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First round match #7


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Tuesday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Mick Foley


I originally picked Backlund, until the rules of this tourney reminded me that Backlund's awesome face run doesn't count. So his heel run doesn't compare to Foley's accomplishments from 1996-2000.

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Bob Backlund


...and I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be the only person to vote for him. I was the biggest Backlund mark ever when he came back as a heel and snapped. I even put my sixth grade history teacher in the Crossface Chickenwing. I loved his submission match with Bret Hart. I thought he was hilarious when he'd try to get people to name all the presidents in order for an autograph and shit.


Mick Foley, in my eyes, is exactly how Flair described him in his book. A glorified stunt man. He's not really a GREAT wrestler. He had his great matches, like the one with Hunter and he got his runs with the belt. He had some decent feuds like with The Rock and he was a great promo. I just never had the love for him like most people did.


Foley seems to have got big since he'd get thrown around like a ragdoll. I loved his books though.

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Guest Hunter's Torn Quad

Mick Foley


Backlund had a long run on top, but Foley has had, by far, the most long term impact in WWE, was far better on the mic, and just did more than Backlund.


The 'glorified stuntman' tag on Foley is a bit funny if you actually think about it, because all wrestlers are like that. Stuntmen and wrestlers both take bumps, falls and dives, it's just that wrestler take theirs in a manner that tells a story and sells tickets. Foley took bigger bumps than everyone else, but they were still bumps.

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Guest KingPK



Backlund's heel turn was great at the time, but Foley had many more "special moments" in this timeframe and endeared himself to the fans probably more than any other wrestler in WWF history.

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Guest teke184

Mick Foley.



This is a no-contest because Backlund's only run in the timespan allotted was his 1993-1995 run and it only resulted in one good match, with Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1994.


Foley had a longer run in the upper card, better matches, and drew more money in the timeframe.

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