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Whatcha watchin'? -- May 2005

Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Since everyone is making requests to HTQ, I'd like to throw in Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man from WrestleMania XV.

I'll do this one tomorrow. After that, I've got nothing concrete lined up to review. I'll do the Undertaker v Yokozuna casket match from the '94 Rumble if I find my tape or the match gets YouSended, but apart from that, the floor is open to requests.
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* The entire Great American Bash '91 card would be hilarious

* The Stratus/Gayda tag match from RAW

* Sting v Vampiro from GAB '00 or BATB '00

* Sting v Jeff Jarrett from Halloween Havoc '00

* Big Boss Man v Al Snow in Kennel in A Cell

* Jake Roberts' match at Heroes Of Wrestling

* Hogan/Bischoff v DDP/Leno from Hog Wild '98


I believe a "Judy Bagwell on a pole" match also took place in WCW at one point, but I don't remember the participants.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

* The entire Great American Bash '91 card would be hilarious

* The Stratus/Gayda tag match from RAW

* Sting v Vampiro from GAB '00 or BATB '00

* Sting v Jeff Jarrett from Halloween Havoc '00

* Big Boss Man v Al Snow in Kennel in A Cell

* Jake Roberts' match at Heroes Of Wrestling

* Hogan/Bischoff v DDP/Leno from Hog Wild '98


I believe a "Judy Bagwell on a pole" match also took place in WCW at one point, but I don't remember the participants.

I have these two, and so should be able to do them:


* Sting v Jeff Jarrett from Halloween Havoc '00

* Big Boss Man v Al Snow in Kennel in A Cell


The Judy Bagwell on a Pole was from New Blood Rising, and saw Kanyon versus Buff Bagwell. I have that PPV, so can do that too.


I only have the THV version of GAB '91, but will do that version if people don't mind only part of the card.


If someone wants me to review the Stratus/Gayda affair, it'll need to be YouSended. In fact, if someone wants me to review a bad match that badly, I'll take YouSended matches too, if I haven't got the match in question on tape.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't see getting more enjoyment from ripping GAB '91 than we've already read from Scott Keith and others.

Given that it is almost universally called the worst major card ever, it's understandable that it's been ripped to bits by so many people.
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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

What is this YouSend thing you speak of?

It's a service that lets you upload files for other people to download.
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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Right now, I?ve got these reviews lined up:


The Undertaker v Big Bossman in a Hell In A Cell from Wrestlemania 15

Sting v Jeff Jarrett from Halloween Havoc 2000

New Blood Rising

Wrestlemania 9

Sting v Sid Vicious from Halloween Havoc 1990

Hulk Hogan v Sid Justice from Wrestlemania 8

The Master Blasters v Brad Armstrong and Tim Horner from Clash Of The Champions XII

Sid Vicious v The Nightstalker from Clash Of The Champions XIII


The first one done will be the Undertaker v Bossman match, but after that, it?ll be a random order. Any new requests will be done when I?ve finished with this lot.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Just for Loss, I've acquired the Vampiro v Sting Human Torch match to review, and, in a bonus, I've also acquired a match of legendary Suck for future review, the identity of which will be revealed closer to time.

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Dude, I don;t know how much suckier it gets than Sting v. Vampirro. I watched that on PPV that has the great Nash-Jarrett classic w/ legendary Goldberg heel turn, and it may just be the worst match of all-time. It wasn't just a case of people missing their spots. They used a damn stuntman for chrissakes. To be fair, I never saw the graveyard match. That may be even suckier than suck.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Have you seen any of the other matches/cards I've got lined up for review ?


Sting v Jarrett is an overbooked mess, and Sid v Nightstalker is easily considered one of the worse matches of all time.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

All this suckness begs the question, what is the worst match of all time?

I'm probably going to find out.


The legendary Tom Magee v Hiroshi Wajima generally gets that honor.

