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[1995-05-14-WWF-In Your House I] Diesel vs Sid


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  • 1 month later...

Sid's pre-match promo, and the camera angle, shows why despite everything this guy kept getting chance after chance to show he could draw on top.


Last few minutes of the match. Diesel kicked out of the powerbomb, which he should have, considering how long Sid took to gloat about powerbombing him. Diesel has the match won when Tatanka runs in for the DQ. Bigelow makes the save to set up the King of the Ring main event.

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  • 2 years later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1995-05-14-WWF-In Your House I] Diesel vs Sid
  • 3 years later...

I know Sid isn't a good worker, but small things like him staring out Vince with a psychotic look or the crazy trash talk makes me love him. Whoever booked this played it smart by only having this go 11 minutes. Any longer and I'm sure they would have stunk the building out. Diesel was attacked by Henry Godwin recently and injured his back, so Sid works on it. Sid slaps a long rest hold on Diesel, but at least tries to keep it interesting by fish hooking or gouging the eyes whenever the referee is distracted. Diesel being able to Jackknife Sid made for an impressive spot, but he's not able to win with it as Tatanka runs in and causes the DQ. This wasn't a good match, but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. ★★

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  • 2 years later...

WWF World Heavyweight Champion Diesel vs Sid - WWF In Your House

You know this was the removal of  two very longgggggg camel clutches away from being a good match. It is very similar to the Sting match I just reviewed from Havoc ‘93 in that you think wait a minute is this actually good? Then two long rest holds just kill the match dead. 

SID is back baby! He ain’t Sycho yet, he ain’t vicious anymore and forget about Justice. He is with Ted DiBiase and after Bret & Shawn Diesel needed a new heel challenger. I wanted to watch the Flair ‘93 match but I didn’t have enough time before dinner. So it is onto 95 WWF. Sid is a good option for Diesel he seems like he would have been better suited for Summerslam but they needed somebody now. 

Diesel shows good fire early. I have. It watched Nash in forever but he has a lot more spring in his step than I remember. He is also really good at a discombobulated sell and moving forward. Really good stuff from him. Sid probably has the weight advantage but they are pretty even honestly overall, but Nash does a great job wrestling this match from underneath early. He is really hurling his body at Sid. I thought Sid could have fed him better like he did in 1993 instead of all the staggering he did here. Pretty conventional transition to heat with DiBiase distraction and Sid high knee to the back. The high knee is new! Really great bump by Nash to the floor. I thought the floor work here by Sid with the Snake Eyes on the apron was great. I thought he did a good job on his heat segment until the terrible Camel Clutches. Like I said I liked Nash’s discombobulated selling and moving forward working underneath. Nash timed his hope spots well. I thought the Sid Leg Drop and Chokeslam late were killer. The Sid Powerbomb looked sick especially on someone as big as Diesel. Sid grandstanding too long was so fucking lame. I get you gotta protect your finish but there is more organic ways to do it. Sid looked like an idiot. Sid missing the charge leading to Nash’s very short but hot comeback was good. Nash’s powerbomb also looked killer. Tatantka interferes to trigger the DQ and Bam Bam Bigelow makes the save setting up the KOTR tag match which I am not sure if I am going to watch. That might be bridge too far even for me.

This not even close to being a bad match. In fact it was so close to being good. At the end of the day it was decidedly average looking forward to the rematch! 

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