freakout at the end of Generation Next was so funny. I love that you guys call him out for all that too. Honestly laughing at Gabe's blunt commentary is one of the highlights of ROH to me, I can't imagine it with somebody else. He says ridiculous things every single show. He's often horrible but I've grown to love it.

Some additional context to World Title Classic that didn't get mentioned. You guys brought up Alex Shelley saying a line about how somebody "didn't see it coming, like Ray Charles". What didn't get mentioned, that makes this line even harsher is that Ray Charles had died two days before this show. Ouch...

I loved the discussion about the context of Joe/Punk. First time ever seeing that match and loved it. I have to disagree on the fan interaction I thought that was great and a highlight of the match, but I guess I just love seeing the personalities of Joe and Punk. 

I'm really loving the Generation Next stuff. It's interesting seeing Alex Shelley in ROH, as I was always a TNA fan. I've actually been watching TNA alongside ROH, also from the beginning, but unlike ROH, I had watched TNA starting in 2004. I think Chris Sabin had the problem that he was great in TNA, then he came to ROH and seemed not up to par because his style didn't mesh so well and he was trying to work the ROH style. Alex Shelley I think had the OPPOSITE problem. In ROH he had the chance to truly shine with his creative submissions but without the methodical ROH pace in TNA I think it took him some time to really hit his stride (Though we'll see how I feel on rewatch, because I haven't got to Shelley in TNA yet. That's just how I remember it) 

I can't believe they didn't main event with Joe/Punk. I had trouble getting into the ultimate endurance match at all, and I can't believe Gabe keeps calling the Prophecy/Second City Saints feud "one of the hottest feuds in wrestling". To me its not even the hottest feud in ROH.

Hope that discussing the shows here is fine I wasn't sure the best place to do that!

It's totally fine! Thanks so much for stuff like this, it's great to hear from people watching it for the first time and I remember you on Twitter! I am sorry for the occasional spoilers that crop up. I try to walk a fine line but sometimes it can't be helped.

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Don't worry, it makes sense! And I've already gotten some spoilers for the ROH world title just from reading other reviews etc. I don't know everything but I do know who the next two champions are at least. I know vaguely who wins the title after that, but not when or in what order. Tag and Pure I have no idea about so Im excited about that. 

I've just watched Survival of the Fittest 2004 and thought it was a great show, overall, despite the weak first half. To me, you can feel how the promotion is heating up, and it's so cool seeing all these guys who are still relevant in wrestling today making their names for themselves. The main event was awesome and that really made the show worth watching.

It's interesting, despite how much Im enjoying this watch, I often find myself not loving the in-ring style of the average ROH matches, which at times can feel a bit aimless to me, without the build and climax of matches you see in WWE, or the nonstop action of TNA. ROH seems to occupy a weird middle ground to me. I loved early stiff matches with guys like Low Ki, Styles, Joe, but some kind of energy I thought went out when they lost Low Ki. And Ive really been feeling ROH misses Paul London. I was kind of surprised to see positive reception in online reviews for Homicide/Briscoe and Punk/Hydro (you guys liked the latter as well). I found both of those matches to be pretty weak, and neither really did anything for me at all (Besides making me think that I can't believe Jay Briscoe planted himself on his head seemingly on purpose at the end there for the post-match angle). The wrestling was fine but it just seemed like stuff happening without much flow (in my opinion). I'm also very surprised they pushed Punk so hard as heel, after the post-match with Joe at the last show, and his promo with Joe on this one. That was a little jarring I thought.

Hydro did not stand out to me here, which I got the feeling he was supposed to, and I think this was when I really started thinking of Paul London and how much he knew how to work the story aspect of a match in a way that not many people do, and its a shame that his ROH run was so short-lived with so much more potential, and then he never reached that potential anywhere else. I was honestly shocked just HOW good he was because I had no idea from seeing just his WWE stuff. His matches with Styles/Bryan were awesome and he added some direction I think in how he played sympathetic babyface. He even got matches with Xavier very over (though I also miss Xavier who I was surprisingly really enjoying since he returned for the field of honor). It's sad to think about what could have been with him, in general. 

Anyway, the qualification matches were just ok, but I LOVED the Danielson/Evans match, just watching Danielson stretch him and look like a monster. I couldn't believe it when you guys said Danielson was only 23 here. I never would have guessed he was so young, even knowing how old he is today. I didn't stop and do the math and he comes across as a veteran, not a rookie. It's really impressive. It's interesting seeing him slow down his style a bit from his first year in ROH. It was also interesting how quickly the fans turned on Matt Stryker (though I also really don't like him). I was curious about the fan who seemingly yelled "You're not even the best Matt Stryker" considering Matt Striker (who I assume he'd be referring to?) had yet to debut in WWE. Was he making a name for himself on local indys? 

