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[2000-07-01-Osaka Pro] Super Delphin & Takehiro Murahama & Naohiro Hoshikawa vs Dick Togo & Black Buffalo & Daioh Quallt


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I was really looking forward to this and it didn’t disappoint. After a very brief feeling out process, things open up and they don’t stop. The heel unit is relentless just bruising up the faces around the ring and trying to gain any advantage possible. Togo and especially Buffalo in this match were amazing. Murahama plays FIP for a while and the crowd is so invested in the guy. You can hear the shrieks from the females any time he either gets a near fall or is in danger. The match ebbed and flowed in a natural way and felt chaotic but contained like those tremendous 1996 M-Pro matches. Buffalo gives Delphin a brutal clothesline over the top rope and has Murahama on the ropes until Murahama is able to reel off a sweet looking back spin kick and gain the upset win to the delight of the crowd. Osaka Pro is the best. **** (8.0)

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  • 5 months later...

Excellent match from the Osaka crew. I honestly thought it was one of the best matches of the year. Everyone worked to the best of their ability and the action never let up. It didn't matter which combination was in the ring, they each delivered an exchange worthy of the last. The heavy hitters did their job but the lesser guys were about as good as they can possibly be. Murahama continues to excel in his new role as Face in Peril. Who thought the little prick could be so sympathetic?

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This is the best Osaka Pro tag match we've seen so far imo. Everyone looked good here, even Daio QUALLT who I've never dug much. Everything clicked and worked and there was never any downtime. This for me ranks up there with the other great Toryumon multi man matches from the year.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Tons of action and spoils, with everyone playing a role, but Murahama being the one this match was built around. He sells a good beating from the heels. I loved Togo breaking up Murahama's reverse armbar takedown and soaking up the heat. Delphin delivers a neat backdrop hold onto Buffalo but at the end, gets creamed with a Buffalo lariat over the ropes. The finish was fun, too, as Murahama collapses on the corner whip but pops up to hit the finishing kick. Fun stuff.

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  • GSR changed the title to [2000-07-01-Osaka Pro] Super Delphin & Takehiro Murahama & Naohiro Hoshikawa vs Dick Togo & Black Buffalo & Daioh Quallt

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