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Exposing the Business

Guest SweetMama Scaat

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Guest SweetMama Scaat

Last week on Smackdown Christy Hemme was on the ring apron routing on LOD 2K5. Melina did a run in and yanked hemmes Lil panties showing her ass to the crowd. Now, Im sure all you roosters consider this a big ole bucket of good. But this was actually kindve annoying. While that camera didnt get a good shot the crowd did. Hemme looked at Melina with " I cant belive you just did that look" and began to adjust her tights. Then she sold the fall then adjusted again and then got beat down. This may sound trivial but I hate this. Its not jus Hemm, plenty of wrestlers over the years will be getting a brutal beat down and they stop to throw back their hair or pull their tights from around their rear. If your a bloody mess is picking a wedgie a major concern?


On Raw a few days later Triple H was walking down a hallway. Where he saw practically EVERYBODY who works for the company. A good amount of them felt the need to stop and tell him that he went to far. In this hallway where everybody conviently was hanging out and not really doing anything despite their at work, he runs into HBK. HBK informs Hunter that he went to far. Triple H has tried to break Shawn Micheals back with a sledgehammer and think he tried to kill him one time. There was big investgation one night on Raw. But him beating up Ric Flair went to far? Didnt Shawn Micaheals beat up Flair pretty bad? If everyone is hanging out in the hall with Jan the makeup lady (even SHE gave HHH a dirty look) then why dont they just jump him??


Sometimes a Ref will get bumped by something REAL simple, like a push, then a basic elbow drop. HE WILL THEN STAY DOWN FOR 10 MINUTES. Jus lying there, Chillin'. Thinking about that time in high shcool he got a hand job in the auditorium. At Wresltemania X7:Houston we have a problem this is the case in The Undertaker/HHH match. It was ridiculous.


In the Paul Wight thread Mr. Sass mentions that The Rock Jumping Clothesline on oppponents bigger than him, and Angles suplexing men twice his size take away from the realism of the product.


My question is...what do you guys think are the worst instances of exposing the business? What always eliminates your suspension of didbelief? Are these things, and the ones listed about jus silly or do they truly damage the product?

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Ref bumps absolutely expose the business the most. Not only do refs play dead for 10 minutes because they got lightly shoved into the ropes, but the booking is so lazy it happens in almost every RAW main event. It's like when fans at Nitros started looking toward the ramp for the run-in every week, you know its coming.


The Hemme thing was just a funny screw up, she was wearing assless chaps with panties underneath that were the same color and Melina probably thought she was grabbing the chaps but pulled the panties by mistake. It reminded me of how fat guys in wrestling will adjust their trunks when they're laying on the mat supposedly selling.


on edit, this discussion reminded me of the time Brian Pillman wrestled almost an entire match with one ass cheek exposed since he didn't stop the match to deal with his wedgie. That's dedication to your craft right there.

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Guest EastCoastJ

on edit, this discussion reminded me of the time Brian Pillman wrestled almost an entire match with one ass cheek exposed since he didn't stop the match to deal with his wedgie. That's dedication to your craft right there.

Ahmed Johnson must be the most dedicated man in the history of the business then. :)
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Guest EastCoastJ

He wrestled almost every single match of his WWF career with at least one side of his enormous ass completely hanging out of his loose red tights.

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Almost any irish whip move looks dumb in the WWE since the ring is so large. ECW's smaller ring at least gave the impression of a guy not having much control when bounced off the ropes with so little room to stop before getting hit. That's one of the best things I can say about ECW. The WWE ring is just ridiculously big now and looks too giving.


The short arm clothesline-that-misses spot a lot of WWE wrestlers like to use as a transition spot looks too fucking scouted by anyone who's the opponent in the ring. It makes everyone in the ring look dumb.


