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[2008-01-20-wXw-Back To The Roots VII] Big Van Walter vs Bryan Danielson


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I have never heard anyone talk about this match, but goddamn it's absolutely amazing. The early stages see Danielson annoy Walter greatly; he pretty much outclasses him in their grappling exchanges, but he does it while talking shit & delivering some cheapshots to the big lad. Walter gets more & more pissed, but as he starts to get some offense going, Danielson attacks his knee. He targets it like an assassin throughout the match - all the while talking shit & breaking rules, too. Walter gets some brief comebacks as the match goes - even unleashing some of those brutal chops he is now famous for, but ultimately Danielson's in ring generalship is too much; he just cuts off every comeback Walter gets very quickly. Amazing stuff. Terrific psychology & an absolutely great performance by Dragon. Kind of a gem, because as I said, I've never heard ANYONE talk about it. ****1/2

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Thought this was good but more in the *** or ***1/2 range. It was your basic Danielson touring match from his days as king of the indies, with him working heel against a green but hard-hitting Walter. I liked all the stuff with Danielson luring Walter into the corners and cheap shotting him. And the finishing run popped. But god, I had almost forgotten how annoying the WxW crowd was back in the day.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2008-01-20-wXw-Back To The Roots VII] Big Van Walter vs Bryan Danielson
  • 1 year later...

This is a cool curiousity to see a German crowd shout chants they've heard on ROH tapes while Danielson gets a strong WCW Pro main event out of a green guy. WALTER isn't quite a lump but he only really has the hard chops and a fun comeback sequence but Danielson finds a way to make the match interesting with great leg-work and heel mannerisms. He really had perfected the gimmick of being the best and knowing he was at this point and there was really nothing much else for him to do but chance his hand in WWE. WALTER would improve dramatically but you can almost see Bryan having this match with Brodus Clay on a 2012 Superstars.

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