goodhelmet Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Via Meltz... Quote TNA Impact spoilers from Orlando Results from the TNA tapings held tonight: Team 3-D b Lex Lovett & Buck Quartermain (this may have been a dark match or Xplosion match, or could be the TV opener for Saturday) Matches and segments for sure on Saturday The Naturals b Apolo & Homicide via DQ when Konnan interfered. Very quick match. Crowd loved Homicide to the point when the James Boys made the save, they were chanting for Homicide. I don't think TNA is happy right at this moment with the audience that saved and made the promotion, as you'll see more evidence of Ron Killings b Bobby Roode in seconds Roode wanted a rematch, and Killings pinned him in seconds again Roode wanted a rematch, and then beat Killings. No, it doesn't make sense to me either Alex Shelley & Austin Aries & Roderick Strong b A.J. Styles & Chris Sabin & Christopher Daniels. Shelley & Aries & Strong have been put together as a heel group with a push. Crowd loved this match and I was told it was a super match live. Shelley pinned Sabin with a shiranui Next came the segment where Jeff Jarrett's group was to make fun of Sting. To say this died live would be an understatement. As soon as Jarrett came out, the "boring" chants were so loud you couldn't make out what he was saying. What we could figure out is Eric Young came out as the 1988 Sting, Chris Harris came out as the 1997 Sting, and then Monty Brown came out wearing a wig, golf shirt and baby carraige, as the 2006 Sting. The chants were so loud nobody knows much, but the chants got creative as this segment went 15:00 and "seemed" beyond awful (it may play a lot better if you can hear the dialogue). People were leaving in droves as it went on, with chants of "Wrap it up," "We Want Wrestling," "This is lame," and more. For January 14th Abyss b Jay Lethal A.J. Styles was given the award as Mr. TNA for the third straight year. This segment backfired because of the loud chants of "Joe got screwed." Styles was visibly unhappy with the reaction. Shannon Moore stole the award to set up their angle. Samoa Joe b Cassidy Riley with a choke Eric Young & A-1 & Petey Williams b Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt & Matt Bentley when Shelley tripped Sabin leading to the Canadian Destroyer by Williams on him for the pin. Christian & Rhino b Chris Harris & James Storm in a non-title match when Christian pinned Harris. Crowd was dead for everything after the Sting segment. No Sting on television apparently. Although after the main guys came out to brawl, Sting's voice makes an appeareance, saying the mind games have begun and plugging him being there "tomorrow night" for Final Resolution. Xplosion matches Naturals b A-1 & Bobby Roode. Andy Douglas may have injured his knee here Lance Hoyt & Ron Killings & Matt Bentley b Simon Diamond & Elix Skipper & David Young Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sek69 Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 I don't know why they would do a 15 minute Sportz Entertainment segment when they've been promoting themselves as the wrestling alternative. Not to mention JJ already did the busload of Stings bit when they feuded in WCW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Dog Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 More detailed results from PWInsider: Quote Impact: *Team 3D defeated Buck Quartermaine & Lex Lovett. Team 3D cut a promo about wanting to win the NWA Tag Team titles. *Backstage, Shane Douglas interviewed Jeff Jarrett, Scott D'Amore and their entire stable about the Sting Tribute. D'Amore talked about the Jackie Gayda situation, saying he had an envelope from Jackie to give to Jarrett. *Homicide & Apollo vs. The Naturals - Konnan attacked the referee and the Naturals. Kip and BG James hit the ring for the save. They didn't announce an official result. *Shane Douglas was in Larry Zbyszko's office with Jackie Gayda. Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong & Austin Aries invaded the office complaining they haven't been getting opportunities and the X-Division was based around three people. Jerry Lynn came out and told them that if they won matches, they'd be getting marquee matches. *Ron Killings pinned Bobby Rude with a rollup in about 5 seconds. Scott D'Amore challenged Killings to a rematch and he won again in about a minute. They did a second rematch, with Rude winning after the Northern Lariat. *Shane Douglas interviewed X-Division champion Samoa Joe. Joe didn't talk at first but then cut a promo on AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. *Austin Aries & Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong defeated AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels & Chris Sabin when Shelley pinned Sabin in an "amazing match". *NWA champion Jeff Jarrett came out and the heels held a Sting Tribute that was very entertaining. They did "Sting Through the Years." Eric Young was dressed as "Surfer Sting." Chris Harris was "the Crow Sting". James Storm came out in a chicken suit. Monty Brown came out as the "new" Sting in goth pushing a stroller to the ring. Christian Cage came out, followed by Team 3D, which led to a huge brawl. Abyss and Rhino hit the ring with everyone brawling as the show went off the air. A fun segment. Impact: *Abyss pinned Jay Lethal in a quick match with the Black Hole Slam. *Mike Tenay announced AJ Styles won "Mr. TNA for 2005". They discussed his match with New Japan's Tanahashi at the PPV. Shannon Moore came out from the crowd, threw powder in Styles' eyes and stole the plaque. During the segment, the crowd was very, very vocal that Samoa Joe should have won. *Backstage, Shane Douglas interviewed Kip and BG James about Konnan's crew. *TNA X-Division champion Samoa Joe defeated Cassidy Riley with a Muscle Buster. As the match progressed, Styles chased Moore into the ring, leading to Joe and AJ going at it. After the match, Joe was going to give Cassidy a musclebuster on a chair, but Christopher Daniels (who was commentating) hit the ring and struck Joe with the chair. *Shane Douglas interviewed Jackie Gayda. She said that she wouldn't talk about her issue with Jeff Jarrett as it was between them. Scott D'Amore arrived and tried to work something out with Gayda. Shannon Moore ran into the interview, where he was attacked by AJ Styles and they brawled, so nothing got resolved. *A-1 & Petey Williams & Eric Young defeated Matt Bentley & Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt. Alex Shelley tripped Sabin, allowing Williams to hit the Canadian Destroyer. *Christian Cage & Rhino defeated NWA Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted in a non-title match. 