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Guest treble



Jake 'The Snake' Roberts comes to UWA!

Posted by: UWA Staff


The Universal Wrestling Alliance is proud to announce that Jake 'The Snake' Roberts will be in action, LIVE, May 26th in Napanee, Ontario at the Strathcona Paper Centre, and May 27th in Brockville, Ontario at the Brockville Memorial Center.

UniversalWrestlingAlliance.com will have more information about the appearance of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, as well as ticket information for both upcoming shows in the very near future!!


Oh man, I'm so going to the show on the 27th. Front row!

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I'm still waiting on my idea with every blacklisted guy in wrestling who's burned a bridge, is a known piece of scum or drug addict, etc. to congregate in one company with Vince Russo, David McLane and Rob Black booking it, after drinking a bottle of whiskey each. WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN? WHEN?

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Guest savagerulz

Some people are calling this an April Fool's joke by Meltz, but if it's not, the question remains how was he able to use the name Ric Flair during his first WWF run?

Seeing's how Crockett's never trademarked any other names probably best to stick to assuming today's date is the source of the story.
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Guest treble

From the little I watched of Raw this week, I did notice that during that Triple H video package, the clip of Flair talking had the graphic 'Rick Flair' on the screen.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I'd like to know this: is John Cena so bad that everyone is really this eager to see HHH win the title tonight? I understand Cena isn't over as a face and people hate him, but it seems odd that everyone is suddenly salivating at the mouth for HHH to take the title away from him. I couldn't help but feel bad for Cena during the HoF Ceremony, especially when I saw HHH standing there smiling, probably basking in the moment.

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If they ever would turn Cena heel and let him use his charisma like the Rock did, he could be the next huge star Vince keeps trying to create.


Instead, they keep him as the babyface no one wants to see and he gets booed out of the building at the HoF.

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The big problem is that WWE doesn't have that big, over babyface. You have Mysterio on Smackdown and that's about it. What do you have on Raw, especially if they turn Cena heel? Cena, Triple H, Vince, etc. all trying to get main event heel space? It wouldn't work.


You don't want to turn Hunter heel. You don't want to keep Cena face. So, the turn shouldn't happen in their match...but Cena definitely needs to turn. I actually hope that Mysterio does get shipped to Raw as has been rumored. Big Dave needs to get back soon.


I still hate the brand split.


I used to think that I had John Cena figured out. Now? I don't know anymore. It's obvious that he loves his job and he works hard and he seems like a legitimate nice guy. I don't know why he's getting booed. Maybe because he's getting shoved down our throats with the "overcome all odds" booking. Maybe it's because he doesn't seem...real in his gimmick. I really don't know. I think a lot of the people booing him now are doing it just because other people have already done it. It's like a trend now. Triple H certainly isn't helping things with his "you can't wrestle" promos and whatnot.


As to why people are cheering Triple H? Wow. It could be a lot of reasons too. Maybe because Hunter always wins so people are just tired of "betting against him" so to speak. Maybe it's just because he's against Cena? It could easily be either of those scenarios.


There's a lot of ways I could see things panning out. I could see Flair or RVD winning MITB, however, I think both of them would have to wrestle HHH. I can't see Cena retaining at 'Mania but I have a guy feeling that for some reason, he will.

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Guest Cam Chaos

I'm not at all excited or concerned about WM this year. I'd almost forgot it was even happening this weekend. Anyone got predictions?


Incidentally, anyone else think Ric Flair's done well with his trophy girlfriend? Shows her in the HOF photos on WWE.com. Stephanie looks pale as fuck though. She's gone albino. Tony Atlas looked like a dark Kurt Angle, he's aged well (or has Angle aged poorly?). Sherri scrubbed up well and looked very nice and dignified.

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I'm not at all excited or concerned about WM this year. I'd almost forgot it was even happening this weekend. Anyone got predictions?


Incidentally, anyone else think Ric Flair's done well with his trophy girlfriend? Shows her in the HOF photos on WWE.com. Stephanie looks pale as fuck though. She's gone albino. Tony Atlas looked like a dark Kurt Angle, he's aged well (or has Angle aged poorly?). Sherri scrubbed up well and looked very nice and dignified.

I thought Tony Atlas looked like George Foreman's long lost twin brother.
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The opening segment of RAW was everything that's wrong with WWE booking. You have the supposed babyface champ getting booed again, so they tease the tweener route only to have him keep up the "I'm gonna be the good guy no matter what" routine.


