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These four reviews are dedicated to Matt D.


One Man Gang vs. Jim Duggan (8/8/86)


Good spirited sprint brawl. Good action, but short. One thing I will say, considering Duggan was going over, I didn't think Gang made his size and weight advantage feel like it counted in this match. I mean, he's a big guy, so obviously it's there, but I'm not sure he works particularly effectively to make you feel that size. It could just be that Duggan was such a force of nature that it feels like an even contest, but even so, I saw a Giant Haystacks match yesterday in which I felt he worked the big man vibe a lot better than Gang did here.




One Man Gang vs. Jim Duggan (1/9/87)


A chain match and a longer affair than the last one. This is good blood and guts stuff as you'd expect from both Watts and Houston. Enjoyable juice brawl with a hot crowd. I thought they worked the strip pretty well. Gang did use his weight to stop Duggan from making the four corners, but some of the same criticisms apply. Nonetheless, probably one of the better matches of both guys' career.




One Man Gang vs. Brad Armstrong (2/25/85)


Armstrong was not a JTTS in Mid-South and he wouldn't be considered one here. Gang dominates early, but Armstrong counters with a hammerlock. Eventually Gang hits a clothesline.


Full armdrag and twist by Gang. He's working the arm now. This match has been a lot more technically worked than one might expect. I've always found Armstrong pretty boring and overrated. Gang continues to work this arm. Definition of a rest hold.


Clubbing blows on the arm by Gang. I feel like Armstrong needs to create some movement in this match, it's been very static. Another armdrag and twist by Gang. Elbow on the shoulder. Even Boesch is commenting on how it's weird to see Gang actually wrestle like this.


Misses a splash in the corner. Armstrong comes back. Texas punches. Forearm from the top. Goes for an atomic drop but crushes his own knee. Standing powerslam by Gang and that's all she wrote.


This is an interesting match in that it is not at all worked as you'd expect. Decent if straightforward psychology. Armstrong needed to bring the goods more in a match like this if you ask me. He's the ring general, he needs to make more dynamic stuff happen, but he didn't. Gang for his part was fine, but he's obviously not a technical wrestler so an extended bout of armwork is a weird one for him to go for. Worth watching for interest's sake. I'm not convinced of the idea that Gang was a smart worker though. As for Brad Armstrong, he has seldom impressed me.




One Man Gang and King Kong Bundy vs. Steve Williams and Jim Duggan (9/23/83)


Trivia note, I turned one year old on this day! A lot of beef in that ring. Williams is very young here. No beard. Gang has a very big beard, on the other hand, and him and Duggan get right in each others' faces. Williams seems like more of a fat guy in 1983, not the same build as you expect from Dr Death.


It's good in a way that we get to see Gang tag with Bundy here as we can directly compare how both played the big man. Bundy is much more like the immovable object, Gang on the other hand, bumps around and and shows more weakness. But he's not Jerry Blackwell pinballing, so I'm not sure if being so giving comes across well for him. Gang seems very beatable to me, not an imposing monster. He's more comedic and watching some of this you can see why Vince picked him to play Akeem.


Bundy takes a lot more to go down. Again, you can see why it was him and not Gang who headlined a Wrestlemania. I sound like I'm dogging Gang. I'm not, just giving a picture of how he worked relative to Bundy. Gang didn't work like a fearsome monster, Bundy did. On the other hand, Gang had a higher workrate than Bundy.


As for the match, they go a good 15+ minutes, Gang "plays Uncle Ivan", by which I mean consistently loses advantage for his side. Solid action, they hid Williams's greenness well, and he got a great rub from Duggan. Gang carried the work load on the heel side. Not sure I ever really felt that the babyfaces were in real danger though. I'd have liked a longer heat sequence.



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Fun match. A lot of shine but all entertaining. Just as importantly, the heat on Mascaras meant enough due to how well Superstar controlled him. He had a tendency to fight back no matter what so the quick tags and cutting the ring in half meant all the more here. The hot tag was timed a little weird but I thought the finishing stretch was chaotic enough to set up the upcoming singles matches well.

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My review of the Mascaras / Santana vs. Masked Superstar / Super D match:


1 - nice long shine to start the match - Tito worked the headlock and kept coming back to it - very old school -


2 - really nice leapfrog by Super D - good agility and impressive for a big man


3 - nice cross body by Tito - the crowd really popped for it - Superstar really sold well in the corner -


4 - Mascaras tags in - nice long shine spot for Mil - Masked Superstar bumped all over the ring for Mil and sold all of his signature moves really well -


5 - Super D back in with some nice chain wrestling with Mil - nice standing surfboard spot - I am struck by how obviously shorter / smaller Mil appears in comparison to the other 3 guys in the match - but Mil does appear to be thick / stocky and in great shape - as always he is sucking in his stomach - LOL (couldn't resist that one) -


6 - Tito is back in and goes back to the headlock - good psychology - Super D misses with an impressive cross body - impressive for a man his size - at this point I am really enjoying this match!


