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Meltzer makes an interesting point about Jeff Hardy


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I'm reading the new WON and he mentions how WWE is using Jeff refusing to go to rehab as a babyface aspect of his character. It's interesting that a company like WWE that can't seem to get out of it's own way in terms of drug issues would make it a positive that someone wouldn't go to rehab.


At least it's something to ponder the next time you see someone trying to make the argument that WWE doesn't subtly encourage or discourage certain behaviors.

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I'm reading the new WON and he mentions how WWE is using Jeff refusing to go to rehab as a babyface aspect of his character. It's interesting that a company like WWE that can't seem to get out of it's own way in terms of drug issues would make it a positive that someone wouldn't go to rehab.


At least it's something to ponder the next time you see someone trying to make the argument that WWE doesn't subtly encourage or discourage certain behaviors.

Yeah I thought his comeback of "I guess I'm not perfect like you" was kind of an odd statement for the babyface to make when Punk was making a point that he's never been in trouble with drugs or alcohol.


Bruce Mitchell is convinced that they are doing it to make it seem like Hardy will be gone on another strike if he decides to not renew his contract. It's a compelling argument, with how they treat wrestlers who aren't indebted to them.

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I'll immediately reference the Amy Winehouse song so that someone else doesn't. No, no, no. There.


I guess the idea is supposed to be that Punk is exaggerating Jeff's drug problem. So when he talks about how he didn't go to rehab, he's saying "Hey, my problem was never THAT bad!" (On a related note, anyone remember Jeff's hilarious and sad addict-in-denial interviews he gave after being fired in 2003? "I didn't fail a test for drugs, I failed a test for A drug.") I think it was on the LAW that Meltzer and the hosts of the show speculated that perhaps the company is bringing all this stuff to the forefront as a ploy to get Jeff to stay because if he disappears after all this talk of his drug test failures, fans will think he got a third strike and was fired. I can't say for sure that all this stuff is solely due to his leaving, as it does make a perfect storyline considering his feud with Punk. But the timing is very interesting. And so is the role reversal of the anti-drug crusader being a bad guy and the addict being the hero. How very Attitude Era of them.


Has it ever come out what exactly Jeff failed for last year. Between the comments that his failure was due to "immaturity" and HHH's comments about "the wacky pills," I'm thinking LSD or Ecstasy.

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I'm reading the new WON and he mentions how WWE is using Jeff refusing to go to rehab as a babyface aspect of his character. It's interesting that a company like WWE that can't seem to get out of it's own way in terms of drug issues would make it a positive that someone wouldn't go to rehab.


At least it's something to ponder the next time you see someone trying to make the argument that WWE doesn't subtly encourage or discourage certain behaviors.

Yeah I thought his comeback of "I guess I'm not perfect like you" was kind of an odd statement for the babyface to make when Punk was making a point that he's never been in trouble with drugs or alcohol.

Well, Vince supposedly does like to brag that he can snort as much cocaine as he likes and never gets hooked, so I can see him looking down on people who need to go to rehab as being weak minded individuals who should be able to quit cold turkey. Hardy's comeback also perfectly exemplifies the mentality within the wrestling industry, as guys like Punk are often heat magnets because it's so unusual to choose a straight-edged lifestyle in the wrestling business.

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Guest jaedmc

Has it ever come out what exactly Jeff failed for last year. Between the comments that his failure was due to "immaturity" and HHH's comments about "the wacky pills," I'm thinking LSD or Ecstasy.

Pretty sure Jeff was doing meth.


I can see both sides of the argument in terms of whether this is a good storyline for them to be doing or not. I think the biggest problem is Jeff, as per usual, isn't very good at talking and expressing himself verbally. This is kind of similar to when Edge would say he's a screw up, and Jeff would just retort with something like "Yeah, well this screw up is gonna BEAT YOU!" It doesn't really top the heel's speech, so you're left trying to justify why to cheer this guy.

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Guest Kenta Batista

I'm not sure why this is a surprise to people. Austin pretty much changed the fans perspective on 'right' and 'wrong' in pro wrestling,during the late 90's. Its cool to do 'whatever' as people can relate to it. People can relate to Hardy's struggles and his demons and people are sympatheic as we all know Eddie had his demons and tons of other great wrestlers. Hardy comes off as a guy who is doing the best he can with his life and though he choices might not be the best, it has made him who he is today. So its easy to see why he would come off as face in this and why WWE would use that.


In all reality, I don't see any way WWE can turn the tables and have Hardy be a heel because he doesn't want to go to rehab. He would still be the sympathetic character as people would say "Yeah, Hardy just attacked Taker, but I'm not going to boo him because I know he is on a Trip right now and doesn't know what he's doing'. Imagine Punking yelling at him and slapping Hardy around telling Hardy to get his shit together. INSTANT heat. Both sides,while switching the intended roles of the characters, would produce the same reaction from the crowd.

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