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First round match #27


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Tuesday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Jeff Hardy


Ramon hit a higher card status than Hardy, thanks to good matches with guys like Michaels and Bret Hart (what a surprise!). Scott Hall's career went into the sunset quickly due to personal issues, which is the same as Hardy, but Jeff, in his own ladder matches, never needed to be carried and created his own presence, unlike Hall. Going with Jeff here.

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Razor Ramon


I was never a fan of Jeff Hardy, even when he was slightly less deteriorated, just because I had seen Rey and Juvi do all the stuff he did much better in WCW, and had seen Shawn Michaels take better beatings years prior. The idea that Scott Hall was once a great worker is laughable, but he was once a carryable worker, and he has more good matches under his belt, despite his run being shorter. Also made a bigger splash overall and is more remembered.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Razor Ramon


Even if we were just voting "Best Ladder Matches", I'd give the nod to Razor here.

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Guest Alfdogg

Razor Ramon


It should be noted that I've voted for every Clique member, but against Sid, Jericho and Booker. I piss on Loss's magical drawing hat. :P

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Guest KingPK

Razor Ramon


Jeff had the personality of lint though I respect his willingness (while under an altered mental state or not) to almost kill himself for my enjoyment. Da Bad Guy was just too cool a character, and his match with Bret Hart at the 1993 Rumble wasn't that bad.

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Guest teke184

Jeff Hardy


Jeff had a longer tenure in the company, got over tremendously well despite being a long-time jobber before his tag push in 1999, and had more good matches.



Razor was involved in one of the best WWF matches ever, but he was playing the broomstick to HBK's Ric Flair in that match.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Razor Ramon.


Jeff was nothing but a spot machine with a teenage following. Razor had depth. Not the greatest worker, but an excellent character and the charisma that made whatever he was involved in seem cool.

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