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Man that No DQ 10 Lashes Magnum TA/Wrestling II vs. Midnight Express match was great. The ending is not the same as the one from the Mid-South DVD.


I liked the match from January but this one was even better. Great use of the No DQ stip without ever doing anything too crazy or having the match get too out of control. This match had II as the hot tag and man he was great at it. The finish seemed a bit lacking but I think that's also because the camera missed something. The post match was milked for all it was worth. This was one of my favorite matches that's been uploaded so far.

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I forgot to mention I also watched the Dirty White Boys vs. Brickhouse Brown/Tony Torres match a while back. It was pretty good, not anything great like the TA/II vs. Midnights matches but a fun watch. The DWBs are a fun brawling team who I always like and Torres was better than expected as the FIP with some good bumping which was enough for me to pick him up off the free agent wire in the fantasy project. If he's good enough for Paul Boesch he's good enough for me.

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Would really like to see more catalogued matches that the library has. After seeing Billy Grahams and Mascaras' lists a few pages back it seems Boesch taped a lot of mid 70s which is just fantastic that he saved those matches. They are very hard to come by.

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Not sure if anyone else but shoe watched the Fantastics vs. Jerry Grey/Eddie Gilbert match that has been up for a while but I watched it this morning and liked it a lot. Not a 'great' match but a really fun one and Gilbert takes one of the best bumps off a punch I've ever seen in an exchange with Bobby Fulton.

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Just finished watching Terry Daniels vs. Dutch Mantell. That was actually a really good little undercard match. Less than 6 minutes of action but Dutch was great at getting heat and Daniels got a little bit of shine before going down. I would recommend this for sure if you're a fan of good little undercard matches and/or Dutch Mantell.

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With The Grapper #1/Tiger Conway, Grapper #2 vs. Wrestling II and the Bobby Jaggers/Chavo matches all coming from 11/19/82 it looks like we could have some big matches on the way if the whole card gets uploaded.


Boesch @ Houston, TX - Sam Houston Coliseum - November 19, 1982

Mr. Wrestling II vs Grappler #2

Tiger Conway Jr. vs The Grappler

Ernie Ladd vs Mike Bowyer

Chavo Guerrero vs Bobby Jaggers

Mil Mascaras vs Tully Blanchard

Ted DiBiase vs Dick Slater

Chavo Guerrero vs Gino Hernandez

AWA World Heavyweight Title: Tony Atlas vsNick Bockwinkel ©


Chavo vs. Gino especially sounds like it would be really good.

Well today's match was Ernie Ladd vs. Mike "Grenade" Boyer so good odds we could be seeing the other matches soon. The Ladd match was really just a total squash but worth the less than 3 minutes it'll take you to watch it.

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Is it time NWAclassics has a cards section?. If a whole show is uploaded they can put in a seperate section. I think over time fans dont want to look through hundreds of random matches with the scroll at the bottom of the page where you dont get all the matches.

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Ah, quit yèr bitching. For fucks sake. "Oh I have to scroll to find things". Jesus tap dancing Christ, how spoiled and lazy can people get? For 8 bucks a month we're getting tons of cool shit and yet there's just gotta be whining about how it isn't easier. Fuck you.

I wasn't complaning you idiot, Im trying to help new subscribers because the first batch of matches that we got are not on the scroll.

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