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[1994-10-22-USWA-TV] Interview: Sid / Interview: Tommy Rich / Interview: Buddy Landell


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  • 2 months later...

Sid out for interview not wearing any shirt. Who does this besides wrestlers? I don’t catch Sid making any mistakes. They seem to be plugging a Sid/Mabel match. That sounds swell.


Rich calls Buddy a has been and that he saw him searching through the dumpster at the Salvation Army looking for clothing. Hoping we get a Rich/Landell match. Dave Brown actually lets Scott Bowden talk.


Dave Brown mentions Moondog Retch, he means Rex. Buddy is all dressed up in his suit. He agrees with some of the things Rich said. About being half a man? Buddy is only 33 years old! He seems to get a bit off after mentioning his own age. Landell admits to screwing things up. Rich out to confront Landell. Buddy thinks Tommy needs a shot of scope. Brawling starts up and we have a match between Moondog Retch and Gilbert. Nothing match that ends in DQ.

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Sid cuts a pretty good heel promo yet again! Then, Tommy Rich and Doug Gilbert are out to do the same. Doug's little roll continues. Budro has apparently parted ways from them again. I knew there were still hard feelings about that fan belt. Scott Bowden talks about Buddy pretending to be Ric Flair. Oooh, they went there.


Later in the show, Buddy Landell is out in a suit with a new lease on life. That his suit looks so cheap is part of the essence of Buddy Landell. Rich and Gilbert are out to make fun of the suit and again call him out on being a Ric Flair wannabe.


Buddy's promo is too pandering, to a point that I don't buy it. The studio crowd doesn't seem to buy the turn either. This also would have been better had Buddy not already come in as a babyface, although watching Buddy brawl with Tommy Rich in a suit is awesome.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I'm astonished and more than a little ashamed at how much I'm digging Sid here. He gloats about getting past Lawler, Tatanka, and the Undertaker and now has to face...Mabel. I like USWA Sid but I don't like him enough to want to see *that.* I assume this run was all about Sid keeping his name out there, work from around home, and also wanting to prove that he could be a "good soldier." And in the end it paid off for him. I love his justifications that his beatdowns are the fault of people like Lance, Marlin, and Hales.


Doug Gilbert refuses to believe the announcement that Brian Christopher is coming back. Speaking of coming back, it's Buddy Landell again, and Rich has words for him. Wildfire expounds upon what he believes a "Nature Boy" to be, which is a really funny and possibly true bit. Scott Bowden adds that while Landell was running around pretending to be Ric Flair, Rich was kicking the real thing's rear end in the Omni. Another good set of interviews. Bowden is hit or miss with me--sometimes funny (the interview where he produces an issue of PWI showing him in the USWA Top 10 is spectacular), sometimes clowns it up too much for my liking, but that was a good, quick serious promo.


A suited Buddy Landell is out next, admitting that he didn't look good in his black tank top and biker pants, then compares Rich to David Koresh! 1994 is truly the Year of Topical References. I question if Landell ever made $200,000 or owned a Rolls-Royce, but he talks of how he threw most of it away. Rich comes out and they exchange a few nice zingers before Landell is double-teamed by Rich & Gilbert. This turns into Gilbert vs. Moondog Rex in an official match, which doesn't last long before descending into chaos. Landell may be a bit of an asskisser but this seemed like a cool foreshadowing of the feud he and Rich would have in SMW next year.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1994-10-22-USWA-TV] Interview: Sid / Interview: Tommy Rich / Interview: Buddy Landell

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