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Guest wnyxmcneal

It's been a well built feud though, whether you think it's lame or not.


The events that happened at the ECW Arena sound really awesome.

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The WM lineup - Not what it should be at all, but it'll still wind up being a fun show and Vince/Shawn and HHH/Cena will be fascinating, if not exactly for wrestling related reasons.


Fit Finlay's comeback - Has been awesome. I've read that he's been pushing to come back for years now and I really wish they had let him, crying shame that we missed out on Finlay/Guerrero.


The ROH v CZW feud - I adored the Cornette promo, but haven't really followed it much from there. Seems well booked considering the tastes of the fans of the promotions involved, but not my cup of tea at all.

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The WM lineup- Not enough to make me pay $50. Not one match says "that is a must-see at all costs" match.



Fit Finlay's comeback- I have mixed feelings as I do with anybody WWF pushes. On one hand, he has been getting alot of positive feedback from the net. On the other hand, I was watching his match with Benoit and it was so obvious that no one in the audience gave a shit about this guy. When the audio is cheering like crazy and the entire crowd is motionless, the piped-in heat kills me. Still, I think he is a breath of fresh air in a stale environment and I hope that those canned noises will soon be genuine.



The ROH v CZW feud- Means nothing to me since I never cared about CZW in the first place.

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WM Lineup: Easily the weakest WM card on paper in years. A lot of folks are going to have to eat their Wheaties that morning just for it to be not a completely forgettable show.


Fit Finlay: I was worried that he'd be in horrible physical shape after almost getting his leg cut off in WCW, but he's been in fine shape and I've enjoyed the hell out of his comeback so far.


ROH vs CZW: I give them credit for trying to keep kayfabe alive on the internet, but who's this feud supposed to benefit? ROH's a workrate heavy group based toward a more smark oriented fanbase and CZW's a garbage and plunder group geared toward disenfranchised ECW fans. I don't think one group's base would really be interested in watching a show of the other. Considering the hierarchy of indy feds and the fact that ROH's pretty much the de-facto #3 fed in the US since it's become a pipeline to WWE, I don't see what ROH stands to gain from this other than giving fans in 2006 a chance to hear a great pissed-off Jim Cornette promo.

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Guest Dangerous A

The WM lineup- Solid, but unspectacular. I think a lot of the 'net criticism is more about the card not having any real blow away matchups or dream match material. It'll still be a spectacle, but this show has the makings of WM19 in a way, but while WM19 turned out pretty good, this may end up on the opposite end of that.



Fit Finlay's comeback- So far I like it. He's a breath of fresh air in the ring and the style he does. They haven't given him any mic time to get over, which hurts him getting over to the mainstream audience and as goodhelmet cited, they are piping in heat for him.



The ROH v CZW feud- Cannot comment since I haven't seen anything from this program.

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Guest DylanWaco

WM lineup - I don't understand why people are shitting on it so much. I guess maybe the lack of a true marqee match going in hurts it for some people, but I'd rather see a show that lacks a marqee match, but has variety and several matches that are likely to deliver. I think this is a pretty diverse show and several matches are likely to deliver, so I like the looks of the card. It's not perfect by any means, and there are things I would have done differently if in charge, but it's not a card that looks as weak and lazily booked as say WM2K


Finlay - I'm really enjoying him because he really comes across as a total bruiser and we don't see many of those anymore. Instead of just looking like a roided out freak or a fat bastard, he looks like the guy that works down at the dock and gets off work pissed and ready to fight. And that's basically what he does. They have really let him get creative with his shitkicking and he always adds extra things that make him look more realistic and vicious. He's one of the top reasons to watch the E now.


CZW v. ROH - Well Cornette's promo was great. And the fan "shoot" was one of the most hilariously pathetic things I"ve ever seen. Danielson's run-in at the arena seemed pretty cool also. Still I don't really see what the point of all this is or how it can possibly be beneficial to either company at the end of the day.

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I actually like the Wrestlemania card, and feel it will suprise a lot of people. Nothing that is 'must see', but there is plenty that has potential to be good, moreso in fact that last years or so I think anyway.


Finlay has been good from what limited stuff I've seen since he came back. I still don't subscribe to the theory he's the best wrestler in the world. Not just yet anyway.


I couldn't care less about the CZW v ROH feud, mostly because it's invloving rubbish like Adam Pearce and BJ Whitmer. Plus, I hate Hero, don't love Butcher that much, don't think as highly of ROH as some, I have no inclination to watch this feud.

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Guest Kilgore Trout

Still I don't really see what the point of all this is or how it can possibly be beneficial to either company at the end of the day.

Attendances have been higher for the Philly shows and people are buying DVDs to see the major developments. Both companies are therefore making more money.
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The WM lineup: Certainly not spectacular at all by any means, but I do have hopes for the deliverance of some matches, particularly those on the Smackdown side. I'm thinking Benoit-JBL will deliver, as will Rey-Angle-Orton. I don't think anyone thinks Henry has a hope in hell of winning, but the quality of the match vs. Taker will surprise. Everything else isn't really captivating me. I'm looking forward to seeing Cena-HHH, but for all the wrong reasons. I'm going to a party for the show this year, so thankfully, the cost will be minimal.


Fit Finlay's comeback: I'm loving it for the reasons everyone else has, but damn, does the ability of Finlay to come back from a long layoff and display his expertise just because of his journeys and all really expose how far behind the young guys (specifically, the OVW call-ups) are. Finlay knows how to look so different and do so many little things in the ring that any of the new guys have no clue about, at the risk of sounding a lot like HHH. Still, I'm enjoying his return incredibly!


The ROH v CZW feud: Haven't been following. Can't comment.

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