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Bracket #1, Round #3, Match #3


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end tomorrow morning at the latest. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Eddy Guerrero


Eddy means far more to the company right now than HHH in my eyes, and Eddy blows him away in the ring. He also has shown the ability to bring in new fans. HHH has had a longer run and a bigger push, and he's probably headlined more big-money shows, but Eddy Guerrero trumps him in every other way imaginable.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Eddy Guerrero


Eddy has been a strong competitor in almost every role in almost every part of the card, from being a "manager" (during his injury) of the Radicals early on, to being one of the top tag competitors with Los Guerreros, to having some great IC and World Title level matches. Though he's not the plus on the stick that Rock or Austin are, he's also not a complete negative and he's managed to succeed, personality-wise, despite being paired with Chyna and enduring some stupid twists in the JBL feud.

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Triple H


Eddie bombed as Champion and hasn't been given another chance with the title since. All he really has going for him is match quality and bringing in some Hispanic fans, but Triple H wasn't always a slug either and I would say he equally drew new fans during his stints with DX.

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I think this ties into something Loss said earlier in the tournament. Who has done more with less?


Eddie was given the ball but his only major feud was with friggin JBL. And he made the absolute best out of that situation. His matches in the last few years have been better AND smarter than anyone else in the company...including Chris Benoit.


HHH has been handed the entire kingdom yet he has done NOTHING to improve business or do what is right for business. He has failed to hit the peaks of an Austin or Rock even though he has been put over both of them. He has had plenty of opportunities to help create new stars yet he refuses. You could say he lost to Batista and Orton and Benoit and a few others. Sure. He also got all of the wins back except for Batista and made it known they were just holding HIS belt. He is the sole reason RAW has become so predictable and stale. When he tapped the other night, we were shocked. He went home. Thank God!

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I agree. And even if you take the title out of the picture, Eddy, since returning in 2002, has been in pretty much top form, and has contributed as a face, a heel and in virtually every position on the card. He has been the glue holding Smackdown together for most of the past year, and he's faced every challenge put in front of him. With HHH, the good is there, but the bad so far outweighs it.

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Guest KingPK

Eddie Guerrero


Goodhelmet's right on the money. HHH's schtick has become old and tired, and his umpteenth whiny promo last night just got on my nerves.

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Eddy Guerrero


In a landslide. His body of work destroys HHH's in my humble opinion. I find almost all of HHH's "great" matches to be incredibly overrated. Matches like the 2000 Rumble, which is held up as his best, do absolutely nothing for me. Eddy had a better bloody brawl with JBL.


HHH drew...when he had mega-drawing babyfaces like Austin/Rock/Foley around. He's not drawn anything since they left.

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Guest teke184

Eddy Guerrero



Eddy is a much better in-ring worker and was able to get enough fan support to force the WWF to give him a main-event push.


Hunter is a good enough in-ring mechanic but is either incapable or unwilling to put together matches that emphasize his opponents' strengths and minimize their weaknesses. That hurts every program he's in because he never really seems like he's in danger.

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Guest Some Guy



This was very close to me but when it came down to it Eddy got over on talent and drive. HHH got over by being in the right place and brown nosing. He latched onto HBK and when Shawn got hurt HHH got his spot as leader of DX, HHH was lucky enough to get paired off with Rock and then Vince decided it was time to push him to the moon. HHH only got over as a heel when Mick Foley did for him what he has refused to do for anyone else and that would be actually putting someone over. Foley dropped 3 straight matches on PPV cleanly to HHH, HHH then went onto headline against Rock for a year, get hurt, got the Jesus push as a face upon his return and the WM he headlined as a face drew less than the previous year's despite Rock vs. Hogan being on the card. They mercy killed his title reign and put the belt on Hogan, of all people and hastily turned him heel where he went onto dominate TV for the next 3 years and fail to do much of anything positive for business, in fact he did many negative things. I also don't recall Eddy sabataging JBL, I do recall HHH doing that to RVD, Jericho, Booker, Orton, and somewhat with Big Dave. Sure, Eddy flamed out as champion but that is about the only negative that anyone can throw at the guy since he came back clean in 2002. Eddy carried RVD and JBL among others to their best matches in WWE. HHH has carried no one that I can remember.

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