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Guest Some Guy

Dude, I don;t know how much suckier it gets than Sting v. Vampirro. I watched that on PPV that has the great Nash-Jarrett classic w/ legendary Goldberg heel turn, and it may just be the worst match of all-time. It wasn't just a case of people missing their spots. They used a damn stuntman for chrissakes. To be fair, I never saw the graveyard match. That may be even suckier than suck.

I've seen the grave yard match but not the other. The grave yard match sucks badly and it'snot even an "fun to laugh at" type of suck. It's a "who can I sue to get those 15 minutes of my life back" type of suck.
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I'm partial towards Taker/Kane vs Kronik just for the sheer blownspottedness of it.


It's one thing to have a bad match, it's a whole other level to have a bad match where almost everything but the punches were blown so bad it made you turn away in shame and embarrassment.

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Well, dude, if it means anything, I appreciate the review. It's been the ONE thing today that's made me smile and/or laugh. Seriously. So thanks. :)


Let this be a lesson to the young'ins of this board: When you finish school, stick to welfare if you can get by with it. It's less stressful than work.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

My To Review list is now:


New Blood Rising

Wrestlemania 9

Hulk Hogan v Sid Justice from Wrestlemania 8


Hogan v Justice is up next, after which I'll probably go with WM 9 and then NBR.


Once they are all done, I'll be open to requests.

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I'm requesting the following.


* Regal v Jericho - Duchess of Queensbury - Backlash 2001


* The evening gown match at King of the Ring 2000


* Hulk Hogan v HHH - Backlash 2002


* The junkyard match from Bash at the Beach '99


* Randy Savage v Dennis Rodman - Road Wild '99


* Sting v Rick Steiner - Great American Bash '99 (the match where they sicked dogs on Sting)


* Roddy Piper v Scott Hall - SuperBrawl IX


* Ultimate Warrior v Goldust - Good Friends Better Enemies


* HHH v Godwinn - IYH 5 - Arkansas Hogpen Match


* Hulk Hogan v The Giant - Halloween Havoc '95 (with the mummy coming out)


* Hulk Hogan v The Butcher - Starrcade '94


* Sid v El Gigante - Stretcher Match - SuperBrawl I


* Undertaker v Giant Gonzales - Summerslam '93

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

I'm requesting the following.


* Regal v Jericho - Duchess of Queensbury - Backlash 2001


* The evening gown match at King of the Ring 2000


* Hulk Hogan v HHH - Backlash 2002


* The junkyard match from Bash at the Beach '99


* Randy Savage v Dennis Rodman - Road Wild '99


* Sting v Rick Steiner - Great American Bash '99 (the match where they sicked dogs on Sting)


* Roddy Piper v Scott Hall - SuperBrawl IX


* Ultimate Warrior v Goldust - Good Friends Better Enemies


* HHH v Godwinn - IYH 5 - Arkansas Hogpen Match


* Hulk Hogan v The Giant - Halloween Havoc '95 (with the mummy coming out)


* Hulk Hogan v The Butcher - Starrcade '94


* Sid v El Gigante - Stretcher Match - SuperBrawl I


* Undertaker v Giant Gonzales - Summerslam '93

I have the following:


* Regal v Jericho - Duchess of Queensbury - Backlash 2001

* The evening gown match at King of the Ring 2000

* Hulk Hogan v HHH - Backlash 2002

* Roddy Piper v Scott Hall - SuperBrawl IX

* Ultimate Warrior v Goldust - Good Friends Better Enemies

* Sid v El Gigante - Stretcher Match - SuperBrawl I

* Undertaker v Giant Gonzales - Summerslam '93

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Wrestlemania 9 should be finished next week, as I'm doing two matches a day, with one being from WM 9, and the other being from the list of requests.


The next single match reviews will be the Evening Gown match from KOTR 2000, and then Sid v El Gigante from Superbrawl I.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

The computer that is on isn't available at the moment. I'll get to it as and when I can. In the meantime, get ready for Evening Gown goodness.

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