7 - Mascaras worked well with both heels - probably one of the best matches I've seen Mil in outside of Japan - amazed at how much Mil sold and effective / dramatic it was! Wish Mil had sold more now in other matches. Super effective in my opinion.


8 - Tito Santana move at 14:38 - did Paul actually call that a "nutcracker"? I laughed out loud on that one.


9 - nice Super Plex by Super D - his signature maneuver


10 - amazing heat for finish - Mascaras kept out by the referee - double body slam then interference by Gran Markus to set up the rematch.


11 - go back to 14:25 - Tito wanted to crash both heel's heads together but Superstar (or was it Super D) already had gone out through the ropes - so Tito improvised - this match is wrestled the old school way - improvised not choreographed - so you could adjust on the fly - this is a forgotten style these days.


Really enjoyable match for me!

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Man this was a really great match, and I agree with Bruce this might have been Mil's best performance in the states.We get a really great extended shine sequence with Tito being the rugged fighter, while Mil showed a lot of flash. It's obvious on commentary Boesch has designs to make Tito his new ethnic babyface in the Jose Lothario role. Both heels made the faces look great in the shine. I was shocked Mil played FIP. He was good at it and the crowd was super hot for it. I really bought into the struggle in the match.Tito gets the hot tag. He's on fire, but gets cut off and we get total chaos at the finish.3 3/4*

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Battle Royal 11/18/83


I thought this was a really fun battle royal . It was also really well booked to set up the major show in 2 nights. I like the 2 ring battle royal premise. I liked the story of how no one liked the russian Nikolai Volkoff. I loved Reed using a crutch on JYD to set up the paint the loser yellow stip.Big John Studd gets over by stalling. The Dusty/Nikolai interactions set up their match the next night. I loved that Nikolai won the 1st ring. Mary Oates a great wrestler, but and underneath talent wins the 2nd one. Marty Oates is the future Marty Jannetty. Volkoff just destroys Oates in the final to cement him as a monster heel. We get some really good promos afterward. 3*

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Great match. Thought the babyfaces looked awesome in this. Always curious about how Santana looked outside of the WWF.

Gran Markus' promos are weirdly contradicting. He's saying Santana isn't a real Mexican, then he appears to be saying he is one, and accuses Santana of crossing over the river without documents. I mean, he doesn't say it that way, he says it using slurs, but that's pretty much what he says.

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I didn't have strong feelings about the Battle Royal, though it was definitely solid. It would have been really ballsy if they had Dusty come back out to cost Volkoff. They could have made an over mid-carder there if they did while still building to the next match. It's not like Volkoff was lacking in heat. I liked Marty's fire at the beginning of the one-on-one segment but I really wish he had 1-2 more hope spots in there towards the end.

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Duggan vs Hercules Coal Miner's Glove Match


This was interesting, and the guys worked hard. The match was super heated. I wouldn't consider this a good match though. At times the strikes were good. Then at times Hercules strikes looked terrible. We got a lot of pole spots. When it was on the mat and ringside we got a fun brawl. Though the match had drama, and post match a killer Cornette promo building to a hair match.2*

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Terry Taylor vs Steve Williams 8/31/84


This was a solid match. We see Doc with a mean looking headlock take over on Taylor. It had a real nasty looking snap to it. Then at times he really works it aggressively. We see Taylor after the arm. Doc sells it spot on.Doc tosses Taylor to the outside and pursues him. Doc works a pretty nasty front face lock. Taylor eats a UFC level knee from Doc. Doc did a KOTM spot and makes it important. Taylor steals a pin. Post match Doc leaves him bloody in a great angle. 2 1/2*

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Murdoch vs Gordy


This was worked differently than I was expecting. Still I enjoyed it. I loved Gordy bumping huge for Dick's Bionic Elbow. Murdoch's arm work was really well done. Gordy threw some nasty punches in this.I also enjoyed Gordy's standing headlock a lot in this. The one from the mount position was beyond nasty. Murdoch even busted out a flying head scissors. This was a real good meat and potatoes match. The finish was a little anti climatic.Though the punches in this were awesome and Gordy bumped big for Murdoch's punches. 3*

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