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[1993-07-19-WWF-Raw] Money Inc. and Razor Ramon


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  • 2 months later...

The 1-2-3 Kid angle really did wonders for Razor Ramon. The crowd is screaming for his babyface turn even before it's official. What I love is that they were able to get them both over through the whole scenario, using a more established guy in DiBiase to bring everything full circle. This was probably the best put together storyline of the year.

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  • 2 years later...

Savage and Heenan argue over who has the best weekend C show.


Money Inc have got themselves another shot at the Tag Titles. DiBiase calls Ramon a loser which draws out Razor. I thought Razor had already turned faced with the reaction he was getting from the crowd when he came down. I think it was a tough face turn to do with losing to Kid and then putting up the money for rematches. Crowd wanted to get behind the guy though and good choice to have him get issues with DiBiase who has been a strong heel going back to 87 in WWF. Razor does'nt have a price for DiBiase. Ted wants to take out his frustration on the Kid for all this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After Razor turns down Money Inc.'s offer of hard labor, DiBiase demands to face the 1-2-3 Kid so he can do what Razor couldn't. Kind of an anticlimactic babyface turn, something the fans had been clamoring for for months. Razor got a huge pop for his entrance but his promo could have gone better, as could the brawl.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Teddy definitely drove the bus here in what may be his last real money (no pun intended) promo in the WWF. This is the old Million Dollar Man, the one who tried to buy Hulk Hogan, the one who crippled Jake Roberts, the one who treated Virgil like dirt until he snapped. We haven't seen much of him since he and Rotundo got together, but we saw him here and it was glorious. I hope we actually see the Teddy-Waltman match on the set.


Hall really didn''t have to do much except put his hands on Teddy and Mike in order to complete the turn, which he did. I don't think he quite knew how to play Razor as a face yet, which might account for him being a bit off. Fortunately, he would learn soon enough.


Rotundo was next to useless here. There may be a good heel character somewhere deep inside him, but Irwin R. Schyster isn't it. The only way he can get any heat with anyone is to call them a tax cheat, and since when does stuff like that matter between say, April 16 of a given year and March 1 of the following year? A version of the Michael Wallstreet character may have gotten over well, but Vince had to have his little dig at the IRS, and we ended up with Schyster instead. Why doesn't the man just go whole hog and wrestle in his glasses? He couldn't possibly look any more ridiculous than he does already.


I've never see a Steiners-Money Inc. match, so I'm looking forward to the one on this disc. We've seen Mike work with the Steiners before, but it'll be interesting to see how they work with Teddy, who was breaking down rapidly by now if I recall correctly.


Savage and Heenan arguing about their shows was cute, but did we really need Randy to say that he and Todd Pettengill could beat Money Inc.? I'm guessing that they won't be around much longer as a team, which is why Randy got away with burying them like that.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1993-07-19-WWF-Raw] Money Inc. and Razor Ramon

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