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Bracket #2, Round #3, Match #1


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Vote for the wrestler that you think had the better career in WWE (whether you base that on impact or match quality is your decision), from 1985 to 2005. Voting will end tomorrow morning at the latest. Please give the wrestler's name first and any explanation thereafter. Thanks.

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Chris Jericho


I think if you compare their overall careers, Curt Hennig at his best was better than Chris Jericho at his best, but Jericho reached a level Perfect was just shy of in this company in this time frame, he's had more good-great matches and he's a better interview as well.

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Guest KingPK



Though X-8 made money because of Hogan-Rock, lets not kid ourselves here. He's battled through multiple booking disasters to keep himself over with the fans.

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Guest Bruiser Chong



I think both were the victims of poor booking, but Jericho has proven to be more versatile as time has gone on. Perfect had a great gimmick, but never seemed able/willing to adapt to the times and situation.

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