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[1998-04-13-WCW-Nitro] Sting vs Kevin Nash


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  • 2 months later...

Last few minutes. Savage limps out as Sting locks in the scorpion deathlock and hits Sting with the cast on his arm while Liz distracts the ref. Sting gets a great kickout. The ring is covered in garbage. Nash does the powerbomb but Bret Hart shows up and pulls the ref out of the ring and starts brawling with Nash. Bret puts the sharpshooter on Nash but the NWO runs in. Bret isn't getting much reaction at this point, as they've cooled him off like ice. Nash doesn't even bother to go after Bret for what he did, just letting the B-team guys handle him. I appreciate the effort to put Bret in the top mix, but there's nothing here really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sting is fiery in his comeback and uses a dropkick. Savage comes hobbling down right as Sting locks on the Scorpion. With a distraction from Liz, Savage hits Sting with the cast and this gets a great nearfall that was called tremendously by Tony in the booth. Damn, does the Minneapolis crowd plaster the ring with garbage. nash hits a powerbomb but Bret pulls off the referee and we have a brawl between Nash and Bret. The waters are getting way too muddled as multiple feuds are going on with each other. NWO B-team comes down to beat up Bret. Nash delivers another powerbomb to Sting and bails as Bret cleans house of everyone of the NWO. Crowd isn't exactly electric for this because it is tough to understand why.

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  • 1 year later...

Uh...why is Savage helping Nash? Doesn't he fuck himself out of a title shot if Nash wins? Weren't they in conflict before the focus moved to Savage vs. Hogan? This is the kind of shit that the WCW brass just weren't thinking about it and it was hurting the product badly even if they didn't believe it was. Still, the cast shot makes for a GREAT near-fall, one of the very best of the year. Nash hits the power bomb, but Bret yanks Charles Robinson out of the ring to save the title with a DQ. Sting is an afterthought and Bret is pushed strongly, but yes, he's been cooled off so badly over the past 4 months that it doesn't really matter, and again the Big Guns of the NWO aren't here. Without Hall, and really even before Hall left, Nash has felt so isolated, like he's barely a member of the group at all. It's been weeks since he's even worn NWO merch.

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  • 1 month later...
  • GSR changed the title to [1998-04-13-WCW-Nitro] Sting vs Kevin Nash

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