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[1994-06-11-USWA-TV] Brian Christopher vs Dream Machine


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  • 2 months later...

Doug Gilbert is out in Brian Christopher's face. After watching the best UWFI show I've ever seen, Christopher standing there making silly faces while Doug tries to provoke him is lame. Once Doug is out of the way, this gets much better. 1994 USWA is weird for me in that I like most of the parts individually, but when I think about the collective, I'm generally negative. Not sure how to explain that. One of my famed Nuanced Opinions ™, I guess.


The best part of this is hearing Cory Maclin say ri-dick-uh-lus. Doug is back in right after the match, but Lawler makes the save.

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Are the good guys winning any matches in USWA at this point? I understand feuds can be booked a certain way but the heels seem to be heavily dominating the top rivalries. I'm wondering why Bowden is in a wheel chair but he gets a fire ball to the face and runs off. So at least his legs appear to be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Pretty decent action but Memphis seems to be out of surprises. After some of the most innovative booking in the world in 1990, a lot of their standard finishes and screwjobs and attacks just seem staid. Hell, even Antonio Pena tends to be doing Memphis better than Memphis. Smoky Mountain offers up cleaner, more logical booking and ECW has passed it in terms of in-ring craziness. It also seems way early for the freshly turned Scott Bowden to be eating fire.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1994-06-11-USWA-TV] Brian Christopher vs Dream Machine

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