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[2000-04-30-BJW] Tomoaki Honma & Ryuji Yamakawa vs John Zandig & Wifebeater


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This is in the same building as the night before. Really fun match where Honma and Yamakawa work well with the restraints of the CZW crew by bumping around like crazy. They also are able to send them through the chairs. This made no bones about being anything but a straight garbage style death match but I appreciated that and the spots were unique and brutal enough to keep me engaged. That is about the peak for Zandig. ***1/4

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not really into Yamakawa as a Honma opponent, but as a tag team partner, I like him a lot. This was a good match. I am always into a good blinding spot where the blinded guy goes for his partner, in this case Zandig unknowingly press slamming Wife Beater after having powder thrown in his eyes. I was groaning when I saw how much setup time was involved in Honma doing the dive through the table while Yamakawa held him, but that was exactly the point, as it allowed a recovery and they never got to the spot. Good stuff. ***

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  • 2 months later...

I think this has to be the best Zandig and Wife Beater matches of their careers up to this point. The BJW guys make them look great in this one. This is a very good brawl with a lot of nice spots without it becoming too much. I was surprised by the athleticism shown by Zandig in this one as he hits a very nice cross body to the outside.



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  • 4 months later...

I still can't believe BJW were conned by these goofs that they were a big deal in North American...


I won't say this was a carry job as the CZW guys held their own, but Yamakawa and Honma's bumping was on point to get these guys over. I dug the powder into the spot as it was refreshing in BJW and I also like how it led to Zandig press slamming his partner due to being blinded. I dug how BJW limited these guys on their weapon usage and they didn't go using the ridiculous weapons they would usually used in their CZW death matches stateside. Easily the best match I've ever seen Zandig or Wifebeater in.



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  • 2 months later...
  • GSR changed the title to [2000-04-30-BJW] Tomoaki Honma & Ryuji Yamakawa vs John Zandig & Wifebeater

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