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[1997-08-30-ECW-TV] Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer


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  • 1 month later...

Last few minutes. Beulah beats up Fonzie when he interferes and low blows RVD. Great to see Dreamer get a win because RVD never really gets his comeuppance more than anyone in ECW. Even after dropping the match, he has the last laugh. A tuxedo-clad Sabu attacks Dreamer after the match and Dreamer gets doubleteamed and buried under a WWF banner, which I guess is sort of like a Russian flag.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ECW vs WWF feud had already peaked. I was thinking this was the match when RVD took that crazy bump off a Dreamer piledriver. This is edited though but maybe that happens later in the year anyways. RVD takes a big DDT off the top rope. Sabu attacks after match and they cover Dreamer with the WWF banner. Seemed like a good portion of the crowd were cheering the WWF banner.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Dreamer carries this action, as we see some of the worst traits of RVD--traits like zoning out and pointing to himself in lieu of working that are exacerbated when he's working heel and expected to pace a match himself. Dreamer gets a win, but gets laid out by Sabu afterward. I'll never complain about any angle that sees Sabu doing a beatdown while wearing his burnoose along with a tuxedo. They drape a WWF flag over Dreamer, which would make more sense if either guy was in any way "WWF-like." If not Lawler or a major star, this should have involved a capable worker that nonetheless carried no respect from the ECW audience, like a Bob Holly, or Al Snow. If they want to keep paying tribute to the past, there *needs* to be an angle where it's Heyman buried under that flag.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1997-08-30-ECW-TV] Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer

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