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[1983-12-25-Mid South] Butch Reed & Jim Neidhart vs Mr Wrestling II & Magnum T.A. (Cage)

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Mid-South Tag Team Champions Butch Reed & Jim Neidhart vs Mr. Wrestling II & Magnum TA - Mid-South 12/25/83 Steel Cage

Mid-South is probably the territory I know the least about in terms of the American Power 6 of the 1980s (WWF, Crockett, AWA, WCCW, Mempho, and Mid-South). I have understood that is generally considered one of the best booked territories and has among the best episodic TV ever produced in pro wrestling all under the helm of Bill Watts. Of course, this presents a problem watching a "Best Of" comp without much context, but hey that's what Kayfabe Memories is for. In 1983, it seems Mid-South had transitioned to having Butch Reed be the co-lead heel of the territory. While DiBiase and Duggan were having a blood feud that carried the territory in terms of sheer hatred. Reed and the ever-popular Junkyard Dog feuded over the North American Championship. Magnum TA was plucked from relative obscurity (Florida mid-card scene, I believe) and was immediately pushed as Duggan's tag partner and tag champion, but with the need to focus Duggan (co-lead face) elsewhere veteran Mr. Wrestling II and all his booty-shaking glory was introduced as TA's mentor. The angle that led to this tag match was two-fold. Mags & Duggan lost the tag titles to Reed & Neidhart (Neidhart was a heel du jour) and they ran a hot TV angle as an off shoot of the JYD and Reed feud. Reed was supposed to defend the title against the Dog, but balked and instead gave the title shot to the young up and comer, Magnum TA, which he thinks would easy pickins. However, when JYD was made special guest ref, it became anything but that and Magnum TA became the North American Champion! A meteoric rise for the newcomer! Due to some technicalities, the title change was reversed and now Magnum TA who had tasted the gold only to have it ripped away from him wanted to prove he could do it again against the arrogant asshole, Butch Reed. Instead of coming after his North American Title, he was going to share his glory with mentor, Mr. Wrestling II.


Butch Reed is really fucking good. I have heard it bandied around that he is the greatest black wrestler of all time and having watched a Flair match, I knew he was good, but seeing him here makes me excited to see more Butch Reed. He was a fantastic big bumper for the faces in the beginning. He did a nice Flair Flip and bumped huge for Mr. Wrestling II's famous kneelift. A couple things about presentation in this match, in my smattering of Mid-South watching, it seems most of the footage we have is shot from one hard camera in the corner and sans commentary. I ain't complaining as long as we get to see the action, I'm cool. The steel cage does not rest on the apron, but actually goes to the floor thus there is an area to powder and it makes taking cage bumps a little more difficult. Neidhart tries to slow TA down with an eyerake, but does not consolidate the advantage and TA overwhelms the heels. Reed finally stymies Mags by throwing him into the cage, which I said before is complicated as he goes over the top rope into the cage and then falls the floor in a nasty bump. Mags blades and the heels are content to send him into the cage, The camera zooms in and I think this is going to be the opposite of WCW where they zoom in on the blood, but instead we get a long close up of Mr. Wrestling II. TA uses shoulderblocks and rolls around to avoid Neidhart and tags out to II. II is a great hot tag and as a knee lift mark I think we are going to get along well. Neidhart trips him up. Pretty good heat segment ensues with some impressive power spots from the heels like a Neidhart Samoan Drop and Reed flying shoulderblock. II shows some good underneath fire. The heels get cocky and keep pulling up II. The Anvil goes after the mask and he yanks it off! He is very proud of himself, but II was wearing another mask. Reed is frantic trying to get Neidhart to turn around. II, unphased, tags in Mags, who unloads on the heels. Belly to Belly on the Anvil, cover, II leaps over the cover to hit Reed with a kneelift. WOW! Great finish.

There were some parts where they were kind of out of sync and it seems Magnum's strong suit at this time is selling. It is ok because II makes up for it in spades with great offensive fire. Neidhart was a perfectly servicable heel and Reed was badass. I love the cage spots and thought the finish was fantastic. Still needed some more heat or a more interesting hook to take it to an all-time classic level, still a great match! ****

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  • 2 years later...

Right off the bat, Magnum throws this high and quick dropkick to Jim Neidhard and I'm hyped. His offense is always so explosive. I really enjoyed Reed in this, and thought the cage spots with magnum were really good. I LOVED the mask under the mask spot. So good. ****

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  • GSR changed the title to [1983-12-25-Mid South] Butch Reed & Jim Neidhart vs Mr Wrestling II & Magnum T.A. (Cage)
  • 2 months later...

I classified this as one of the best tag matches of 83 in the territories. Baby faces establishing their shine early on. Big million dollar knee to Reed has the crowd going 2!2!2!2!.TA back in controllling with a headlock. Love TA's running with the headlock spot. Reed finally gets out to the Anvil. Reed is in for more punishment. TA misses and goes to the outside. We see some KOTM spots from the heels. 2 wants in, but just causes more trouble for TA. Now they use the cage and bust open TA. 2 again trys to get involved and it costs TA. Finally 2 gets the hot tag and the crowd goes bonkers. Reed bumping big . Eventually Anvil trips him up and the heels get another heat segment.This time 2 is FIP. The heels use their size and really put their weight on him. Anvil begins tugging on 2's mask he finally gets it off and he has ANOTHER MASK . This stuns Anvil, 2 tags TA who hits a Belly to Belly and we have new champions. 4*

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  • 6 years later...

This was fun. As usual, I don't get why, in cage tag matches, two wrestlers need to be on the apron... but oh well. The stipulation and the good crowd hid all of their limitations, MW2 looked very inspired and this helped TA's pace and comeback. I liked the use of the structure, as it was effective but they didn't do too much. Quite good double babyface in perils segments, even though Reed did well and Neidhart looked a bit lost at times. Classic double mask spot by MW2, very clever and well executed finish by TA. This never overstayed its welcome

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