3D and Gail Kim all interfered. Abyss hit the ring after the match and gave Rhino a Black Holy Slam. Jeff Jarrett and Monty Brown hit the ring and gave Christian a Pounce followed by a guitar shot. The lights went out and Sting's voice was heard, saying he would take care of things at Final Resolution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest savagerulz Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Quote I don't know why they would do a 15 minute Sportz Entertainment segment when they've been promoting themselves as the wrestling alternative. Personally, I don't like the skits but there are fans that do. TNA can still be an alternative without going completely ROH because if there was a mass-market appeal for pure wrestling ROH would be bigger than the WWE by now. The skit does sound like a complete copy of what was done in the WCW with Chris Harris reprising his fake Sting role. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goodhelmet Posted January 4, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Say what you want but the crowd completely shit on he segment and were merciless towards JJ. THey were also vocal about their support of Joe. Regardless of what you think about TNA crowds, cheering Joe and calling out Jarrett are 2 things where they got it right. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sek69 Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 I know Dixie trusts Jeff's business expertise and all, but how much longer can the Carters ignore the crowd shitting all over everything JJ does? It's starting to get to WWE levels of ignoring the crowd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Jeff has told Dixie and Co. that the Orlando Crowd is sick of him, but the new Spike viewers aren't burned out yet. At this point, I don't even know if the Carters know real heat from X-Pac heat. Also, ROH does do backstage skits and stuff, they just don't make it a focal point of the shows. TNA should take more of a hint towards that since they will never out 'E' the WWE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest WidowsPeak Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 I'd rather watch the shows and judge for myself rather than relying on "internet reports." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goodhelmet Posted January 4, 2006 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Is that true though? Read the RAW recaps and SD! spoilers week after week. THe "E" segments have been crapped on by the crowds and the net for months now. At this point, it should be quite easy to provide more entertainment than WWE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest WidowsPeak Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 The Sting "Tribute" segment that was taped at last night's Impact taping will be edited as it ran longer then scheduled. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Judging from the report of the crowd reaction, they should just schedule a re-shoot of the angle tommorrow or something. Hell, shoot it off site, but don't let the bad come off on TV. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coffey Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 A simple (or not so simple, depending on how you look at it) solution would be for TNA to have shows in front of different crowds. The Orlando crowd sucks and always have. Even if they rabidly cheer for Samoa Joe and boo Jeff Jarrett out of the building, which apparently they did, I still can't get past the "Abyssss...WHOAAAAH" chants and the like. Of course, it could backfire and the new audiences they wrestled in front of might shit all over Jarrett too. If TNA are going to stick exclusively to Orlando for awhile, they need to listen. Play up that Samoa Joe/Jeff Jarrett staredown. Have them run into each other backstage with Jarrett saying something about "noticing what Joe's doing." Then give them a match and switch the title. Joe can "forfeit" the X-Division title and then iMPACT! can run an X-Division tournament for a month or so to crown a new champion. It'd also give TNA the opportunity for a fresh building of guys like Strong, Aries, Shelley, Dutt, Bentley, etc. They want to start using a new X guy? give him some tourney dubyas. I didn't like the "funeral" skit and this skit will probably come off lackluster as well. It's never the same when you've already read what happens. That being said, TNA need to quit teasing Sting and have him show the fuck up already. Quote Is that true though? Read the RAW recaps and SD! spoilers week after week. THe "E" segments have been crapped on by the crowds and the net for months now. At this point, it should be quite easy to provide more entertainment than WWE.I don't know, they seemed to like the Ric Flair skit from Monday. They were even "woo'ing" along when Edge was chopping the car driver. When they came back from the skit, there weren't a ton of cheers but I didn't hear a lot of boos either. It was pretty entertaining. Quote I'd rather watch the shows and judge for myself rather than relying on "internet reports."Very true. I think the worst part, for me, is when you read the reports and shit like "amazing match" is thrown at you. It's like, now I'm expecting something really memorable and if it's just very good I'll feel let down. Quote Judging from the report of the crowd reaction, they