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[1998-12-13-WWF-Rock Bottom] Steve Austin vs The Undertaker (Buried Alive)


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  • 3 months later...

The finish to this and Rock-Mankind are far worse than anything WCW has done on pay-per-view in 1998. Austin brings out a bulldozer to dump dirt on Undertaker which takes an embarrassing amount of time to execute. The dynamic was also way off in this feud with Undertaker being put in a two-on-one spot as the heel, and Kane as Austin's unofficial tag team partner. If I didn't know better, I would think they were trying to undermine Austin. Again, they are so lucky he was so bulletproof.

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  • 1 month later...

Awful stuff again for this feud. I didn't find Mankind/Rock all that offensive but this was just awful. The backhoe thing was cheesy and took way too long. The Kane involvement was lame too. The crowd still pops big post-match for Austin getting out the beer. That's all they want, WWF doesn't need to do this over-produced nonsense.

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A shitty end to a fitting shitty feud we have had. it was smart for Austin to take a break after this as nothing felt organic or worked here. Kane and Austin as buddies will never cease being weird. I look forward to 1999 with the Vince stuff coming back into focus and Austin honing in on Mania.

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  • 2 years later...

Good Lord, this is awful. No heat for the match, lots of grab-me-and-you'll-walk-with-me, and a stupid finish that the crowd has no patience for as a backhoe very, VERY ineffectively buries the Undertaker. They have the sense not to show any shots of Undertaker in the grave after a bit after it's apparent that there's no way they're actually going to be able to bury him. This might have a new record for most ridiculous announcer exaggerations: a "six foot" grave that goes up to Austin's waist, and repeated references to the "hundreds of pounds of dirt" that barely cover Undertaker's bottom half.

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  • GSR changed the title to [1998-12-13-WWF-Rock Bottom] Steve Austin vs The Undertaker (Buried Alive)

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