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[2021-05-16-WWE-WrestleMania Backlash] Roman Reigns vs Cesaro


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Roman Reigns defends the WWE Universal Title.                                         

This was great. The first third or so wasn't the most interesting stuff, but once Cesaro's arm becomes THE major focal point of Reigns' onslaught, it gets extremely compelling. Reigns is great at targeting that said arm; loved him talking trash to Daniel Bryan & going to town on that arm total DB style. Good shit. Cesaro's selling was of course tremendous too; really consistent + I loved the way it came into play in a couple of key moments like the Neutralizer try or the pop-up Uppercut attempt. Kinda surprising to see him lose 100% clean like that, but I don't think he came off worse out of it. If anything, he came out even better than he already was, because this was a great match & a great, well deserved showing for the man. ****

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I thought this was fantastic. Yeah, the stuff before the arm became a real target was kinda plodding but it didn't bother me that much. Once Roman fully commits to the arm work this is almost flawless. Really great control and character work from Reigns and Cesaro's selling throughout the match was the best I've seen in an US ring in I can't remember how long. The struggle for control in the final stretch was awesome, and although there were a couple of miscues like Cesaro not catching Roman's elbow and him just leaving his arm hanging stiff waiting for Cesaro to counter, or Reigns taking a little too long before hitting Cesaro in the head and locking in the guillotine for one last time— it felt like a big fight. Delivered in spades and met the really high expectations I had for it. 

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This match rocks, as noted above, but Roman locking that guillotine and making Cesaro's bald head look like a grape ready to burst was just a great, great visual. 

Him working that arm while shit-talking Bryan was also very, very good. Two of the very best bringing their A game.

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