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[2021-04-11-WWE-WrestleMania 37] Riddle vs Sheamus


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Matt Riddle defends the WWE United States Title

Given the chemistry and  some of the past matches these two have had before, I was super hyped to see what these two would on the big stage. Unfortunately this didn't reach the level of their TV matches which were much better as they were much more condensed. I still dug this as the work was tight and snug and we got some great bits such as the great knee counter to the Riddle flip from the ring apron inside the ring. That entire White Noise botch off the top rope was obviously silly but the big Bruiser Brody like King Kong Knee Drop off the top rope from Sheamus was great and looked like it would crush Riddle's jaw. Sheamus has a pretty great year, so it was cool seeing him win and I look forward to seeing where his runs leads to.

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These guys compliment each other so well. This was so awesome. Both of 'em have such amazing arsenals of badass offense, and that was on full display here; beautiful bombs, counters, very nice sense of urgency & feel of pure physicality. The finish was great & I also loooved the way Sheamus instantly recovered from that White Noise botch by delivering a vicious knee drop from the top. ***3/4

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With standing his goofy character on the main roster when it's time Riddle can go and Sheamus has been on a hot streak this year putting out stellar performances being one of the best in the entire company. So these two given enough time in a match that best suits what they do best is no surprise, but I was still blown away. A physical struggle with heavy strikes that cumulated in the counter into the Brouge Kick, great notebook material.

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