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[2017-02-14-WWE-Smackdown] Bray Wyatt vs A.J. Styles vs John Cena


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Yes, this was a ton of fun. AJ Styles is insane, and the best in the world. Everyone was great here, but his performance was simply incredible. The guy deserves to main even WrestleMania this year. The way Cena beat AJ last time, was the AA, roll through, and then another AA. Loved that AJ had a counter for that this time. Also, really liked how they started the match with Harper taking Bray out for a minute. The only downside is all the AA's being thrown around. I understand they are using that to show that AJ and Bray are on the same level as Cena, but I think they could tell that story another way. Wyatt kicks out of the AA, but Cena loses to one Sister Abigail. Since they are using multiple finishers, that helps get Bray over pretty big.

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I thought the finish was really good. Am I alone in these matches leaving me feeling cold & empty? It is fun mindless entertainment but nothing matters. It feels disposable. Just for consumption in the moment. No staying power. Like I will not remember a single thing from this tomorrow.


I'm not against these matches. I think they are fun and have their place. Just don't see them as all-timers

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I thought the finish was really good. Am I alone in these matches leaving me feeling cold & empty? It is fun mindless entertainment but nothing matters. It feels disposable. Just for consumption in the moment. No staying power. Like I will not remember a single thing from this tomorrow.


I'm not against these matches. I think they are fun and have their place. Just don't see them as all-timers


Very much with you here. They're fun TV matches that feel like ***1/2 efforts that are laid out well enough and features a number of fun bumps or spots (when does that not happen in an AJ match?) that allow it to stand out from your standard TV filler, but there's hardly any depth or psychology that takes it to that next level. Its basically finishers and big moves from the start. I'm not complaining, as if we got matches like this every week the shows would fly by, but there's nothing memorable here.

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I'm with both of you. I don't want this to sound like a rant, because as I stated, I had a great time watching this match. I thought AJ looked fantastic. But, the only thing I'll probably remember was that he looked super athletic and they hit a bunch of finishers. There's no meat and potatoes to the story (as I've seen Sleeze put it). Everything looks "phenomenal," but it's nowhere near the level of storytelling say the Roman/AJ series had (IMO). I don't know, the way I see it, is this is John's style of match ever since the big KO bouts that I didn't really care for. AJ adapts to Cena's style, because... well, he's Cena. They are super fun matches, but lack the depth both them are truly capable of.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2017-02-14-WWE-Smackdown] Bray Wyatt vs A.J. Styles vs John Cena

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