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WWE TV - 6/24 - 6/28 - Chad Gable Is The New Undertaker

Timbo Slice

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Yeah, the optics aren't great, are they?

Aside from that, NXT wasn't bad. I'm not sure how good the Women's NA match will be with two relative new comers in the ring together but Sol is getting better. 

I kinda feel like they jumped on having Page in the main event too soon and they're killing his heat to a degree. 

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I can’t remember a time a heel got beaten for his title, was given time off, and then comes back as maybe even a bigger babyface than as a heel. 

Heyman assembling the Bloodline Avengers is gonna be incredible. And yes. Sami as the obvious fourth is going to make it one of the great moments ever.

It’s so funny that people talked about this running its course a while back, but they are revving it up in an absolutely HUGE way right now. 

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Remember at Canadian Stampede when the Hart Foundation got bigger and bigger reactions during their entrance until it looked like there was an earthquake when Bret came out? Roman coming back is going to be at that level I feel.

Also it's not news that Paul Heyman is great, but this has been a performance worthy of another HOF induction on its own. Recency bias is at thing for sure, but I can't remember a better performance from a non-wrestler on a consistent basis than this.

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11 hours ago, Timbo Slice said:

I can’t remember a time a heel got beaten for his title, was given time off, and then comes back as maybe even a bigger babyface than as a heel.

The closest example I can think of is Jeff Jarrett after losing the title to Sting in TNA. I don't know how big he was as a babyface, though.

In other news, Braun Strowman continues to be very bad at social media.


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3 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

Every time I see Braun, I end up thinking how Sami Zayn and Roman Reigns are maybe *too* good at wrestling. They made that dork look like a bigger star than he actually is.

I have no idea why Hunter brought him back. It's painful watching him try to run around and do the freight train spot now, and Bron is right there doing it a thousand times better anyway.

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4 hours ago, sek69 said:

I have no idea why Hunter brought him back. It's painful watching him try to run around and do the freight train spot now, and Bron is right there doing it a thousand times better anyway.

I still think there is a place for guys like him and Omos in Pro Wrestling, but only if they are used properly. I really think you have to book guys like that in the old school way. Stick him in a Tag Team with a high flyer, or as a bodyguard for a small, mouthy heel. You don’t let him talk, you don’t ask him to run and you don’t have him wrestle on TV every week.

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45 minutes ago, The Thread Killer said:

I still think there is a place for guys like him and Omos in Pro Wrestling, but only if they are used properly.

I great place for him could be serving the hot dogs at the concession stand, or collecting tickets at the door. And the always need people to setup and take down chairs before and after the show.

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1 hour ago, TheDuke said:

I great place for him could be serving the hot dogs at the concession stand, or collecting tickets at the door. And the always need people to setup and take down chairs before and after the show.

I was more talking about the use of big men in modern Pro Wrestling, not Strowman specifically lol. I know he’s a lunkhead in real life, but I still think there are uses for guys of his size and strength.

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