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[2019-06-09-AAA-TV] Laredo Kid vs El Hijo Del Vikingo

Tim Evans

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Laredo Kid defends the AAA World Cruiserweight title

This was an incredible match. Hijo Del Vikingo is the best flyer in Mexico today IMO. Laredo Kid is right up there with him. This starts off with some usual mat wrestling before the crazy flying starts. Vikingo hits a crazy springboard Spanish fly. It takes talent to catch a guy in mid-air to hit that move. I especially liked Vikingo's SSP off the ramp of Arena Coliseo Monterrey. The finish was good too and the crowd was going crazy throughout the match. Not sure if this is a MOTYC but it's a really good one. Once Vikingo gets his work visa. he's going to be a big deal in the states.

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  • paul sosnowski changed the title to [2019-06-09-AAA TV-Monterrey] Laredo Kid vs El Hijo Del Vikingo
  • GSR changed the title to [2019-06-09-AAA-TV] Laredo Kid vs El Hijo Del Vikingo
  • 5 years later...

I expect from these two, at best, an entertaining spotfest that keeps up the pace and doesn't overstay its welcome. Not my preference of style and structure, but I'd like to think I can still appreciate a fireworks show from guys doing flips that I couldn't dream of doing. This ended up being a lot more frustrating than fun. Part of it falls on just how often I've seen these moves done (usually better with the other guy not obviously waiting for it to happen) and not enough connective tissue to keep the match together. But some choices are just baffling to me. A weak-ass leg submission that Laredo just lets go off is sold hard by Vikingo, then is helped back up to his feet and they go into a strike exchange that feels completely out of place with the rest of the match? They both play to the crowd at times, but the fan's cheers are never as loud to counteract all the egregious horns. Laredo wins with a second Laredo fly, as it was first used for a nearfall, just before he'd also kick out of Vikingo's finisher. Not my kind of lucha.

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