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Free Agency Wire


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Okay guys we are going to revamp free agency a little bit. With the inclusion of Japan and Mexico. We are going to have free agents for both of them, however they will need to separated by those who can and cannot travel. This is going to be an ongoing process, so just bear with me as we put it together. I have got the list of American Free Agents, Those who can travel, and Japanese free agents. If we need to add Mexico free agents we can do so. Just let me know if some people need to be moved around and added and such.


American Free Agents

Billy Anderson

Bob Bradley

Bob Della Sorra

Bob Marcus

Brian Mackney

Bull Brannigan

Bulldog Bob Brown

Chris Carter


Damien Kane

Dan Denton

Dan Johnson

Dave Kochen

Dave Petro

David Sammartino

Dominic DeNucci

Denny Brown

Doug McColl

Duke Myers

Eric Sbraccia

Farmer Boy Ipo

Frank DeFalco

Frank Star

Frankie Laine

Gino Della Sorra

George Weingroff

Greg Evans

Javier Cruz

Jerry Grey

Jerry Ho

Jerry Monti

Jerry Sampson

Jim Lancaster

Joe Cagle

John Cosman

John Quinn

John Richmond

Johnny Rivera

Johnny Valentine

Keith Eric

Ken Jugan (Zoltan the Great)

Ken Lucas

Ken Raper

Kerry Brown

LeRoy Brown (Samoan)

Les Thorton

Loch Ness

Manuel Villalobos

Mark Ragin

Mighty Milo

Mike Allen

Mike Hammer

Mike Kelly

Mike George

Mike Miller

Mike Reed

Mike Stone

Omar Atlas

Pat Kelly

Pat Rose

Pete Doherty

Phil Apollo

Reggie Rapone

Rick Davis

Rick Jones

Rick Renslow

Roberto Renesto (Tom Branch)

Rocky Kernodle (Keith Larson)

Ron Ellis

Roy Lee Welch

Steve Brinson

Strong Machine 2

Strong Machine 3

Taras Bulba

Terry Adonis

Tito Senza

Tim Tall Tree

Tony Stetson

Tony Zane

Tor Kamata

Valente Fernandez



1986 Rookies

Axl Rotten
Chris Evans

Reggie Bennett
Reibun Amada

Rikki Nelson
Rockin' Robin
Selina Majors
Super Parka

MANAGERS (Remember all wrestlers in the retirement section can be used as managers)

Don Carsen

Goldie Rodgers

JR Foley


Japanese Free Agents

Mach Hayato

Masami Soranaka

Yukoh Miyato

Apollo Sugawara

Fumihiro Niikura

Goro Tsurumi

Great Kojika

Haruka Eigen

Haru Sonoda

Masahiko Takasugi

Masanobu Kurisu

Motoshi Okuma

Norio Honoga

Rocky Hata

Osamu KIdo

Shunji Kosugi


Free Agents who can travel between US and Japan

Mitsuo Momota

Yoshihiro Momota

Ryuma Go

Hirokazu Hata

Shinichi Nakano

Shinji Sasazaki

Enrique Vera

Gypsy Joe

Sweet Daddy Siki

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Memphis will add Gene Anderson. That will give me 34 wrestlers so I do not need to drop one


Um, pretty sure you still need to drop someone as this isn't connected to the roster cap or anything, it's a Free Agent exchange.


On the other hand, I don't care one way or another so if we decide to allow this now, I'm fine with it.


Yes, I believe we agreed on something along the lines of dropping someone to pick someone up fully. If it was simply to give the person work for a month, they would become a free agent once that month concludes. If you are indeed having them full time, a person would need to be dropped, regardless of the roster cap. Those "free adds" if you will come from the drafts.

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