I was really surprised to see Aries being the member over Shelley that ended up getting the big push here. I for one was sure Shelley was going to win the opener, and was shocked when he didn't. It's interesting because I know Austin Aries very well from TNA and just in general since he's been very prominent in the last decade, so it was hard for me to see the main event in the correct light as it would have been at the time, where Aries is just a newcomer. To me I just saw Danielson and Aries as I know them now, but it must have been really cool to see Aries as a relative nobody and watch him start breaking out with that performance. 

The main event, overall, I thought was awesome. I didn't expect the Danielson win. I DEFINITELY didn't expect Cabana to pin joe, but as a Cabana fan I was really excited and hope it leads to some bigger opportunities for him. That came out of nowhere and the crowd reacted huge. (Reminds me of my excitement when Cabana somehow made his way up the top five for that brief period in 2003, but nothing ever came of that)

I thought the booking was smart as you guys did. Cabana pinning Joe elevates Cabana, Mark Briscoe pins him directly after, which elevates Marc for pinning the guy who just pinned Joe. Then Aries gets to shine at the end. I think Cabana, Mark and Aries were the three in this match that most needed a rub and they all got that. And Danielson gets a big win too. You guys mentioned we'll finally get Danielson/Joe which I can't wait for. Danielson/Aries at the end was just awesome and Aries looked like he belonged 100%. I loved all the forearms they were throwing at each other. The weakest showings go to Joe and Homicide who are already extremely established and can afford to not stand out here. Everyone in this match did a great job (Though I honestly can't believe Homicide went with the the tag in, tease fight with Joe, then instantly tag out trope. I thought he was a crazy demon that wanted to kill Joe? What happened to THE DEMON HAS RISEN!)

I loved your guys discussion about the contendership circle/ring. The system itself was funny enough, but I cannot at Gabe being forced to acknowledge they don't know what to call it, and then from that point on, consistently referring to it as the "contendership ring or circle" and the "contendership ring or contendership circle". Absolute peak Gabe Sapolski commentary. I was dying at that.

Im excited to find out what the new code of honor is next show. I hope it's as uselessly enforced as the last one, where they claim that ROH is different because here you won't see any of these things, and then they proceed to break all of these rules from like show 1. The code of honor is so ridiculous because it doesn't make any sense in kayfabe (outside interference and ref bumps are always illegal in every company), so the only thing you can take it as is an out-of-kayfabe promise to the fans. But then it even fails at that because they don't even follow their own rules.  I realize ROH was better about this than the other companies at the time, so compared to WWE and TNA they definitely did less of it, but I still think its silly. I forget which show it was where a valet interfered and Gabe goes into a long rant about how this wasn't really interfering in the match for some reason which was also hilarious. This is why I will miss his commentary in all its over-explainy insecure glory. 

Speaking of Gabe, you guys mentioned how weird it was that they bothered to say CM Punk has to be pinned to lose the titles in the scramble match, thus detracting from the drama of the match even though Punk was going to win anyway, making it pointless. I agree it detracted from the match, but I feel like this was just more of Gabe feeling like he has to explain more than he ever does. A scramble match where Second City Saints can lose the championships without being pinned is unfair, and out of the spirit of ROH, so Gabe just HAS to put in the stipulation to make the match seem like a fair championship match, even though it detracts from the match itself. It's like the "very simple" fatal fourway where you had to pin Joe to win the championship, or else you become the #1 contender, unless Joe wins, and then there's no #1 contender. I hated Gabe's commentary at first but now it just entertains me endlessly.  But for the scramble, what ALSO detracted from the match was that INSTANTLY as soon as it starts everybody starts trying to pin each other, even though CM Punk isn't in the ring!! Don't they want to win the tag team titles?? 

One last note is that Roderick Strong (who is unrecognizable in 2004 wow) was cracking me up in the final Gen Next promo on this show. He looks like he has no idea what to do with his face.  

Anyway, overall I'm really enjoying the show and the company is heating up. The undercard may not have stood out the most, but the main event was great, the booking was good, and the undercard supported that main event, so I thought this show was a very good one. This period since Reborn Stage One is the most I've enjoyed the company since summer of 2003 (For whatever reason I became a huge mark for Special K and absolutely loved the period where they were racking up wins over and over again....and of course punk/raven). Right now Punk/Joe/Danielson are the ones Im loving, as I always do. Before that it was Styles/Low Ki/London. But I'm hoping to find an act (like Special K) that I didn't know before that I start becoming a huge fan of. Maybe that will be Gen Next (I know all the wrestlers, but not in this form) since they are making such an impact lately.

Sorry this post was so long, but I continue to love your podcast, and will be proud to join you Trevor in the Fauerstans. 

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