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[2000-02-06-AAA] El Cobarde vs Tiger Steele


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No idea what to expect from AAA in the 2000’s but would be lying if I said I was looking forward to it. Also can’t say I have watched much of either of these two. The KISS character seconding Cobarde was pretty sweet looking. Tiger Steele also is a huge figure even if he is shit in the ring. Cobarde mostly sticks and moves with speed to escape Tiger. I know that is a little odd to say from a wrestler in his 50’s but it is what happened. A weird pin occurs with Tirantes put on top of Steel and then he counts for some reason. Steele comes back with his Kevin Nash cosplay offense and he does a half hearted chokeslam to Tirantes. Steel has a submission of a back breaker but Tirantes gives the win to Cobrade. I don’t know how Steele and company could have expected anything else. Needless to say, this didn’t exactly make me want to run out and pick up everything from AAA in 2000. *3/4

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It's a title match and we try to watch title matches, so let's take one for the team. I remember seeing Tiger Steele in some of the TWA stuff. Not sure if he was an actual Shawn Michaels trainee or not. He felt like a second-rate Diesel clone in TWA and wasn't very good. I do admit it's kinda cool to hear a "Me-xi-co" chant from the crowd, since I've never seen fans chant for their country outside the U.S. I'm not really familiar with Cobarde, but he's pretty good and tries to go the Michaels/Terry Funk route when working with big stiffs of creating a lot of movement around them in order to create the illusion of more action than is actually happening. Here, the truth is pretty transparent, but I can't fault the effort. Steele looks barely trained, actually ducking and staying ducked and waiting for a back body drop off a criss cross when Cobarde had already stopped running the ropes. I have no idea what the hell that pin attempt was with Tirantes. Cobarde tried really hard and put forth an admirable effort to create something decent, but he's a wrestler, not a magician. Normally, I'd complain about an 8 minute lucha title match and I will here as well, but instead, I'll say it went far too long. Wow, Tiger Steele is bad. Ambitiously bad.

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Don't have access to the match right now, but if Steele is actually Giant Warrior as he's generally listed...sheesh. He's not some wet-behind-the-ears trainee, he'd been wrestling for over ten years all over the world--Puerto Rico, South Africa, Global, and multiple tours of All-Japan!


I mean, don't get me wrong, he was bad--but in AJPW he didn't strike me as incompetent. Nowhere near the same ZIP code as Raja Lion, or Giant Gonzalez. Basically on the same level as his Land of the Giants partner, Tyler Mane. Amazing that he deteriorated that quickly into making rookie-like mistakes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm about 99% sure this guy isn't Giant warrior. I saw Giant warrior and he could at least do a decent chokeslam.


I like early 2000s AAA but this might be one of the worst matches I've ever seen. Tiger Steele botched every move. EVERY MOVE he attempted. He couldn't even bump correctly. I felt bad for poor Cobarde who is a decent older rudo but he couldn't do anything with this guy. The finish was awful with Tirantes getting choke slammed. Basically just threw himself to the ground. Believe it or not, this wasn't Tiger Steele's first or last match in AAA. I guess Pena liked the guy cause he had a singles match with Cibernetico. I would say this is must watch just to say you have seen the worst match of all time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Terrible match. Steele didn't look like he was trying half of the time. Cobarde is the type of wrestler that causes people to give up on lucha. He's old and moves in slow motion. He's got a giant as his opponent, but he's not doing any bumping. Steele went down for the back body drop, but Cobarde took forever to do anything with it and made Steele look stupid. The referee hijinks made this one even worse.

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  • 8 months later...

After all the great CMLL 2000 matches I have watched up until now, thanx to this awesome project, this was terrible. Tiger Steele looked like he wrestled his first match ever, and El Cobarde was, well,El Cobarde. I really hope to see some good AAA 2000 stuff, just to forget about this one. Fingers crossed........

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-02-06-AAA] El Cobarde vs Tiger Steele

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