should just schedule a re-shoot of the angle tommorrow or something. Hell, shoot it off site, but don't let the bad come off on TV. I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean, it'd come off better on TV and all but they certainly don't want to alienate the only fans that they perform in front of. If they do, it'll just get worse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 I get the feeling those Orlando fans are going to show up, no matter what. However, TNA will have a problem if and when they decide to either tour or take their show on the road. They will have to announce that to the Orlando crowd, who will not take nice to having their exclusive show being taken from them. TNA may have booked themselves into a corner with this Orlando thing. Then again, they left Nashville just fine, so what do I know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest WidowsPeak Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 Quote Quote I'd rather watch the shows and judge for myself rather than relying on "internet reports."Very true. I think the worst part, for me, is when you read the reports and shit like "amazing match" is thrown at you. It's like, now I'm expecting something really memorable and if it's just very good I'll feel let down. Or when fans read spoilers and immediately crap all over the shows without watching them on television themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest savagerulz Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 The sad thing is Jarrett is the only guy in the entire company who gets booed, and thus his position as top heel is as safe as can be. I actually find it amusing in the sense the fans are helping him stay on top by being their smarky selves and cheering everyone else for their workrate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loss Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 It's definitely not helping, but there's no way the crowd could react that would affect Jeff Jarrett being the top guy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Exactly. People have to come to the realization that TNA is first and foremost a Jeff Jarrett vanity promotion. They can become something bigger and someday be called real competition to WWE once they get out of that phase and into becoming something that is different, or at least not what they are right now. Until then, TNA might as well be the good ol' boys network- where if you were once a player in the boom period, we might have a spot for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loss Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 It's also important to remember that TNA was created to be a successful wrestling promotion second and a vehicle to make Jeff Jarrett a star first. Whether that's the goal or not now, I don't know, but it's hard to trust the company when they know what the problem is and refuse to do anything about it. They aren't much different from WWE in that regard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 They've got it bass ackwards in regards to promoting, that's for sure. Bruce Mitchell, in his audio update for the Torch site, made a good point in that wrestling stars are similar to pop culture in that there is a shelf life for most acts. He cited 98 Degrees (ugh) as an example of a music act that was big in 1999-2000. However, if they got back together and put an album out right now, it would tank because they are no longer hot and are a tired act, plus the boy band phase is over. Now translate that to current pro wrestling, in particular TNA and guys like Jarrett, BG James, Kip, Konnan, Team 3-D, etc. Yes, you've heard of them, but do you want to invest your money in them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sek69 Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 The same thing could be said (and has been said) of HHH, Shawn, Taker, even Big Show. Someone needs to take the Carters aside and explain to them that TNA can be a moneymaker at some point but not if it's the Jeff Jarrett Show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coffey Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Who could tell them? Jarrett's got Dixie's ear. It'd be Jarrett's word against whomever spoke up...and Dixie has known Jarrett for years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Dangerous A Posted January 5, 2006 Report Share Posted January 5, 2006 Right on the money, sek. Which is why TNA is missing a grand oppurtunity right now to promote the stars of tommorrow while WWE wallows in the stars of yesterday and politics of guys like HHH, HBK, Taker, etc. Jeff Jarrett is not a bad wrestler or worker, he just isn't right for the role of World champion. You could see that role like a movie role in that some guys just aren't right or fit to be top star. Think of a great role in a movie like Col. Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. Brando was perfect for that role, however, if you cast a guy like Tom Hanks in that role, the movie might not work out and may in fact, bomb out. Same thing here. What is up with me and the comparisons today? Sheesh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Some Guy Posted January 8, 2006 Report Share Posted January 8, 2006 I watched Impact last night. JJ's segment was beyond terrible. You could plainly see the crowd screaming "boring" and "wrap it up" but you barely hear it as they tried to dub it over with generic boos. Christian got a good pop when he came out to mercy kill the segment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Dog Posted January 8, 2006 Report Share Posted January 8, 2006 They only did at first. They were chanting for Sting and then about Storm in the chicken outfit. I didn't think it was that bad. It was only 5 minutes before Christian came out. Had that been on a WWF show it would've been 20 with the faces never showing up. Eric Young resembled Sting quite a bit too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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