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Not to be all HHHateful, but... (SD spoilers)


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Isn't this a bit much?

HHH cuts scramble promo. Shelton comes out on the stage to say that he'll win because he's the gold standard, etc. MVP out next to say he'll win because he's most valuable, etc. MVP and Shelton argue at ringside until HHH interrupts to point out that this is the 'go home' show before the PPV. HHH is supposed to come out and talk which is known as a 'promo.' Then they are supposed to come out and interrupt him and then they have a match which he wins before beating them at the PPV, after which they go backstage and aren't seen again until Wrestlemania. He's not sure why they don't know this since they do it every time. While he's talking, The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel run through the crowd to sneak attack HHH. Everyone piles on until Jeff Hardy runs out for the save. HHH eventually grabs a chair and clears out all the heels. Once it goes to commercial and everyone leaves, HHH holds up his title and says he's dedicating it to "The Killer."HHH is backstage with the interview lady. She asks about the PPV scramble match and his lumberjack match with Khali and wraps up her question by asking what his greatest concern is. He replies: "Well, I think my greatest concern is global warming and then maybe the economy in general." He then begins to talk about the matches when Jeff Hardy walks in. HHH starts making jokes about Jeff having 2 strikes already and one more fuck-up will force him to leave the WWE. HHH leaves but pops back in to make a fake phone call noise, talk into his hand like it's a phone and say that's it is Dr. Black calling for Jeff.




All the scramble guys came ringside to be lumberjacks. Khali and HHH came out and had a terrible match, as expected. HHH got tossed out and the heels attacked, but Hardy stood by and let him get beat up. Later, HHH went for a pin and the heels pulled him out to beat on him. Hardy ran into the ring to plancha everyone on the outside and make the save. HHH got back in the ring and managed to get a terrible pedigree on Khali for the win. Hardy made his way in to hit the Twist of Fate on HHH and leave. HHH then got on the mic while still lying on the mat and said he understood Hardy and even though Hardy took all the "wacky pills", Hunter would've waited to sneak attack after the match too. HHH got to his feet and added that Hardy was a coward just like Shelton Benjamin. Shelton hit the ring and got a pedigree. "Anyone else?" he asked? MVP ran to the ring and got a pedigree. HHH then called out to The Brian Kendrick who teased going to the ring, but then headed backstage again. HHH called him a coward and Kendrick ran to the ring to get a pedigree. HHH called out to Ezekiel, asking him if he wanted some too. Ezekiel took off his shirt and HHH said: "You look a lot bigger without that shirt on. But that's OK. C'mon down to the ring anyway." Ezekiel started to, but then changed his mind and went backstage. Shelton started to get to his feel and got another pedigree. Then HHH finally left.

This really reads so ridiculously that it seems to be either fake or the most uninentionally hilarious episode of WWE television since Vader fell down.
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Now I actually enjoyed what HHH did with Khali at SummerSlam; outside of a high flyer doing crazy moves and bumps (and would you trust Khali to catch them well?) I can't honestly visualise a better put together Khali match pulled off as well. Monster vs. Pedigree and the pedigree won out, barely. Of course now he's shown the boys he can work a good (relatively speaking) match with Khali I don't see Hunter being too interested in him anymore...


But this is one of either two things... bullshit, or - and I actually quite like where the guy's coming from - a hint that Jeff's coming out with the belt at the PPV after how they got Eddy's stuff "in the open" before he beat Lesnar. I don't really see that happening (Jeff winning) unless HHH is getting the heel turn he's wanted for a while (so I believe) and that's gonna be the feud and this is an early foreshadow.


As far as him pedigreeing the heels one by one at the end. US Psychology 101 is that in an equal situation (1-on-1, 2-on-2) without the heel having a chance to cheat, the babyface is the better wrestler and will win every time. I've no problem with that at all, really, although it's more likely the end of (live) show pop and send the crowd home happy, excited and ready to come again etc...

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Yeah, these spoilers seem a little outlandish, but if they're real, I have no idea what purpose this serves. The joke is going to go over the heads of the most people anyway, and for those who get it, it's just going to make HHH seem petty.


There was a time when HHH showed more restraint, or at the very least was smarter about how he buried people. He seems to be losing his edge.

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