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[2000-02-03-WWF-Smackdown] The Rock vs Kurt Angle vs Tazz


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Rock does a great promo and then Kurt comes out and just kills it saying that if there was ever a town than can relate to him about losing, it is Detroit. Good three way dance that plays off Raw. Tazz comes out and beats on Angle until the Rock can come out. When Rock does come out, Tazz and Angle work together for a few seconds stomping down Rock. Tazz is still being billed strongly here in the week following the Rumble. Some good triple threat action and here comes Big Show with a brand new haircut to beat up Rock. Angle reaps the reward as he fell on top of Tazz for the pinfall. Segment ends with a Big Show chokeslam on the floor. **1/4

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Rock promos. I still love watching the reactions and seeing how over he is, but ugh. Could never stand him. Don't mind him in the ring so much, but the promos just grate on me. I'm just one guy though, and the people love it, so the majority rule in this case. Angle's promo on Detroit's many setbacks and losses is pretty funny, but little did he know. Third Angle match against Rock so far in 2000, first for Tazz. Just being in the ring with The Rock does elevate Tazz to an extent and legitimize him as a star. WWE sometimes uses that as an excuse for young guys to do jobs, but it's valid here. Kudos to Rock for taking Tazz's suplexes and giving both guys plenty of offense. Even Steven makes one of his first appearances in the company, as Angle gets the win on Tazz. I don't think doing a job just a few weeks into his run did Tazz any favors, but I don't think it alone was enough to ruin him or anything either. Good fun all around.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I skipped the Rock's promo before the match but considering the standing of the wrestlers at the time this seems to be weird match-up. If they really wanted to do anything serious with Tazz they probably should have fed lower card guys or even jobbers to him for a couple of months, but that's not how WWF 2000 was working. Even later they did this for very few any usually huge guys. Anyway Tazz throwing guys around in a five minute match is always fine by me, finish aside.

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  • 3 months later...

Pre-match backstage interview from The Rock with Kevin Kelly, where Kelly explains that the Big Show has got his wish and will face Rock at No Way Out, with the winner going on to face the WWF champion at Wrestlemania. Rock tells him not to concern himself with The Rock’s business and go and get a glass of ‘shut up juice’ from the back! He then congratulates the Big Show, as for after all his whining and complaining he’s finally got another shot at The Rock. At No Way Out though he promises he’s going to layeth the smacketh down on his candy ass, and after Wrestlemania he’s walking out and going down in history as the best WWF heavyweight champion there ever was.


Angle cuts a local promo to the crowd and how they are all upset with him because their Olympic hero suffered his first loss on Monday night at the hands of The Rock. It’s alright though and it’s why he’s glad to be here, because if there was ever a town that can relate to losing, it’s Detroit, MI! Kurt rushes at Tazz the moment he steps through the ropes and the two of them trade blows. Rock is out about 30 seconds later and makes a beeline straight for Angle. Clotheslines for both and a punch to Tazz’s balls! Angle reverses an Irish whip, keeps hold of Rock’s arm and an overhead belly to belly. Tazz and Kurt then team up to put the boots to him. That doesn’t last long though, as Angle with a lariat that Tazz ducks under and he nails him with a head and arm Tazzplex. Rock with a clothesline on Tazz before tossing Kurt over the top rope to the floor. The three of them go at it on the outside and amongst the crowd. Irish whip reversal by Tazz and Rock collides with Angle who was up on the apron and attempting to get back in the ring. Lovely Northern Lights suplex for two. Angle saves Tazz from a ‘Rock Bottom’ but he responds by slapping the ‘Tazzmission’ on him. This time it’s Rock with the save and all three are showing the effects of the match. Rock unloads on Angle in the corner, DDT to Tazz, spinebuster on Kurt and ‘Rock Bottoms’ to both. As he covers Angle, Big Show is out and pulls Rock from the ring. Show’s had his hair cut! He attacks Rock on the outside and Angle is able to drape an arm over Tazz to get the win and hand Tazz his first loss in the WWF. Show ends up leaving Rock laying after a chokeslam on the arena floor.


Good stuff here and Tazz didn’t look out of place at all in this company. I’m going to be interested to see how quickly he starts slipping down the card from here, or even if this was the start of it. The result, unless they were doing a schmozz, seemed obvious though as you shouldn’t be pinning Rock in the lead up to No Way Out, and Angle just lost on Monday. Talking of No Way Out, I’m getting a bit fed up of Big Show’s interference. You’ve got your match at the PPV Show, stop disrupting the matches now!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so tired of The Rock on the mic. I'm always tempted to fast forward.


Angle 2000 to me is great, both on mic and in the ring. Tazz throws a belly-to-belly on Angle that makes tiny Tazz look like a badass. Then he gets a choke on Angle and throws a killer clothesline on Rocky. He doesn't win, but Kurt and Rocky are not burying him.


The Show run-in strikes me as smart booking. It continues to sell him as a monster, and it also absolves The Rock from having to be involved in the pinfall.

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  • 2 months later...

Rock being in the same ring as Tazz is still weird to see. Always loved the Rock/Angle feud and this wasn't much different.Thought the big show interference was good because it got Rock out of the picture and the other two guys go the heat. As for Rock's promos, I still enjoy them but they are an acquired taste.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-03-WWF-Smackdown] The Rock vs Kurt Angle vs Tazz

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