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About this blog

A journal detailing my project of watching everything from the decade (that I can find).

Entries in this blog

2000-2009 DONE!

Finally! I have first-run watched the entire decade and I'm so glad, because 2009 was a difficult thing to watch. So with that said, I'm going to end/suspend this blog and do my final run through (which will be much more fun/easy as it is only a limited subset of matches) and probably post my "results" in the main forum.   The blog didn't really help as much as I thought it would as it really became a hassle to remember to update it when I have excel files and assorted information here on



October, November, and December 2008

So I finished the year of PPV's/big shows (with the exception of ROH as I am completely burned out with that promotion) and about about 60% through TV which I'll be finishing up this month. The plan from here is going to be:   Get a Top 10 for both WWE and TNA from the re-watch pile for 2008. TV and PPV for TNA/WWE 2009 ROH 2008 ROH 2009 Top 10's/year for WCW, ECW (00-01), WWE, TNA, and ROH Try and hammer out a Top 20 for Other US   Who knows after that. I'm going to eventually



July, August, September 2008

TNA VICTORY ROAD 2008   MCMG/Curry Man v. Ultimo Guerrero/Rey Bucanero/Averno v. Doug Williams/Alex Koslov/Tyson Dux v. Yossino/Puma/Milano Collection AT - 3rd Round of World X Cup.   Great, fun match. Constant action and executed just like TNA wanted I'm sure. I definitely was entertained. If this was 12 TNA guys, it probably would have stunk, but having some vets in there from all over just made it awesome. Standings before was Mexico and TNA tied for 3. Team International and Team



Thoughts on TNA

There is a thread on the main board asking if TNA is the worst promotion in history. The thread was started six years ago and I never commented on it. I figured I would post my thoughts here to avoid accusations of trolling because my opinion may not be a popular one.   TNA is not the worst promotion in history. In fact, I believe it is better than the sacred cow known as the original ECW.   I've watched 154 of TNA's PPV's and all Impacts so I feel confident in this statement. Granted,



April, May, June 2008

TNA Lockdown 2008   Black Machismo, Curry Man, Sonjay Dutt, Johnny Devine, Consequences Creed, Shark Boy - X Title   Pin or submission until last two with winner having to escape the cage. Dutt and Shark Boy go out early. Creed looked good before being eliminated. Devine stole Jay Briscoe's Jay Driller calling it the Devine intervention to pin Curry Man. Lethal retains with goofy finish. Nothing special   Frank Trigg gives his analysis on main event. Says Angle wins.   Queen of t



January, February, and March 2008

Final Resolution 2008 (January Edition)   Only thing notable about the opener is the reveal of Salinas as the "thug" attacking Christy Hemme. I have an unhealthy love for Shelley Martinez.   Silliness throughout the show for the drinking championship between Young and Storm. Was what it was.   The rest of the show up to the main event was skippable stuff with the exception of Gail Kim v. Kong which was the best match on the show.Notable angle stuff was Sharmell getting a "broken jaw"



Personal note/Tune in, Tune Out.

I wanted to make a quick post to say that going over 2008 and 2009 is going to be a first time run with the material and I really am looking forward to it. The last PPV I ordered and watched was 2008's WrestleMania 24 and the last PPV's I watched in any fashion was a semi-reliable stream of WrestleMania 25 and then the top three matches from this year's Mania show.   Beyond that and probably 2% of television I've seen nothing since WrestleMania 24. I did "come back" a few times, but they



... And on to 2008

I finally acquired 2008 TNA and WWE PPV's to continue this project, and then I remembered I had three ROH shows I had to download and watch before I could. This post will cover those shows.   Race To The Top Tournament Night 2- Edison, NJ 7/28/07 Honor Nation- Boston, MA 10/5/07 Unscripted III- Chicago Ridge, IL 12/1/07       Race To The Top Tournament Night 2- Edison, NJ 7/28/07   Having moved ahead in 2007 ROH, I knew that Claudio Castagnoli had won the tournament, but I still



50 Eliminated matches and another update

Finally. I just finished the second to last run through for 2000-2004 US. I've also finished up first viewing of US through 2007 and am about to begin what I just finished for the first half of the decade for 2005-2007. I hope to have all 2008/2009 footage available by then.   I was able to eliminate 50 matches that made the initial cut through 2004. Most of these matches looked good to great while viewed in context of complete shows, but somehow either fell short when compared against ot



