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ThROH The Years: A ROH retrospective podcast


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On the new ThROH The Years we cover Steel Cage Warfare, a spectacle of a show full of violence, gimmicks and big storyline developments. We cover it all but also talk about a motionless Lance Storm, Trevor angering people on Twitter, Chef Boyardee, and asaucenations. This is an episode that has a little of everything.


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ThROH The Years presents it's fourth annual year in review show! First we review all of Final Battle 2005, a very noteworthy show topped off with a great match from a debuting Japanese superstar. Then we do our annual mini-show recapping 2005, doling out awards and giving overall thoughts. Oh and Trevor tells the darkest anecdote in show history.


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Great episode! I would definitely call 2006 the creamy middle of material for this podcast even if 2004 is my personal favorite.

I'll have to get some live thoughts sent in for Hell Freezes Over, I wanted to for Final Battle but you guys are pumping them out so damn fast these days. I might have some more (admittedly minor) details to help Matt on his Drano Angle Investigation.

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ThROH The Years has finally made it to 2006 and we kick off with a bang with Hell Freezes Over. Chris Hero finally debuts in ROH and we deep dive why that was such a big deal. Plus Samoa Joe is feelin' it, Matt Sydal has a star-making performance, and more outside news tidbits than you can shake a stick at. Jump on board the 06 train as it leaves the station!


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ThROH The Years returns to cover a fun B-Show, Tag Wars 2006. A match makes Trevor nostalgic, Matt has hopes for Flock of Seagulls, the mystery of red sauce is explained and we talk a lot about an CZW/ROH angle. No episode has more Jimmys.


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  • 2 weeks later...

ThROH The Years is back with returning guest Jeff Schwartz to cover a Dissension, a show with three instances of just that! Plus we say goodbye to Abyss and Low Ki, with an extended discussion of the latter. We talk about real injuries, fake botches, promote good causes, and Matt tests out multiple catchphrases and debuts an impression. We've done it again!


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ThROH The Years is finally ready to cover the weirdest show in ROH history, Unscripted II. A series of fallings out and a snowstorm ravage a card and open the door for one final CM Punk match. We cover it in incredible detail including discovering an amazing proposed ROH match that almost was. Plus we talk about an important evolution for Nigel McGuinness, heckling fans, bad pancakes, do snow angels make you a pussy, and Trevor makes Matt uncomfortable by proposing a Cream Scale.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tonight the boys review one of the better ROH shows they've covered in quite some time, the Fourth Anniversary Show. Two or three very different great matches, the return of the  Briscoes, the farewell for two others, a great chapter of the CZW feud, and Jack Evans takes one of the scariest bumps in history. Plus we talk about who people resemble in a segment that I have no idea how harshly Matt will edit. Listen and find out!


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It's Arena Warfare time! ThROH The Years covers ROH's debut in ECW Arena for a very unique show and a big escalation in their feud with CZW. Christopher Daniels takes a longer than expected drive! Bryan Danielson yells at a little girl! Samoa Joe is afraid of garden tools! All this and way more on tonight's episode.


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It's been ages since I've commented but I've been still watching ROH shows along with the calendar year, and listening to your podcast after each one, and it's still one of my favorite podcasts. Of course now I'm in summer 2005, and they've moved up to four shows a month and I'm not sure if I can keep up the pace....It'll be very sad when I catch up to you guys and can't listen after each show. 

Watching ROH for the first time, I'm loving finally seeing the Summer of Punk. It's awesome and such a good angle. I'm from Long Island and wish I had gone to Sign of Dishonor and Escape from New York, though I was only 13 at the time and didn't yet go to indy wrestling shows. 

As a note, on one of the shows recently (or recently when you guys were up to summer 2005), Matt claimed we haven't had the first "This is Awesome" chant in ROH yet. I'm pretty sure we HAD already had it inside the four corners match at Sign of Dishonor, after all the dive spots mid-match. I remember being disappointed hearing it because it's my least favorite chant and Long Island was the first crowd to bring it outside of TNA lol. It makes sense though, since that crowd seemed really into guys like AJ Styles. 

One of the biggest revelations for me watching these shows is how much I LOVED jack Evans in late 2004 and 2005. He does all the crazy moves but he also has the personality he never turns off which makes him so fun to watch. I can't wait until he comes back. 

