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Often forgotten periods of a wrestlers career...


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Yeah there was March 05 mentioned above which led to Marty being signed but released shortly after due to an arrest. Then February '06 where he saved Michaels from the Spirit Squad and they were doing Rockers/McMahons before the DX reunion but a few weeks later WWE severed ties with Marty again. September 06 he's signed again for the ECW house shows as mentioned (along with Rodney Mack & Jazz, Brad Armstrong, and 2 Cold Scorpio). Released again shortly after due to the court order not allowing him to leave Florida. A year later he worked the Raw 15th anniversary against Mr. Kennedy in December 07. Then his final appearance was against Miz in September 09 during the guest host era of Raw. Always loved his random returns.


I think mentioned earlier throughout the thread is the above Rodney Mack, Jazz, Brad Armstrong, & Scorpio hires in 06, along with Henry Godwin working house shows around that time. Would've been fun if any of them got to work TV other than Armstrong doing a couple commentary spots and Jazz worked I think one match.

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Jazz worked I think one match.

Yeah, she got squashed by Mickie James in a disappointingly brief match on that WWEvsECW special they did on Wednesday night before One Night Stand 2. I don't remember her ever showing up on TV again.


And why the hell did they hire Scorpio and then never put him on television? He still looked crisp as ever in his indy matches from around that time.

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Jazz worked I think one match.

Yeah, she got squashed by Mickie James in a disappointingly brief match on that WWEvsECW special they did on Wednesday night before One Night Stand 2. I don't remember her ever showing up on TV again.

And why the hell did they hire Scorpio and then never put him on television? He still looked crisp as ever in his indy matches from around that time.



Agreed. He worked a loop with Gregory Helms on an overseas tour at the end of 2006 which would've been a really fun feud for Smackdown at the time. That was Helms' best period IMO as the long reigning cruiserweight champ. Then he had a dark match before Smackdown in April 07 against Paul Burchill but nothing ever came of it.

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I'm watching the Iron Sheik take on Bob Backlund as Great Hussein Arab in 1979 for the WWF Title. That seems to be a period of his career that few people know about.


Weird, I knew him as Hussein Arab first, Iron Sheik second. Depends when you started watching, I guess (insert old man reference *here*)

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Yeah, Hussein Arab is pretty well-known. If you wanna talk about forgotten WWE periods of Shieky-baby's career, how about coming back for about six minutes in the summer of 1988, after the Duggan incident?


Yup. He had about two or three matches on TV and then disappeared again. Still had Slick as his manager.


Another one I just remembered, Jim Neidhart as a Wrestling Challenge commentator along with Monsoon and Heenan in 1991. What was the story behind that? Was he injured so they gave him something to do? And Hillbilly Jim had a brief run as a studio host/commentator around the same time as well. And then there was Sean Mooney hosting Wrestling Spotlight as his "twin brother" Ian Mooney for no reason whatsoever.

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