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No Mercy Results


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From Meltz:


William Regal & Paul Burchill b Brian Kendrick & Paul London. I missed this match not realizing it would be televised.


MNM & Melina vs. Road Warrior Animal & John Heidenreich & Christy Hemme opens the show. Quick match set up for Melina vs. Hemme. Finish saw Animal put Melina on his shoulders and Hemme came off with the doomsday device for the pin.


Guerrero and Batista each wished the other a begrudging good luck.


Bobby Lashley vs. Simon Dean is up next. Lashley won with the dominator in 2:00. Dean said he was going to eat 20 cheeseburgers if he lost, but the cheeseburgers ended up on the mat. Lashley shoved a cheeseburger in Dean's face at the end but he never ate it. They botched the finish as Lashley lost Dean on the pick-up, but did it a second time.


Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T vs. Christian is up next for the U.S. title. Benoit tapped out Christian with the sharpshooter. Sharmell is pitching a fit and turning heel. She told Booker that Benoit made him lose. Booker wasn't happy. Best match so far, but if this is the best match on the show, I'm going to wind up like Booker.


Lashley is making Simon Dean eat double cheeseburgers backstage.


Ken Kennedy vs. Bob Holly is up now. Kennedy of course won with his inverted Samoan drop off the middle rope. Decent match. They are pushing it like Holly's ribs were injured by the move, but it's just a work to sell the move. After the match, Sylvain attacked the injured Holly delivering knees and kicks to the ribs and a face first suplex. What a great feud on the horizon.


Sharmell is nagging Booker something fierce. She again said how Chris Benoit stole the match. Kennedy showed up. He called Booker a loser. That's another new feud. Sharmell said Kennedy isn't his problem, and Benoit isn't his problem, but the problem is booker.


JBL vs. Rey Mysterio is next.

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Why job Christian in that match? If you're pushing a losing streak for Booker, have Benoit beat Booker. Protect the guy who's over and marketable on top, since he's the hottest act of anyone in that match. They also jobbed Christian going into this PPV in the SD main event. Ridiculous.

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JBL vs. Rey Mysterio is next. Mysterio went for a springboard move but JBL ducked and Mysterio landed on his feet. JBL used a clothesline for the clean win.


Undertaker vs. Ortons in the casket match is next. Long match. Pretty well scripted. Undertaker put Bob out with a triangle and in the casket. After giving Randy a last ride and opening the casket to put Randy in, Bob sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. Randy hit the RKO, but Undertaker still recovered before the casket lid shut. Undertaker and Randy were both in the casket when the lid shut and Bob was out. They opened the lid and Taker was about to choke slam Randy when Bob distracted him and Randy clocked Undertaker with a chair. They shut the lid so the Ortons won. Randy poured gasoline all over the casket, as in a whole tank of gasoline and then they set the casket on fire. This sets up the buried alive match at Survivor Series. The interesting thing is you could tell nobody in the crowd bought this.

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Nunzio vs. Juventud are up next for the cruiserweight title. Juventud won with the Juvi driver. Fast paced match. In this position on the show, the place was dead but they did pop for the title change and post-match promo in Spanish.


Going into the last match it's been one of those shows with maybe one good match, but nothing awful. At this point it's been maybe an average episode of Smackdown, and hardly PPV quality other then setting the casket on fire.


Simon Dean just ate 19 double cheeseburgers supposedly and of course threw up before finishing No. 20.


Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero is up. I guess the Raw guys will come in for the finish. The match told a story, which was that Eddie constantly teased used objects but every time voluntarily gave it up. Mostly a scientific match with Batista winning clean with a spinebuster. Well below the usual WWE main event standard. Crowd was split. Lots of cheers for Guerrero, particularly as the match wore on Batista was getting booed more and more. The key point was when Guerrero had the chance to use a chair and didn't, the people booed him for not using the chair. The two shook hands at the end and people booed the handshake. And no Raw run-in whatsoever. Very flat.

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Eddy/Batista is a match I think that has potential to be a sleeper great match, so I'm still wanting to see it, considering how good Eddy has gotten at wrestling big guys.


Meltzer is making too much of the casket being on fire. They've already done that angle once, and they're obviously creatively bankrupt if they're repeating it.

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Eddy is a heel. They had a horrid storyline going into this with Eddy pretending to be Batista's friend and them saving each other from various heel beatdowns. Batista doesn't believe Eddy, but is letting him befriend him anyway. Worst main event angle of the year, probably.

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Guest CanadianChick

JBL is also captaining the SD Team at Survivor Series next month (with HBK heading Raw)

With that, do you guys suppose that each captain will choose the team, or the GM will? It'll be interesting how they have JBL choose someone like Rey or Benoit.
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Eddy is a heel. They had a horrid storyline going into this with Eddy pretending to be Batista's friend and them saving each other from various heel beatdowns. Batista doesn't believe Eddy, but is letting him befriend him anyway. Worst main event angle of the year, probably.

Agreed, but damn, from the little I saw of the angle, Eddy was certainly trying to make something out of nothing.
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Meltz comments on No Mercy:


--- He thinks this may have the lowest buyrate of any PPV since 1996.


--- The show drew 5000 paid but it was easy to get a free ticket around town.


--- Meltz said that the big news coming out of the show was no RAW involvement even though they hinted at it on their website.


--- He didn't understand why Eddie didn't turn on Batista but that the crowd ending up turning on him with the post-match handshake. He also says the fire casket illicited absolutely no response from the crowd and calls it a WCW-like miscalculation.


Star Ratings:


New LOD & Hemme vs. MNM *1/4

Bobby Lashley vs. Simon Dean DUD

Benoit vs. Jordan vs. Booker vs. Christian ***

Ken Kennedy vs. Bob Holly *3/4

JBL vs. Rey Mysterio **1/2 (I am not disputing this rating but I have heard conflicting reports saying this match ruled. Does anyone know what Meltz gave the JBL-Eddie Judgment Day match? This may be a case of Meltz's personal preferences getting in the way of giving JBL his due. Maybe not)

Undertaker vs. Bob & Randy Orton **1/4

Juventud vs. Nunzio **1/4

Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero **3/4

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