Then HHH and Edge come out and get into a promo battle while the WWE Champion of the World is off to the side with his dick in his hands. Not to mention Edge was allowed to get more shots on HHH in that one promo than Cena was during the whole build to WM. Why wasn't Cena the one pointing out HHH acts like he owns the place (which of course would make the smarts wet their pants) and be the one who calls him out on always asking and getting title matches?


Then to top it all off, the Champ agrees to a 2 on 1 match. What is it about championship gold in WWE that makes people stupid? It made no sense for him to agree to the match other than it being required for HHH to lay him out at the end of the show. It's like they're making extra effort to make him look like a dumb ass as much as they can. Cena should be the guy with a huge chip on his shoulder sticking his belt in the faces of the haters, instead he's the goober burying himself in his own promos ("even I was surprised I won").

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Guest bravesfan

I'm looking for a pop culture reference here (and I KNOW it's there), but there's something eerie about how marks and smarks alike have about-faced and, if it already hasn't happened, will be dying for Hunter to get the belt. After all of the times that he's sabotaged other wrestlers, including the current champion, everything has already been forgotten. When he regains the belt, the reign won't seem stale, he will continued to be booked as a better face or heel than anyone on the roster, and no one will notice because they're trained to hate Cena and Edge.


The man is a genius.

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Guest savagerulz

The opening segment of RAW was everything that's wrong with WWE booking. You have the supposed babyface champ getting booed again, so they tease the tweener route only to have him keep up the "I'm gonna be the good guy no matter what" routine.


Then HHH and Edge come out and get into a promo battle while the WWE Champion of the World is off to the side with his dick in his hands. Not to mention Edge was allowed to get more shots on HHH in that one promo than Cena was during the whole build to WM. Why wasn't Cena the one pointing out HHH acts like he owns the place (which of course would make the smarts wet their pants) and be the one who calls him out on always asking and getting title matches?


Then to top it all off, the Champ agrees to a 2 on 1 match. What is it about championship gold in WWE that makes people stupid? It made no sense for him to agree to the match other than it being required for HHH to lay him out at the end of the show. It's like they're making extra effort to make him look like a dumb ass as much as they can. Cena should be the guy with a huge chip on his shoulder sticking his belt in the faces of the haters, instead he's the goober burying himself in his own promos ("even I was surprised I won").

I've not seen it, but from reading it and how you just described it, I just don't get anything they're doing with Cena right now. I really don't understand what they're trying to achieve or where they're trying to go.
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Guest KingPK

Well, Cena was in about 500 handicap matches against Jericho and Carlito last year and won each one, so he probably thought this would have a similar result.


I honestly think WWE is completely baffled that Cena's getting the reactions he is but, instead of rolling with it like they did with Rocky, they're trying to force the fans to cheer him, and that isn't gonna fly with today's fanbase at all. As for what happened in the match, that's just Trips being Trips.

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Yeah but when they took the handcuffs off Rocky, he ended up becoming one of their biggest stars and draws ever. You'd think they'd remember that now.


Hell, Rock's said that part of the motivation behind the Rock character was him being legit pissed at the fans booing him as a face.

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A Cena heel turn won't work because he'll just start doing heelish things that necessitated his face turn in the first place. They have a goldmine with this that can force them to completely re-evaluate the way they look at characters and create a new concept based around that to usher in a new boom period, so I'm hoping that until they figure out what that is and how to make it happen, they don't change a thing.

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Guest Cam Chaos

I'm looking for a pop culture reference here (and I KNOW it's there), but there's something eerie about how marks and smarks alike have about-faced and, if it already hasn't happened, will be dying for Hunter to get the belt. After all of the times that he's sabotaged other wrestlers, including the current champion, everything has already been forgotten. When he regains the belt, the reign won't seem stale, he will continued to be booked as a better face or heel than anyone on the roster, and no one will notice because they're trained to hate Cena and Edge.


The man is a genius.

I'd say it's the other way around: most fans are fickle, have short term memories and are quite stupid. So stupid, in fact, many fail to notice how inconsistent and fickle they are.
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It took a while for it to really sink in, but as I watched more footage, I started to understand the style, the rules and the differences much better. The Japanese and American styles are basically the same as far as rules, selling, etc., but it's totally different in Mexico, and I couldn't grasp it at first.

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