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First round match #3


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Tuesday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Davey Boy Smith


Taka is a great worker, but he has never really been allowed to strut his stuff on a regular basis, while Davey Boy always delivered, be in in tags with the Bulldog and Owen, or in top matches against Bret and Shawn. A little inconsistent, but he had a great run.

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Davey Boy Smith


Headlined a major PPV in 1992 at a stadium show, had a great tag team career, solid enough singles career where he at least had a presence, and is known via casual WWF fans. TAKA has none of those upsides, with the closest taste he had to a main event being the TV match with HHH.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Davey Boy Smith


Not as strong a career as some might believe (try to imagine a list of his best matches without Bret, Owen, or Shawn being involved), but he easily outpaces TAKA's contributions to the company.

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Davey Boy Smith


Not as strong a career as some might believe (try to imagine a list of his best matches without Bret, Owen, or Shawn being involved), but he easily outpaces TAKA's contributions to the company.

You gotta remember this time period also covers the British Bulldogs era.
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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad



I much prefer Taka at his best, but we almost never saw Taka at his best in the WWF.

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Guest teke184

Davey Boy Smith wins because of his vast body of work.



I personally feel that TAKA is a better worker but TAKA's WWE career was all downhill from Canadian Stampede, while Bulldog got over as a tag guy and in two singles runs.

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Guest Some Guy

Davey Boy, it's not even close. TAKA outside of a handful of good matches had no impact on WWF and almost nobody remembers him outside of smark marks. DBS was around so long and had a pretty good aray of good/great matches that he takes this one in a landslide.

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