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WWE messed up bad with Christian. Heck, they're messing it up as well with Edge as they did with Jericho. See a patern here? Looks like they are messing up with almost every heel in the promotion. I wonder why?

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The Cena hate on the net is getting out of control. The story about him blowing up in the airport started on cut and paste sites (I haven't seen it mentioned on the Observer site yet) and everyone's already decided it's 100% true and Cena needs punished like Orton was.

I've not read that story...what's supposed to have happened?


From what I've heard though Cena is always a great public entity and a real gentleman when he's out and about, really carries the company well and shows them in a good light at every occasion.


The internet hate for Cena is out of control though, he's really not half as bad as anyone makes out, in fact, he's better than most of the nobody's that they juice up over.


The WWE's handling of the whole thing I still find strange, but I'm sure they have some clue as to what direction they're going with him in the end.

Allegedly Cena had a blowup at O'Hare airport, and it involved him dropping some F bombs that would have got a person arrested had not the WWE smoothed it out.


Some people are now demanding Cena get the same punishment as Orton despite him not having the reputation for being a douche that Orton has.

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Cena is facing fan backlash and lots of internal criticism over whether or not he should be in his spot, in addition to the normal pressures that come with being the top babyface, the world champ and a main event guy. He's supposedly handling it all very well. I would imagine a typical day at the office for Cena right now is very stressful.

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Guest savagerulz

Some people are now demanding Cena get the same punishment as Orton despite him not having the reputation for being a douche that Orton has.

But punishment for what?


Orton, if you're led to believe internet rumor, has shit in people's bags and verbally assaulted women.


Cena if you're led to believe internet rumor, has sworn at someone at an airport.



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Rewatching WM 22, it's amazing how much of what was pushed the most got rejected by the crowd.


Beyond Cena, Rey and Trish also got turned on pretty harshly as well.


Is WWE thinking about reuniting DX or what? Seemed odd that HBK and Triple H would both bust out the crotch chop on the same show (Wrestlemania no less), unless it was just them being cutesy to the smart...err "traditonal wrestling fans" again.

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Guest savagerulz

I liked those reactions. It was good to see fans just saying "fuck you, we'll cheer and boo what we want, NOT what you tell us". I like that a lot.


The DX crotch chops were weird. Any one of those guys doing that and you'd have thought nothing of it really, was just both of them on the same show. I'm not sure a DX comeback is a good idea, or that they should go for it right now, and a big part of me thinks it was just HHH and HBK playing to the fans, but DX reformation rumors have always been hot, so I dunno, we'll see.


What would DX be though? They aren't gonna be getting Chyna, Gunn, Road Dogg back. So would we be stuck with HHH and HBK and who? Waltman? Joy.


As with all stuff like that, in my eyes, best left alone. It's good for like one night for a nostalgia feel, but long term it just doesn't work.

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Guest savagerulz

Yeah, DX wasn't about being the "we've been there, seen it all, done it all" guys, so having the two guys that have reform it, it just wouldn't be DX.

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Meltzer's update today on WWE v TNA:


TNA can also claim superior PPV shows, better wrestling, better young talent, and behind ahead of the curve when it comes to innovation in the ring, and doubling WWE's ratings when put in the same time slot on the same station (I know it isn't really a fair point comparing a C show to an A show, but it is also the truth).

Maybe just a little hyberbole from Meltz? When did TNA all of a sudden become 1989 NWA? I don't think TNA is THAT better, Jesus Dave.

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Guest FlairPinnedMe

That's a pretty bold statement from Meltzer. TNA isn't close to WWE, hell I'd say even ROH is better than TNA right now.


And about the whole 'DX' thing, seemed like HBK just did it since it fitted into the match with the whole bring back the old HBK thing. And HHH just did it for the cheap pop. Though, you know, DX COULD reform at Backlash ;)

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I have to say, with the exception of Wrestlemania, TNA PPVs usually smoke WWE PPVs in terms of match quality. WWE PPVs usually have a ton of matches that are criminally short or just brutally bad, with one or two matches really going balls-out that end up saving the show. TNA PPVs tend to have maybe 2 or 3 matches that are short and/or bad and the rest tend to be at least decent if not very good.


Better wrestling? Considering WWE's "main event style" has become another way of saying "boring kicky-punchy fest" I'd say TNA has the edge here. They don't handcuff their guys like WWE does. Maybe you can make the argument that they should, but at least they let their guys do their thing and not work the same vanilla style.


I don't think anyone would argue that TNA's young talent is better than WWE's. TNA might not use everyone on the roster correctly 100% of the time, but I don't think we'll be seeing them cutting the young talent off at the knees with dead end gimmicks either.


Obviously WWE does the presentation aspect of wrestling better than anyone in the US, arguably the world too. It's going to be a while before any US promotion can touch WWE's production values, but I don't think it's hyperbole to suggest that TNA (and ROH for that matter) have much better wrestling on their shows than WWE does.


When Impact started on Spike, everyone was crowing about how it would be lucky to do what the WWE C shows were getting in that slot, and how TNA was doomed, and yet they've managed to stay at around a 1.0 rating (unless there's a UFC PPV) for a while now. I often wonder if part of the reason people started calling TNA a wannabe WCW is because they miss having a second promotion to bash on and predict the demise of.

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TNA PPVs are definitely better than WWE PPVs. WWE TV kills TNA TV though. I'd say it's a wash, maybe a slight advantage to TNA.

That's pretty much what I was getting at. WWE is so far ahead in terms of production values (even compared to a lot of "real" sports) that it'll probably hold an edge over any competition on that alone no matter how shitty the wrestling becomes.
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