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[2000-07-09-WCW-Bash at the Beach] Hulk Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett


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The ultimate moment of two wrongs don't make a right. Whereas the Montreal Screwjob has a more nuanced discussion of who was in the right and wrong from a macro sense, this is pretty cut and dry that Hogan had shown a lot of unnecessary power and pull throughout his career and it came up to him. However, the comeuppance of Hogan happening at the hands of Russo also doesn't sit well. Jarrett feels like someone left in the middle that sort of tried to play both sides in the HHH role and came out looking pretty good not having overall enemies. DUD

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember watching this live and it just felt like WCW was so far gone and I didn't know how to bother with it anymore. My memory of all that stuff is spotty, although filled with fond teenage memories, so it's been fun to rewatch this kind of stuff with a different perspective. Agreed that Jarrett just seems like someone stuck in the most awkward of places. This could have been handled so much better without Russo's whining but it at least leads to a legitimate main event with the best intentions. I guess.

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And this was a case where Hogan was in the right. Him vs Goldberg is the biggest match WCW could build to at this time. So it made sense for him to be champion.

To be fair to him, he had been working hard since July of the previous year. Trying hard to get over anything he was given. He had also lost to Kidman and Mike Awesome before this. So he was being a pretty good sport all things considered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jeff Jarrett tells ‘Jurassic Slapass’ Gene Okerlund that Hulk Hogan may be here, but that means ‘Plan A’ now goes into effect. Over the years he’s made plenty of enemies so allies aren’t hard to find. Video history package before Michael Buffer makes the introductions. Jarrett’s music plays, however there’s no sign of him and the commentators wonder where he is as this isn’t like him. Eventually Vince Russo walks out with ‘Double J’ following, and Russo looks all serious knowing what is about to go down. Hogan makes his entrance and now Jarrett is back at the top of the aisle. He slowly returns to the ring and when the bell sounds, lies down on the canvas. Hogan is perplexed at what’s happening and Russo tosses the World title to him. Mark Madden says how he thinks things are deviating from the script as Russo heads to the back. Hulk grabs a mic and says “is this your doing Russo? That’s why this company is in the damn shape it is because of bullshit like this!”. He pins ‘Double J’ with one foot on his chest and an uncomfortable looking Jarrett gets right up and leaves. Hogan is the new World champion, although not for long...


Russo’s ego has already led him to pinning, retiring and shaving the head of Ric Flair, so now he moves onto another legend of the sport. This was an embarrassing situation that should never have happened, and certainly not in front of the public and on a live PPV. Jarrett, to his credit, looks like he’d rather be anywhere but there at this point and was just a pawn in the Russo and Hogan battle.

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To be clear, this was a work until Russo decided to go into business for himself on the promo later in the show, talking about Hogan's creative control clause and how he held back Booker T, which ironically perturbed Hogan so much because he thought it was character defamation, being as that it implied he was a racist. That was what prompted the lawsuit.

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