The ref's playing dead off butt bumps for 10 minutes is one of the worst overexaggerations to witness in a match. Tito Ortiz and clones of him should be the ref's in matches. I thought one of the best ideas WCW or the WWF could have had was to make Ron Waterman the ref in every ME or title match. That would at least given the illusion of no ref bullshit in a match, which the WWE loves using to this day. Ron Waterman standing toe-to-toe with Austin and Austin backing off before his match starts would have been one of *the* best ways the company could have gotten the H20 Man over with fans. Austin laying a finger on everyone but Ron on his way out of the company would have established Waterman as the one guy no one in the company touches if they value their balls. Even HHH would bow down to Waterman when he'd try to use his sledgehammer. Speaking of some bullshit...


HHH's sledge hammer or anyone who uses a bat in wrestling is one of the worst ideas to have ever gone down in wrestling. I'm sorry, but this crap is so business exposing to me. Every rinky dinky blow to the ribs and "swing" at the head is just a reminder to me of how dumb some folks in wrestling can be sometimes.


All hail Dusty Rhodes and HHH.

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Guest Dangerous A

I think the WWF bringing in the old timers and having them beatup some 20 or 30 something guy in peak shape is really business exposing.

Totally agree with this one. I remember how ridiculous it looked when Randy Orton was selling for Jake Roberts offense during their encounter to help build to WM21 this year. Just awful stuff.


Rob Conway will be experiencing the same thing now that he is stuck with the legend killer gimmick.

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Continuing Sass's rant, when HHH hits people with his sledgehammer (like when he beat up Flair) and he's obviously got his hand over the hammer part just irks the shit out of me. It reminds me of how Hogan would put his hand on his opponent then punch the hand rather than his opponent.


Now obviously HHH can't be out there braining people for real with a sledge, but why would such a devoted student of the game-UUH use a weapon that he needs to expose the business to protect people from.

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Any match involving Shawn Michaels exposes the business.  You could tip over the Titan-tron on him and he'd kip up five minutes later.

That really, really, REALLY, (really) bothered me during the match with HHH where the whole match was basically Hunter trying to shatter HBK's spine, and yet he's magically healed enough to kip up which shot the entire point of the match squarely in the ass.



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Guest Danny Dubya v 2.0

But he kipped up because he had an adrenaline rush! Adrenaline > nearly broken spine. Oh my god. Are you guys really dense or something ;)

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Guest Dangerous A

While no-selling is bad no matter the situation, isn't overselling sometimes just as bad? Of course HBK comes to mind and his mind numbing performance at Summerslam with Hogan and over selling




what about the Flair flop? That's pretty business exposing. It gets a reaction (just like the no selling kip up) yet is out of that "suspension of disbelief" since it is so comical and non sensical. (unless you think things like the 3 Stooges are feasible in the real world)

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The Flair Flop to me is just like the People's Elbow or Hulking Up that are intrinsic to wrestling and everyone just accepts.


At least the Flair Flop is usually done after taking a pounding from an opponent, he just doesn't randomly do it during the match.


One Flair thing that does bug me is how when a wrestler misses a move and hits the canvas, it hurts. When Ric Flair elbowdrops his coat, it doesn't.

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The move miss is a little different than the elbow drop. The missing of a move is because they are "supposed to" be going a lot harder and faster into the move that it if you miss, its painful. Whereas the elbowdrop is just supposed to be a lull thing that doesn't look painful. The problem is nowadays a missed move is so fucking contrived no one actually puts the effort into it to look better than Flair's elbowdrop onto his coat.

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Guest Dangerous A

Also, Austin's punches after he does the Thesz press from 1998-present. For some reason, those particular punches looked lame and wouldn't hurt an infant.

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Guest TheShawshankRudotion

I'll play devils advocate.


Yes, no selling and spots that expose the business for a pop, are "bad" in the context of one definition of wrestling. That definition relies on things like psychology and keeping the match grounded with reality as to make the fans believe that what's going on in the ring is real. But, if that definition of professional wrestling is ultimately for the fans' benefit, then what is wrong with these spots that are made for the fans' enjoyment? If the purpose of wrestling is to elicit a reaction from the crowd, then doesn't that accomplish its goal?

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