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First round match #30


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end Tuesday morning. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Rob Van Dam


Neither of these guys had great careers, and while Matt may be a better worker, RVD was pushed immediately when he was over, albeit briefly. Hardy never was when Mattitude started taking off. RVD also had a cup of coffee with the main event. RVD wins here.

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Rob Van Dam


Hardy is by far the more complete wrestler with the better attitude, but RVD has had more impact in the big picture. That could change one day, if Hardy will shut up and stop burning bridges, but I have to give the nod to Van Dam here.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Rob Van Dam


RVD hasn't done anything for the last two years, but we still vote him over Matt Hardy. That should really say something about how badly the WWF screwed him up on the tail end of the Alliance angle.

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Guest teke184




Rob walked into the WWF in 2001 and made himself one of the top guys in the company with little to no help from WWF management. He's also been continuously over since then.


Matt's had a more consistant workrate and has gotten over very well for his placement at the card, but he was never seen as a top-flight singles guy like RVD has been.

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Guest Bruiser Chong



Both guys were wasted, though. If either one had been given moderate support, they could've been some of the most entertaining wrestlers on the roster.

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