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Bracket #1, Round #2, Match #6


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Sunday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Guest Alfdogg



I *so* wanted to vote Orndorff here; I bet he probably drew more money with the Hogan feud than HHH has in any single one of his feuds ever. But then I thought, *I* could have drawn money with Hogan in '86. Plus, HHH in his prime was a much better worker, even if terribly overrated. Alas, my vote goes to him again. *sigh*

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Once again, I refuse to choose HHH, esp. when he has hurt the business more than he has helped it. If he had channeled more of his energy into making RAW must-see TV and not in making him the focus of every single RAW then this vote may be different.


Paul Orndorff

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Guest Bruiser Chong



HHH has enjoyed more success, but what the hell do you expect? He's plastered all over RAW and has been an unwanted fixture at the top of the WWF for the last six years. He's arguably killed and negatively affected more careers because of politicking than anyone in the history of the business.

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Guest Some Guy



I'd bet that his feud with Rock in 2000 outdrew Hogan/Orndorff if for no other reason than they MEed like 58 consecutive PPVs against one another.


I don't really care for either guy all that much but in this case I have to vote for the greater of two evils.

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