Quick Update

For anyone who may be keeping up with this blog, but mostly for my own records I wanted throw up a quick update.   It seems I've hit a wall with this project, but I seem to be coming around and finishing up some lose ends.   I've finished all of WWE TV (RAW, Smackdown, ECW, etc) for 2007 and about the first six months of TNA Impact!. So far I have seven TV matches picked as contender's for MOTY.   I felt I needed a change of pace half way through Impact for 2007 so I went back to try a



December 2007

So I finally finished* 2007 PPV's and big shows. Now I'm finishing 2007 TV surprisingly quick.   So my copy of ROH Unscripted III from 12.1.07 is unwatchable so I had to skip it for now and am actively looking for another source.   TNA Turning Point 12.2.07   Such a bad PPV. The tables match opener was terrible despite having MCMG's and Black Machismo involved. This just strengthened my case that Team 3-D does and has always sucked. Johnny Devine is right there with them.   The K



November 2007

Glory By Honor VI: Night 1   Out of the nine matches on the card, I found four to be standard for ROH. Nothing bad, nothing great, but everything was fine.   The top of the class trophy match between Ernie Osiris and Mitch Franklin wasn't good, but I didn't expect more. The other below average was Hero v. McGuinness since Nigel was working hurt. I just think they shouldn't have had the match at all.   The tag titles match (Briscoes v. No Remorse Corps), The Austin Aries v. Danielson



October 2007

ROH Survival of the Fittest 10-19-2007   This wasn't a bad show, but compared to the previous three Surivival of the Fittest shows, this was disappointing. The qualifying matches were full of debuting wrestlers such as Karl Anderson, TJ Perkins (debut outside of wrestling as Puma), Human Tornado, and Tony Kozina which, to me didn't make much sense being that it was a tournament designed to elevate full-time talent. None of the above really were impressive although none were outright awful e



2000 Wrap-Up/2007 Update

Notes on the last few matches from 2000 that didn't make final cuts.   Triple H v. Chris Benoit - Non-Title Match - WWE Smackdown 2.3.00   Cool that it is Benoit's first official match in the WWE, but this is short and nothing special compared to many other matches within the year.   HHH v. Chris Jericho - RAW 6.12.00   These two had better matches against one another within the year. It's heated and a fun pop with the temporary title change, but nothing "best of" about it.   HHH



2000 Post: Part 2

These are all matches from 2000 that were cut after all viewing for the promotions were completed and the reasons why.   ECW   Super Crazy v. Tajiri - Mexican Death Match - ECW on TNN 1.15.00   I went over this in my last post.   CW Anderson v. Tommy Dreamer - I Quit Match 1.7.01   I know this was from the year 2001, but since ECW only ran three shows before going out of business, I went ahead and finished it up. This is actually the only match from 2001 ECW that I thought wort



2000 Post: Part 1

After I finalized my North American List for 2000, I thought it would be interesting to look in the Wrestling Observer and see if any matches Dave rated * * * * or higher were missing from my list. Here's what I found.   HHH v. Mick Foley (WWE, 2/27, Hartford) ****1/2   I am a Mick Foley fan, but as much as he fights against the label of "glorified stuntman" it seems that this decade is not something he'd like to reference as part of any kind of defense.   Arguably, the best matches of



Synopsis of recent viewing

As of today, I'm about 1/3 of the way through TNA's October 2007 PPV offering, Bound for Glory. Not much in the way of good so far and most of the focus has been on Karen and Kurt Angle's marriage. It doesn't do anything for me in terms of good matches, but man is Karen Angle one beautiful woman.   In WWE land it's Cyber Sunday that is up next. John Cena had just been injured and so the title picture shifted to Randy Orton and Triple H. At No Mercy, HHH won the title from Orton (who was g



Modus Operandi

I've always wanted to do, or participate in a "Best of" something in regards to wrestling. The reason(s) I had not is due to lack of time, footage, knowledge, etc (excluding two 80's DVDVR projects I simply had to do). After realizing if I were to do something in that regard myself, then I wouldn't have to deal with any deadlines and could complete it at my own pace. This is what has brought me here, to the decade of the 2000's. I chose it for many reasons which include:   * I've seen 80



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