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[1984-04-07-GCW-Baltimore, MD] Ric Flair vs Jack Brisco


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Ric Flair defends the NWA World Heavyweight Title

This is great with Ole and the nutty fans. Love Ole doing the double take introducing Gary Juster. We are JIP maybe a minute or 2 in with Jack working the headlock. The picture on this is incredible. Jack cranking that neck with his knee in their for good measure. Flair constantly working for escapes. Flair teases the leg to get a break. Neither man backing down. Everytime Flair looks to get an advantage Jack cuts him off.Jack has his sprawling down. Brisco starts to soften up the arm. Jack's short arm scissor is a sight to behold. Jack is working all over the place to soften up Flair.We've seen the neck and now the arm.Love the rolling key lock. Flair takes a powder. A cheap shot by Flair finally gives him an advantage. Flair starts taking it to Jack. Jack counters Flair's suplex into a sleeper. Ropes by Flair. Sleeper again gets countered by a back suplex by Flair. Jack hits one of his own and Brisco goes for a Fig 4, but no. Crowd all over Flair. Jack hooks on the Figure 4 will his last ride be triumphant no Flair makes the ropes. Flair hits an atomic knee smasher into the Figure 4. Jack makes the ropes. Brisco with the press slam. Flair hits an Oklahoma side roll to end Jack's last ride.


I loved how Jack controlled it early on with a big shine. Jack was the total babyface here. Flair and Jack had you believing that Jack had Flair's number here. Everytime it looked like Flair was going to get on top, Brisco had an answer. I'd say Jack was on top for 70% of the time, but that played into the story. Even the flash pin was part of the story. 4*

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Fairly basic Flair formula match which isn't a bad thing because these are two guys with really good looking basics. Jack Briscoe was in his 40s here and still looked like he would absolutely kick any current kickpadded crossfit guys ass. We get an ultra tight trademark Brisco side headlock and some good armwork with huge kneedrops to the elbow joint and the short arm scissor to start with before Flair gets the advantage. The 2nd half is pretty much the early to mid 1980s US version of a white hot nearfall ladden epic in front of a crowd that went crazy for Brisco possibly taking the title. We get vertical suplex teases leading to a big vertical suplex, dueling Figure 4s, awesome Brisco punch combo, some nifty counters and a cool finish. I don't know if Brisco is a selling master or if he was legit slightly out of it but I really dug how his body language screamed "aging athlete who is not quite as adept at this as he used to be but pushes through anyways" even as he was in control.

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [1984-04-07-GCW-Baltimore, MD] Ric Flair vs Jack Brisco

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