Another point, Trevor, I was SO happy to hear how much you liked the Nigel vs Colt match at Escape From New York because I ALSO loved that match and thought it might have been my favorite of the night too. And I ALSO was disappointed seeing how many people didn't like it. I just thought it was so fun how they played with the rules and it felt like a trickster battle, which was really fun to watch. I just found it really engaging, so there's at least two of us. I really like Colt Cabana though, and Nigel too. Colt's one of my favorites in ROH watching this, I also loved his pure title match with Joe. I tend to like the guys who add the personality to their already solid wrestling.

(To that note, the one guy I'm not loving as much as you guys and others do is Roderick Strong. I LIKE him, and enjoyed some of his matches with Shelley, Punk, and AJ in particular so far, but his look, personality, even his name is just a bit too bland for me, compared to guys like Punk, Styles, Joe, Low Ki, Homicide, etc. It seems he's going to get a big push the rest of the year so I'll see if he wins me over. I'm not as high on Gibson as most either, even though he's technically very good he leaves me feeling a bit cold. I love Punk, Joe, Evans, Danielson, Cabana.)

By this point in 2005, Homicide seems like the guy who's been such an important player for so long he's really overdue a championship run. I know he gets one eventually, but he's been on what feels like every show for three years always as a solid performer. I'm listening to the Homecoming review now and shocked to hear that Gibson already is going back to WWE. I know he beats Punk but have no idea why they would give it to a guy on the way out instead of Christopher Daniels, who IMO should have had the ROH belt WAY earlier than he did. But I don't know how long his ROH run will last for I suppose. 

I really don't know why Azriel is the special K member who's getting....not a push per se, but whatever attention he's being given. Others impress me more, even Dixie has shone more in his brief chances. 

I feel like sometimes ROH tries to push people but it's odd how little they win. I was baffled when Gibson took the pin at Homecoming to Homicide in the 6-man. I'm not sure if you guys will cover this, but I know Gibson is the next champ, and looking at his W/L record, it's awful. He's literally lost his last SEVEN matches, albeit many of them four-ways. Homecoming, Fate of an Angel, Escape From New York, Sign of Dishonor, Death Before Dishonor, Future Is Now, and New Frontiers. Roderick Strong is another one they're pushing hard but he seems to rarely win, and mostly against lower carders. 

I've heard you guys say how many of the old ROH mid-card mainstays are on their way out and I have to say it makes me pretty sad. Dunn and Marcos, Carnage Crew, Special K...Special K was honestly one of my favorite parts of 2003 ,sloppy as they were, they were so fun to watch. I'm honestly happy Carnage Crew got a thank-you run. Though I sort of wish Dunn and Marcos had got the chance too, despite their limited ring-work. Even if they had beat Carnage Crew, and lost it the next week to stabilize the belts again.

Finally, I'm also watching TNA 2005 (and skimming WWE) at the same time and it's fun to see the crossovers. I have to say, going to TNA in some ways may have been the best thing for Joe as a performer. I don't know what it is but he just seems like a monster there in a way he doesn't in ROH, and I can see his improvements as a performer in mid-2005. The commentary actually does a great job putting him over. Mike Tenay was raving about how he's only lost one singles match in three years (which surprised me until I recently realized that isn't true, he's lost to Aries twice at least. I don't know if he has any other losses in there). The same weekend as Fate of an Angel he had an awesome match with Chris Sabin at No Surrender 2005 and it was fun seeing them work matches even more around him being a monster than he does in ROH, due to ROH's style. I believe he'll elevate his game even more by the fall as he starts getting to face AJ and Daniels. (On a side note, Daniels has been X-division champ for a while, since March 2005 I believe, and it's interesting they've never had him really mention that in ROH) 

Anyway, sorry for the wall of text, but thanks again for the awesome podcast, it makes watching ROH twice as fun to hear you guys dissect it after, and it's especially fun seeing all these shows for the first time. The summer 2005 has been especially exciting, and 2005 in general has been pretty great. I'll miss Gabe on commentary though, I always have found Prazak to be my least favorite commentator, and while Gabe was not good, he was always funny to listen to because of it. 

