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[1983-04-24-AWA-St. Paul, MN] Nick Bockwinkel vs Hulk Hogan

Superstar Sleeze

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AWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs Hulk Hogan - AWA 4/24/83


Watching the six man match from like a month prior to this, you could see Hulkamania in full force. Oddly enough, I did not think Hogan was as over here, he was over, but not HULKAMANIA over. I think it is because he was not running wild and unbridled. The Hogan of like 1984-1987 has just incredible amount of effusive energy that is irresistible. He is almost subdued against Bockwinkel. Bockwinkel gives a great bumping heel performance, but he is supplying a lot of the energy, but he is not that over as a heel. I just thought of this right now, but I think he is most over of the two combatants should be the wrestler supplying the energy. Bock was pinballing off Hogan to establish Hogan's strength game. I liked the tit for tat with Bock repeatedly kneeing Hogan in the ropes only for Hogan to turn around on Bock. That was Bock's great equalizer using short strikes to the ribs like he did against Martel. Overall, he got very little offense in and this was mostly Hogan kicking ass or missing a move. He did have more offensive range in this match, but ti goes to show you it is not how many moves you know, but how you do them. The Hulk Up was definitely not down pat and things just did feel HUGE like you would expect this title match to feel. I actually liked the finish run quite a bit with Bock desperately trying the sleeper three times and the first two times Lord James Blears is wiped out only for the third time Hogan to hurl the champion over the top rope, bring him back in and hit the legdrop for the win and the AWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! As one would know, Bock has the belt returned to him on the technicality of the ref being bumped. It was a fine match and I was actually impressed with some of Hogan's moves like his Oklahoma Slam and his clothesline, but it was missing that spark. Bock was fun as a heel, but would have been nicely he was a bigger mountain to climb in this match. ***

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  • GSR changed the title to [1983-04-24-AWA-St. Paul, MN] Nick Bockwinkel vs Hulk Hogan
  • 6 years later...

Pretty good match, despite them using smoke and mirrors here and stalling a little bit at the beginning. Bock was good, he played the part of the coward heel and bumped around for Hogan like he was supposed to do. I always heard how Hogan was safe in the ring and managed to get reaction out of little things and this match was a good example of that, despite not being great or anything. Still, this lacked major drama or good focus segments and it's a shame, because Hogan was over enough to pull off a powerful comeback. The finish was a bit of a let-down, even with a 2024 mindset, as Hogan got screwed again despite being the clear winner here

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