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[1998-07-27-WWF-Raw] HHH vs The Rock vs X-Pac


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  • 2 months later...

Fun workrate-style match with everyone involved looking really good. As layouts go, this is pretty much every triple threat match, but they keep the action moving and the crowd is into it. I like that X-Pac is being presented on equal footing with HHH and Rock. Both guys would eventually shoot past him, and rightfully so, but this was a good time period for him. HHH and X-Pac end up fighting each other and don't notice that Rock took the IC title and bailed. Good stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

Pretty good triple threat and I appreciate XPac being definite when he needs to against HHH. These long, signature tv matches are a welcome change of pace into the "attitude era had no good tv matches" narrative. Rock looked clever as hell bailing while they fought to hang on to the belt. (**1/4)

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  • 1 year later...

Pretty smartly laid out match, that gets pretty good when Rock starts getting offense in. They did a good job of giving Rock an offensive run without undermining DX. And X-Pac was always a good opponent for him because he can make his rather loose offense look pretty killer, especially the Rock Bottom where X-Pac gets great height and looks dead afterward. A rift forms between DX and Rock takes advantage and bails.

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  • 9 months later...

A count-out in a triple threat match, what the hell? I would like to see a triple threat match where not at least for 50% of the match one of the participants is selling outside of the ring (i.e. should be counted out). Even here you had Triple H spending considerable time lying on the mat outside after a big bump.

The match ended (according to the ring announcer) with a loser and no winner. What a god-awful finish.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, the key in the match was that The Rock walked out on the match to save his title, using Triple H and X-Pac fighting each other to sneak away. That pretty much triggered the build to the Ladder Match at Summerslam. The summer of '98 was pretty much X-Pac's best moments. Upon his return, he had some pretty fun matches and he wasn't treated as the weak link of DX.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1998-07-27-WWF-Raw] HHH vs The Rock vs X-Pac

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