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Obscure shoot style AND MORE

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Katsumi Usuda vs Masanobu Kurisu-Big Mouth Loud 29.12.2005.   This is my kind of wrestling right here, I was coming in hoping for this to be a festival of ultraviolence but they chose to work the mat which I would have also accepted, I don't really ever remember watching Kurisu roll, he looked good here, doing neat stuff like using his knee to bend Usuda's ankle which you'd expect to see from Fujiwara. This "matwork" section also included Kurisu shoot headbutting Usuda like ten times. The crow




Naoya Ogawa vs Kazuo Yamazaki-NJPW 6.7.1997. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG7_3p9rc5Q First Fujiwara-Frye, now this, today has been a good day. Ogawa is still in his gi-wearing phase and his offence is limited to judo stuff, it creates an interesting styles clash against a shoot wrestler like Yamazaki, there were a bunch of good looking slams and strikes in here but what really made it is how smartly they were built up, every offensive maneuver made here made sense from the persepctive of a




Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs Don Frye-NJPW 5.6.1998. I had no idea this happened so I watched it immediately as I stumbled upon it. It ruled. It had to. Don Frye isn't a great wrestler per se, so I tried to imagine a scenario in which this match would be disappointing, but I simply couldn't. There was no way the narrow skillset he possesses wouldn't translate well in this setting. Watching them battle on the mat was really fun, one of the first thing Fujiwara did in the match was a leglock hammerlo




SHINYA HASHIMOTO VS SATORU SAYAMA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7QXDdHai-c This is probably the most important video of my life. Like I think there's a chance I encountered it somewhere before and then forgot about it but finding it right now, at this stage of my life, holds a meaning that is hard to put into words. It may not even be worked but who cares it's HASHIMOTO AND SAYAMA. This is a boxing match from a japanese TV game show. It's awesome. Great visuals, goofy gloves, punches to the




Satoru Sayama vs Yuji Ito-Gracie Tournament 29.7.1994. Firstly I'd like to thank the person that helped me decipher Yuji Ito's kanji/name and made this review possible. One of my favourite things right now is finding as many Sayama shoot matches as possible and their inaccessibility and the convoluted youtube journeys I have to go throught to find them make them even more amusing. They mostly seem to be exhibitions on MMA cards. This was completely badass, just them trying to cramp as much




AKIRA MAEDA vs DUTCH MANTELL-UWF 11.4.1984.   OH BOY HERE WE GO. I am sure this is a match that is very famous among pwo elders but I am young and inexperienced and had no idea it happened until today. I envisioned this as a shoot style blog but really I'll post anything that I can somehow connect to shoot style here and this was too bizarre for it to not end up here. I guess this blog's philosophy is closer to UWFi than it is to RINGS. This wasn't even a shoot style match but it took plac




Jushin Thunder Liger vs Satoru Sayama-NJPW 1.5.1994. An exhibition match with a ten minute limit-you know how those end. Glimpses of this were really great (Liger's Abisengiri, the slap-punch exchange and Sayama avoiding a shoulder block by just walking away) but it looked like they were too tentative to create something that would be more than merely good. It was completely devoid of conventional drama and had almost no highspots so I can't see traditionalists liking it much. I was curious how




Satoru Sayama vs Yoshinori Nishi-LUMAX CUP 13.10.1995.   This was an "exhibition match" that took place during a shoot tournament. I always thought worked judo would be an amazing form of pro wrestling and this is probably the closest we'll ever get, they still used leglocks and punches/kicks but wore gis and fought on tatamis. Nishi looked really great in this, his kicks were wonderful (there was a great counter spot where he sweeped Sayama's legs with one) and his flying armbar looked de




Satoru Sayama vs Tiger Mask IV-BJW 25.7.1995.     This was short and a really great Sayama carry job, his kicks looked beautiful, he performed a couple of great looking takedowns and punches the shit out of his protege when he was in a position that allowed him to do so. There's a really cool moment where TMIV goes for a wheelbarrow leglock and Sayama tries to quickly block it by grabbing TM's foot an pressing his stomach/chest with a knee but doesn't execute it fast enough and gets caugh




JAPW 6/7/2002: American Dragon vs. Low Ki This was a submission match that would've stylistically fit right into Battlarts, hence its inclusion here. The great thing about early 2000s indies is that they could've done an amazing experimental match like this because there weren't really any indy tropes established at the time. They go out of the ring and use some pro-style offence but about 90% of this is based on grappling and struggling for submission attempts and escapes. They don't shy away




Yuki Ishikawa vs. George Terzis - BATTLE ARTS: GENESIS - June 14th, 2014 First two moves that happened were a bodyslam and an elbow drop so this is either going to be amazing or incredibly frustrating. Ishikawa punches George Terzis (seriously, that's the best pro wrestling name he could come up with?) square in the face and I am ALL IN. I googled George Terzis and there's a video of him wrestling Ken Kennedy on Velocity where Kennedy introduces him as "George". It was really funny, kind of li




Yuki Ishikawa vs. Sansyu - BATTLE ARTS 4: PUSH - November 15, 2014 As you'd suspect this was a pretty obvious carry job, kind of like Taue-Nagata or Goldust-Orton. Sansyu really makes you appreciate the things you've grown accustomed to from most puro workers, no one really talks about Super Tiger II as a great worker but he has great kicking technique and makes his stuff look absolutely devastating, Ishikawa is a great seller but there's only so much he can do when about 15% of Sansyu's kicks



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