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Haven't seen the ROH shows from August 12 and 13 2005 yet so I'm not sure if you guys covered this on the podcast, but I'm currently watching Sacrifice 2005, the TNA Show that took place on August 14, and it's a really ROH heavy card! Featuring AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe in the X-cup finals, and Christopher Daniels vs Austin Aries in a non-title X-division match (Aries won an internet poll to get to come in for the match. The other choices in the poll? Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal, and Matt Sydal)

Alex Shelley is on the card as well in action against Shocker (Shelley has made sporadic appearances for a while but now is the first time he seems to be getting significant weekly ring-time). I noticed Shelley doing the diamond pose he's been doing with the Embassy.

It's interesting how interconnected TNA and ROH are becoming again in this time period. 

Edit: Having finished the TNA show, WOW AJ vs Joe was amazing on this show! You don't see anything like that anymore. AJ might not be amazing on every ROH show since the matches tend to be more nuanced but in TNA when he can go full out with action it can be amazing, and that brings some of the best out of Joe too. 

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hhhisthegame thanks for the great responses. You liking the Euro rules match and not thinking Gabe is as bad on commentary as even Gabe thinks means YOU ARE ONE OF US AND ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY.

But seriously, never apologize for writing too much, this was all great and appreciated.

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ThROH The Years continues through the Milestone Series covering Best in the World. Is it the best show ROH has done yet? Possibly! Headlined by two great tag matches, we talk about the promo that saved Jimmy Jacobs' career, odd humming, and a lot more. SPOILER WARNING: We ruin the ending of 1999 Best Picture winner American Beauty.


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ThROH The Years begins ROH's first triple shot with triple voices. That's right, first time guest Chad Campbell @bigboysplaywcw joins us to run down Dragon Gate Challenge. It's a show that ends the Christopher Daniels/Samoa Joe feud...kinda. It also is in some ways the birth of Dragon Gate's US influence, but most of all it's remembered as the night BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs almost died. It all turns out fun, at least on this episode!


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ThROH The Years presents one of the biggest shows in its history covering one of the biggest shows in ROH history, the original Supercard of Honor. We cover the legendary Dragon Gate Six-Man from a million angles, examining its influence on wrestling. We also feast on the heavy meal that is the end of the Danielson/Strong trilogy. Trevor also has a weird anecdote spurred on by a weird Ace Steele promo. THIS IS ONE OF THE BIG SHOWS. GET DOWNLOADING.


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ThROH The Years is back with another one of ROH's biggest shows, as well as one of our biggest shows. We cover Better Than Our Best and we brought Alan Counihan along! We cover it all, Dragon Gate, Lance Storm's return, the end of the Homicide/Cabana feud. Other topics include: churning butter, dry hand skin, how great Alex Shelley is. A top shelf pod.


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It's a special time as we're here with ThROH The Year's 100th EPISODE! We cover ROH's own 100th show, another all-timer in a string of them. Trevor loses it during a segment , you'll know which one. Matt does his Jerry Lawler. We might have figured out a secret dream match that would've happened. Thank you to everyone who has been with us over these 100!


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ThROH The Years picks up after the Milestone Series with one of our weirdest episodes ever. We learn about crumpets! Listen for the moment where Trevor actively considers if he should call the police! Oh, and we review one of the dullest ROH shows in recent memory. All of it makes for what we call in the podcast industry, a good episode.


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ThROH The Years recovers from the previous show by covering Weekend of Champions Night 2! Jeff Schwartz joins us to review a much better event, featuring an absolute classic match that gets a little overshadowed, the end of Super Dragon, a real whiff of a disappointment, and the mildest comeback to a heckle ever. Lots of diversions and fun to be had here!


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Tonight on ThROH The Years we open by remembering Jay Briscoe, an all-time legend. Later, the boys review Ring of Homicide, a show with an unforgettable main event. Plus, Daizee Haze invents the Destino, Matt eats too many tacos and Trevor flubs a joke BUT WE'RE LEAVING IT IN. Rest in peace, Jay.


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Today's ThROH The Years features the long overdue return of Joe Gagne! We cover Destiny, a show with some things you didn't often see in the promotion, along with some weird angles and a great one. All capped off with a top-notch double main event, it's a show, and podcast, that will make you want to bang your head into a lighting rig until you hurt yourself.


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ThROH the Years about to get all up in your area with our review of IN YOUR FACE, one of the craziest events in ROH history, a night where so many wild things happened. Glass breaks, concussions aplenty, Green Lantern Fan's worst night and one of the craziest spots in the history of the promotion. We cover it all in an episode chock full of tangents and fun. Trevor says this is one of the best podcasts they've done so don't you dare miss out.


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